modules that call configure without passing $OPTS

Jon South striker at
Mon Jul 10 18:35:29 UTC 2006

I sent this once with the wrong address, so if there's a dupe, apologies.

[15:42:44]<JPohlmann> Striker`Work: Yeah, a lot of modules call
./configure directly and forget to pass $OPTS.

Here is a list matching that description...

In case anyone is curious as to how I compiled this list, here's the
quick one-liner I wrote to help me, so some modules may have been
missed, and i might've accidently marked a couple wrong... (make sure
you run this from the root of your moonbase if you actually want to try
it :)

MODS=""; for foo in `find -name BUILD | xargs grep -l configure`; do
clear; MODULE="$(echo $foo | sed -r 's|^.*/([^/]+)/BUILD|\1|g')"; if [[
"$(grep OPTS $foo)x" == "x" ]]; then echo "Adding invalid module:
$MODULE"; MODS="$MODULE $MODS"; else echo "Module: $MODULE"; cat $foo |
sed -r 's/^(.*(configure|OPTS).*)$/\x1b[7m\1\x1b[0m/g'; echo -en
'\n\nModule correct? '; read -n1 o; if [[ "${o}x" == "x" || "${o}x" ==
"nx" ]]; then MODS="$MODULE $MODS"; fi; fi; done; clear; echo -e
"Incorrect modules:\n\n$MODS"

Incorrect modules:

magicfilter lprng gtray tar-static zlib gzip tar lzo enlightenment dsh
GWorkspace endeavour2 mc ltmodem modutils module-init-tools cipe qca-tls
firestarter nss_ldap Linux-PAM cryptoapi gnutls util-linux-crypto krb5
pgp openjade opensp texinfo man device-mapper nfs-utils lvm2 lvm screen
x11-ssh-askpass xosd dxsamples alliance jasper gdal dx egcs64 ocaml gcc4
gcc2 gcl gcc jpilot glade terminus-font ore TeXmacs manedit elvis gawk
sed jed pan-cvs tightvnc-beta Wine-cvs rpm console-tools gpm-docs
smsclient pilot-link bottlerocket fcron metamail fileutils util-linux
wine rcs kbd gpm bc avifile mplayerplug-in mythtv ogle_gui avidemux
xawtv piave Bcast xvidcore libungif gtkglarea2 povray netpbm imlib2
freetype2 freetype1 skencil fnlib gtk+ sodipodi libglade gnome-utils
gnome-games gnome-chess gnome-admin gtkhtml control-center grustibus
gtkhtml2 bonobo gnome-python gnome-objc gnome-libs gnome-core libgtop
gnome-vfs ORBit Guppi GConf pinball gnuchess tuxracer xboard barrage
openuniverse SimGear lpairs glaxium gltron freesci kobodeluxe enigma
geki3 geki2 stratagus kaf asc tcllib ltrace g-wrap elfutils guile eruby
bison gcvs arch tcl sip tk xmms-equ alsa-driver xmms-normalize
xmms-infinity xmms-nebulus polypaudio SDL_mixer xmms-itouch ices
xmms-jess mix snownews gnus bbdb cronosII mailcrypt libesmtp
courier-authlib mailman gnu-pop3d readline allegro slang2 erlang
libart_lgpl libntlm slang fftw3 libstdc++5 Hermes pcre newt gdbm fftw
ode kio-locate chkconfig ggz-docs aspell-uk aspell-sv aspell-sk
aspell-ru aspell-ro aspell-pt aspell-pl aspell-no aspell-nl aspell-it
aspell-is aspell-fr aspell-fo aspell-ga aspell-es aspell-eo aspell-en
aspell-el aspell-cy aspell-cs aspell-de aspell-da aspell-br aspell-ca
netwrite dancer-ircd gnomemeeting centericq xaric ircservices
apache-mod_ssl apache mod_ruby clearsilver w3c-libwww Zope pgadmin3
xplanet netkit-telnet netkit-rsh netkit-tftp netkit-base
netkit-bootparamd biff+comsat tightvnc net-tools netkit-ntalk finger
dsniff iproute2 rarpd qadsl SDL_net dhcp vnc ntp netkit-ftp snarf eroaster

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