read bash?

Jan Eidtmann cmak at
Mon Feb 12 16:33:50 CET 2007

On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 12:17:41 -0800
Auke Kok <sofar at> wrote:
>I'm OK with the general idea, however I would like to see a separate LVM init.d 
>script (installed through the LVM2 module) that handles the lvm code before 
>mount does. That way we have a pluggable system and offload some logic to a new 
>script in a safe place. It would be a lot cleaner as well.
>Do you think that might be feasable? Can you give it a try to make such a thing? 
>It should be very simple of course...

vgscan and vgchange need /proc mounted.
seems like we have to mount proc (and maybe /dev too) in a 
seperate mount script. that way we could have seperate init 
scripts for lvm and cryptsetup (needs proc and dev). its 
feasable for me.
we just move some of the code from mount to, say, sysmount, 
where we mount proc and dev.


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