Module submission review script on doppio

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at
Sun Jan 11 21:39:57 CET 2009

Sofar has a 'review' script for automating module submission handling
on doppie that you run in a test branch of your moonbase,git. It lets
you eyeball the patch in the editor, runs 'git am' to determine whether
the patch applies cleanly, and then lets you accept, reject or defer the
patch. The submitter receives an appropriate mail message.

In /home/engelsman/ on doppio I have an update to Sofar's
review script that provides an additional 'thank' option so that the
submitter gets a 'Thanks, but someone has updated it already' message,
and the queue is tidied.

Any ideas how it could be run in someone's local moonbase.git rather
than needing a session on doppio?

Duncan / engelsman

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