[Lunar-commits] r25516 - moonbase/trunk/zbeta/flash-plugin-beta

Jon South striker at lunar-linux.org
Thu Aug 23 14:18:41 CEST 2007

Zbigniew Luszpinski wrote:
> Hey do not make gossip. I only wrote mr. B. G. (who perceives Linux as 
> competition and enemy) would be happy as a possible effect of reading 
> unfortunate (I hope) misunderstanding of Adobe's release notes creator.

Make gossip? You, sir, are the one making gossip accusing people of 
"black PR" when you have no proof -- also Gates is hardly involved in 
microsoft anymore and I highly doubt he perceives Linux as a threat when 
windows clearly has more and more market share.

> I wrote Adobe is making black PR by placing false statement...

False statement? Yes, I can just imagine a PR department scheming:

PR Dude 1: Man, I hate these linux cowboys, how can we piss them off?
PR Dude 2: Oh, I know, let's make some obviously incorrect statements 
about linux's capabilities, that'll really make a whole 5 people angry.
PR Dude 1: Great idea! I can just imagine the bug reports.
-A day later, zbiggy falls for their perfectly crafted "Black PR"-
PR Dude 2: Hah! Told you.

I'm sure it was EXACTLY how it went. Not.

More to the point: I'd be willing to bet, whoever wrote that particular 
phrase is not a linux flash player developer (or even a windows flash 
developer), and probably was told "No we can't do hardware scaling in 
Linux" and thought he meant /Linux/ cannot do it, when clearly the 
developer meant /flash player/ can't.

My overall point about this is everyone that makes these types comments 
are stating them with a *very biased* opinion that someone is doing 
everything intentionally just to stir you or the *nix/open source community.

So, next time you want to say something negative about a company for 
something like this, take a deep breath, take a neutral point of view 
(i.e. pull your head out of your ass), and look at things logically, 
especially when a large company like microsoft or adobe is involved -- 
chances are it's more likely an accident and not intentional.

> Now another beta is out and I see this false statement in Fixed part so it 
> will disappear soon.

This just proves it wasn't "black PR," otherwise they would have told 
you to shove off. Do you understand what I'm getting at now?


P.S. - Just to beat the dead horse some more: "If you don't have 
anything GOOD to say, keep your mouth shut." -- My Angry Mom

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