lrm/exluded/protected rewrite

Jerry Lundström prox at
Mon Mar 15 08:42:48 GMT 2004

Auke Kok wrote:

> having /etc/foo.conf in the install logs of module foo is not a bad 
> thing, unless it gets removed accidentally. There are 2 (TWO) ways of 
> preventing this:
> 1) have the BUILD install a default foo.conf only if /etc/foo.conf 
> doesn't exist. If the user edits it, then the md5sum will mismatch and 
> it won't get removed. If the user doesn't edit it, he likes the default 
> and should (and will) get the new default cos the md5sum matches, lrm 
> removes it, and lin installs a new default.
> 2) make sure it never gets deleted. Add ^/etc/foo.conf to "protected".

What about in BUILD install_conf examples/foo.conf /etc/foo/ md5:12345 ?

I know ppl are against adding more controlfiles to lunar but we could
add /var/log/lunar/config/ having a small list of all configfiles and
the md5sum. That way when upgrading we can check against the files that
exists in /etc to the md5 when we installed, if they match we can just
put in the new one and if they dont we prompt.

I just want to say also that I dont like the way lunar assume that all
files in /etc are configurefiles. I think a list of configfiles is a
better approche to make a more stable dist (more stable you think, well
I will mail about that later).

/Jerry's 2cent

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