Out for a while

Nick Hudson nhudson at lunar-linux.org
Fri Sep 17 20:02:45 UTC 2004


	Due to Hurricane Ivan that came through Alabama yesterday, I have no
idea when I will be able to do anything, with anything.  The power is
out at my house and a rough estimate to when it will be on is a week to
a week and a half.  Being that a record number of power outages happened
(800,000+ people, old record was 500,000+) I would say thats a very
rough estimate.  Had some trees down across my drive way that I still
need to clean up and get out of the yard.  We had a tree fall on one of
our fences and break it along with 3-4 trees that were up-rooted around
my house.  No trees fell on my house though, I am having to sit at work
ATM as its the only place I know that has power and air conditioning
(its about 90 deg F outside now and about 91-92% humidity).  Just
thought some of you would like to know where I might have gone to over
the next week or so.  I will be checking my email at work when I can,
the roof at work is leaking, so I dont know how that will turn out
either.  Anyway like I said I will check my email as often as I can if
anyone has any questions, and I will try to be back as soon as possible.

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