Updating / building GNOME-2.32 before moving on to GNOME-3,0

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at xs4all.nl
Sun May 8 22:49:52 CEST 2011

> We probably need to go through the modules one at a time,
> checking that they are at least as up-to-date as the version
> given by "jhbuild info".

I turned it on its head, and found a GNOME ftp mirror site and
looked at the tarballs under the 2.32.0 directories rather than
the jhbuild confusion. The list below covers most of the sources,
but probably now all. Going source by source would take forever.

In the sections below, [TODO] marks Lunar modules that did not
get rebuilt using 'jhbuild list' info, or where I now see that
the module is out of date. A minus shows there is no Lunar
module with that name. I wasn't sure about the Perl bindings,
hence the question mark.

If someone knows where to find "Building Gnome for Dummies"
please let this dummy know where it is.

Duncan / engelsman

1. GNOME 2.32.0 platform [1]:

package                 GNOME           Lunar

GConf                   2.32.0          2.32.0
ORBit2                  2.14.19         2.14.19
at-spi                  1.32.0          1.32.0
atk                     1.32.0          1.32.0
audiofile               0.2.7           0.2.7
esound                  0.2.41          0.2.41  [TODO!]
gdk-pixbuf              2.22.0          2.22.1
glib-2                  2.26.0          2.28.6
gnome-mime-data         2.18.0          2.18.0
gnome-vfs               2.24.4          2.24.4
gnome-vfs-monikers      2.15.3          2.15.3
gtk+-2                  2.22.0          2.22.1
gtk-doc                 1.15            1.17
libIDL                  0.8.14          0.8.14
libart_lgpl             2.3.21          2.3.21
libbonobo               2.32.0          2.32.0
libbonoboui             2.24.4          2.24.4
libglade                2.6.4           2.6.4
libgnome                2.32.0          2.32.1
libgnomecanvas          2.30.2          2.30.3
libgnoneui              2.24.4          2.24.5
pango                   1.28.3          1.28.4

[1] http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/platform/2.32/2.32.0/sources

2. GNOME 2.32.0 desktop [2]:

package                 GNOME           Lunar

alacarte                0.13.2          0.13.2
at-spi                  -               1.32.0
at-spi2-atk             0.4.0           -       [conflicts at-spi]
at-spi2-core            0.4.0           -       [conflicts at-spi]
brasero                 2.32.0          2.32.1
bug-buddy               2.32.0          2.32.0
cheese                  2.32.0          2.32.0
dasher                  4.11            4.11
dconf                   0.5.1           0.5.1   [in zbeta]
deskbar-applet          2.32.0          2.32.0
ekiga                   3.2.7           3.3.0
empathy                 2.32.0          2.30.2  [TODO!]
eog                     2.32.0          2.32.1
epiphany                2.30.6          2.31.5  [TODO]
evince                  2.32.0          2.32.0
evolution               2.32.0          2.32.2
evolution-data-server   2.32.0          2.32.2
evolution-exchange      2.32.0          2.32.1
evolution-mapi          0.32.0          -
evolution-webcal        2.32.0          2.32.0
file-roller             2.32.0          2.32.1
gcalctool               5.32.0          5.32.2
gconf-editor            2.32.0          2.32.0
gdm                     2.32.0          2.32.1
gedit                   2.30.4          2.30.4
gnome-applets           2.32.0
gnome-backgrounds       2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-bluetooth         2.32.0          2.30.0  [TODO!]
gnome-color-manager     2.32.0          -
gnome-control-center    2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-desktop           2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-desktop-sharp     2.26.0          2.24.0  [TODO!]
gnome-disk-utility      2.32.0          -
gnome-doc-utils         0.20.0          0.20.3
gnome-games             2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-icon-theme        2.31.0          2.31.0
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic       2.31.0  -
gnome-keyring           2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-mag               0.16.2          0.16.3
gnome-media             2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-menus             2.32.4          2.32.5
gnome-netstatus         2.28.2          2.28.2
gnome-nettool           2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-packagekit        2.32.0          -
gnome-panel             2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-power-manager     2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-python-desktop    2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-screensaver       2.30.2          2.30.2
gnome-session           2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-settings-daemon   2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-sharp             2.24.1          2.24.2
gnome-speech            0.4.25          -
gnome-system-monitor    2.28.2          2.28.2
gnome-system-tools      2.32.0          2.32.0
gmome-terminal          2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-themes            2.32.0          2.32.1
gnome-user-docs         2.32.0          2.32.0
gnome-user-share        2.30.1          2.30.2  [TODO]
gnome-utils             2.32.0          2.32.0
gobject-introspection   0.9.8           0.10.8
gok                     2.30.1          2.30.1
gst-plugins-base        0.10.30         0.10.32
gst-plugins-good        0.10.25         0.10.28
gstreamer-10            0.10.30         0.10.30
gtk-engines2            2.20.1          2.20.2
gtkhtml                 3.32.0          3.32.2
gtksourceview           2.10.5          2.10.5
gucharmap               2.32.0          2.32.1
gvfs                    1.6.4           1.7.2
hamster-applet          2.32.0          2.28.2  [TODO!]
libgail-gnome           1.20.3          1.20.3
libgnome-keyring        2.32.0          2.32.0
libgnomekbd             2.32.0          2.32.0
libgnomeprint           2.18.8          2.18.8  [TODO]
libgnomeprintui         2.18.6          2.18.6  [TODO]
libgtop                 2.28.2          2.28.2
libgweather             2.30.3          2.30.3
liboobs                 2.32.0          2.32.0
librsvg                 2.32.0          2.34.0
libsoup                 2.32.0          2.32.2
libwnck                 2.30.5          2.30.6
metacity                2.30.3          2.30.3
mousetweaks             2.32.0          2.32.1
nautilus                2.32.0          2.32.1
nautilus-sendto         2.32.0          -
orca                    2.32.0          2.32.1
pygtksourceview         2.10.1          2.10.0  [TODO]
rygel                   0.8.1           -
seahorse                2.32.0          2.30.1  [TODO]
seahorse-plugins        2.30.1          2.30.1  ?
sound-juicer            2.32.0          2.32.0
swfdec-gnome            2.30.1          2.30.1
tomboy                  1.4.0           1.4.0   [TODO]
totem                   2.32.0          2.32.0
totem-pl-parser         2.32.0          2.32.3
vinagre                 2.30.3          2.30.3
vino                    2.32.0          2.32.1
vte                     0.26.0          0.26.2
yelp                    2.30.2          2.30.2
zenity                  2.32.0          2.32.1

