GIT: warning message about "updating currently checked out branch" and why you should care

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at
Sun May 24 19:03:33 CEST 2009

> So, from what's been said, and some experimenting with multiple local
> repositories, if I want to continue working in the same way described in
> I need:
> 1. On doppio to clone a bare copy of the central moonbase.git
>    git clone --bare git:// remote.bare
> 2. On doppio, clone a working copy from that for the review script
>    git clone remote.bare
> 3. On my box, clone a local working copy from my bare repo on doppio
>    git clone ssh://
> As far as I can tell so far, no longer needs the
>     git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\.'
>     git config remote.origin.push master:refs/remotes/satellite/master
> lines that came from the Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So article.
> In remote.bare I can now 'git push' to moonbase,git without warning,
> but I now need to 'git fetch' from moonbase.git instead of 'git pull'
> In, I can 'git push' to, and 'git pull' from remote.bare.
> In, I can 'git push' to, and 'git pull' from remote.bare.
> I have to push/pull things via remote.bare if I want to share them
> between and because (a) my firewall is closed
> so can't pull from, and (b) can't
> push to because it's not a bare repo.
> Phew! I think I'm getting my head around it.
> Is there anything that I missed before I update the wiki page?

I've finally updated the wiki page.

Can anyone tell me why the git config line doesn't work from my moonbase.git
on doppio when pushing to the central moonbase,git?

I don't understand why I still need to
git push /var/git/lunar/moonbase.git lunar

Duncan / engelsman

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