php module

Jean-Michel Bruenn jean.bruenn at
Fri Sep 21 23:31:59 CEST 2007

> Doesn't this just expose a bug in our mirroring/source-cache system.
> Too often projects will pull old versions of their source, aren't we
> locally hosting as much source code as possible for situations exactly
> like this?  I've run into casses where the original source is missing
> and our lresort doesn't have it either?  Can't we get that up to
> snuff?

Is there a list containing projects removing their source when
releasing a new version? Maybe we could start making such a list and
storing the latest two versions on our mirrors? That shouldn't take
much traffic and space, cause big projects always stores many versions
of their application (i mean, i haven't seen projects like KDE, xfce,
xorg, etc storing only the latest version - We have this problem only
at smaller projects).

We could have a list (perhaps stored in a database) this list could be
processed by a bash script wgeting the actual source (ONCE) and after
it checking if there's a new version (simply checking in moonbase)
and downloading again the actual version - Now we have two versions -
if our bash script (in a cronjob) sees that there's again a new version
available (someone wrote a TESTED update in moonbase for modul xyz) the
bash script would remove the OLDEST version and download again the
actual one.

or something like this?!


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