[2] http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/desktop/2.32/2.32.0/sources

3. GNOME 2.32.0 bindings [3]:

package                 GNOME           Lunar

atkmm                   2.22.0          2.22.2
gconfmm                 2.28.2          2.28.2  [TODO]
glibmm                  2.24.2          2.24.2
gnome-vfsmm             2.26.0          2.26.0  [TODO]
gtkmm                   2.22.0          2.22.0
libglademm              2.6.7           2.6.7   [TODO]
libgnomecanvasmm        2.26.0          2.26.0  [TODO]
libgnomemm              2.30.0          2.30.0  [TODO]
libgnomeuimm            2.28.0          2.28.0  [TODO]
libsigc++2              2.2.8           2.2.9
libxml++                2.30.1          2.33.1  [TODO]
mm-common               0.9.2           -
pangomm                 2.26.2          2.26.3

glib-java               0.4.2           -
libgconf-java           2.12.6          -
libglade-java           2.12.8          -
libgnome-java           2.12.7          -
libgtk-java             2.10.2          -

gjs                     0.7.2           -
seed                    2.31.91         2.30.0

gtk-sharp               2.12.10         2.12.10

Glib                    1.222           ?
Gnome2                  1.042           ?
Gnome2-Canvas           1.002           ?
Gnome2-GConf            1.044           ?
Gnome2-VFS              1.081           ?
Gtk2                    1.221           ?
Gtk2-GladeXML           1.007           ?
Pango                   1.221           ?

gnome-python            2.28.1          2.28.1
pyatspi                 0.4.0           -
pygobject               2.26.0          2.28.4
pygtk                   2.22.0          2.22.0  [in python]
pyorbit                 2.24.0          2.24.0

[3] http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/bindings/*/2.32/2.32.0/sources

4. GNOME 2.32.0 devtools [4]:

package                 GNOME           Lunar

accerciser              1.12.0          1.12.1
anjuta2                 2.32.0        [TODO!]
devhelp                 2.32.0          2.32.0
gdl                     2.30.1          2.30.0  [TODO]
glade3                  3.6.7           3.6.7
gnome-devel-docs        2.32.0          2.28.1

[4] http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/devtools/2.32/2.32.0/sources

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