Leaving for a bit

Nick Hudson nhudson at lunar-linux.org
Mon May 24 13:55:12 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Greetings all devs,

	I really dont know how to say this but I guess I just need to say
something.  Anyway I am/will be going on some sort of hiatus for a few
weeks or months just to sort out some personal issues I have in my life
at the moment.  I need someone to take over updating modules for me for
a while as I will not be able to over the next few weeks.

	These modules will be all of the Gnome based modules along with
xfree86, XOrg, mozilla, etc.  For those who know what modules I deal
with then you know what I am talking about.  Anyway I need someone who
is familur with the gnome environment and how things work.  If noone
wants to step up and take them then I will try my best to update every
so often but I cant anymore, right now anyway, update on a daily basis
or for the last 2 weeks on a weekly basis.  So if you want to take over
things for a while and you feel like you can handle the extra load it
may or may not put on you then please email me off list.  Of course I am
assuming that all devs on this list have cvs access.  Anyway I will
check my email every day still so if anyone needs me just email me.
Hopefully i can get things back to normal and I will be back in the next
few months.

Nick Hudson
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