Dependencies, their tracking and what we need to improve.

Dennis Veatch dennisveatch at
Thu Jul 14 02:27:30 CEST 2011

On Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:11:20 AM Zbigniew Luszpinski wrote:
> > There are still some open questions that need additional discussion or
> > clarification about Lunar's dependency system. In the past there has
> > been some talk about switching the dependency tracking to a database
> > and Jean has done some work using sqlite.
> > 
> > With the help of Ratler it is now in a usable shape as for its speed.
> > There are a few things left such as tying it into lin, lvu, etc and
> > what should be done as a fall back should the database become
> > completely hosed.
> > 
> > Before that happens (if it does) there has been mixed opinions about
> > dependencies. Specifically;
> > 
> > 1. those of the optional variety
> > 2. how explicit the DEPENDS should be
> > 3. and how far down the tree should a `lrm -p $MODULE` should go
> > 4. do we really need to switch to a database or provide a user with a
> > choice of database or current method
> > 
> > Point 1 - Auke has stated he does not like seeing an optional_depends
> > without an accompanying on/off switch. I can understand that because
> > the optional_depends without it could cause the module to fail
> > requiring the user to lrm the offender and then later on reinstall it.
> > 
> > But the problem is this; there are many modules with their configure and
> > cmake scripts that have no corresponding on/off switch. For example;
> > kdelibs4 has no way to enable/disable grantlee even though it can be
> > used during its build. So what is an acceptable method of handling
> > these types of optional_depends?
> > 
> > Point 2 - This has some bearing on Point 1 in that to make a modules
> > DEPENDS more explicit we run into those that have no corresponding
> > on/off switch. The second part to this point is; how far down the tree
> > should we go to have a comprehensive dependency tracking system?
> > 
> > Point 3 - As it stands now and I have not tried this in a very long time
> > because it broke my box; at what point do we halt a `lrm -p $MODULE`?
> > Even with a ultra-mega super-duper tracking system this would still be
> > of concern.
> > 
> > Point 4 - I am amiable to the idea if only from the point that it
> > could/would speed up the sorting which right now is not so great. Just
> > so that we have it documented, please itemize what a database
> > dependency tracking system would provide and potentially change how a
> > DEPENDS is currently constructed.
> > 
> > If we are going to move forward to improve the dependency tracking I
> > feel there needs to be additional inputs. If the work Jean has done is
> > the direction to head it will need testing on multiple boxes by
> > multiple users (devs). I have no problem being part of that but given
> > the scope the more the merrier.
> > 
> > Side note; Would it be preferable to setup an IRC meeting to discuss
> > this or is everyone fine with the mail list?
> One more thing.  Two options in lunar menu would be useful for depends:
> [X] If module installed use it as optional depends without asking

I disagree with that; mainly it would be an extra layer/function that really 
does not address any of the points in this thread. At this point I do not 
think we need another menu selection.

A user should always have the choice regarding optional_depends and is in part 
the bone of contention put forth by Auke to which I agree. See Point 1.

The only idea I have to address Point 1 is one I don't particularly like and 
it goes something like this;

Create our own on/off switch, call it --lunar-opt-on and --lunar-opt-off (yes my 
naming convention skills suck). If an optional_depends is already installed, 
configure/cmake will setup themselves up to use it. So you use --lunar-opt-off, 
the optional_depends will be removed and after the module is installed, re-
install the optional_depends.

> [X] If module not installed do not ask to install it as optional depends

I don't understand what your driving at here and if I do it makes no sense.

> have a nice day,
> Zbigniew Luszpinski

Dennis `stumbles` Veatch
Lunar Linux Developer

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