about new devs (sorta)

Jerry Lundström prox at lunar-linux.org
Tue Nov 23 13:27:14 UTC 2004

Auke Kok wrote:
 >>     * Would have forwarded mail, with a @lunar-linux.org or
 >>     maintainer.lunar-linux.org or st alike.
 > virtual users... possible but would impose some technical problems
 > (never setup virtual users)

aliases fixes this or if you use postfix this can be done with virtual 
file extreamly easy.

 >>     * Commit priviledges cut down to the modules(s) {,s}he maintains.
 > oops, no can't do. cvs needs proper access thus a valid user. Perhaps a
 > fake shell works but a full account would be required.
 > ( alternatives: chroot? pserver? don't want to go that way... )

This is harder but possible. I did this once to have diffrent access to 
cvs modules by having one cvs group that had access to the CVSROOT and 
then have all users in that group and after that put diffrent groups on 
the modules under the cvs root. This could be done in moonbase/*/* also 
but would be a pain to maintain depending on what lvl of access the 
non-core users should have to others modules.

Maybe look at svn ?

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