installed uudeview may break some build with strange errors

Zbigniew Luszpinski zbiggy at
Sat May 8 18:30:39 CEST 2010


I have noticed that since I have uudeview installed some builds broke with strange error.
This happens because in my case uudecode does not decode uue files and return 0 which means correct result.
For configure script of db module this means uudecode is present, works ok but Test.class is not decoded from uue format.
That is why configure script fails saying that Java class can not be found suggesting that Java installation is broken.
This suggestion is wrong. Java installation is ok. Just uudecode did not decode Test.class which is used for testing Java installation.

This is fix for db I commited today:
# The uudecode from uudeview module does not work.
# It returs 0 meaning errorless execution but actually does nothing:
# it does not decode uue encoded files. That is why configure breaks
# if uudeview module is installed.
  if module_installed uudeview; then
     sedit 's/uudecode/nouudecode/g' dist/configure
  fi &&

The db module compiles fine now.

If you encounter module which breaks when uudeview is installed make sure the strange error displayed is not connected to uudecode.

have a nice day,
Zbigniew Luszpinski

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