Hello all

Jerry Lundström prox at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 12 10:25:41 GMT 2004


Just wanted to introduce myself to the dev-list. My name is Jerry 
Lundström and I'm a system developer/administrator at Stockholm 
University Sweden.
I have been using Debian since -96 and I havn't been impressed by the 
development Debian has done as a dist for the last year, if you wanted 
to run anything remotly new you needed to run unstable branch and even 
programs there was older then old.
So my coworker Stefan Wold (Ratler on irc) introduced me to lunar and I 
very much like the mix of low and high lvl module/package managment.

Anyway, I hope to contribute my long knowledge of package managment from 
Debian and my development skills to make lunar even better.

I have started one little project, lpkg, lunar package managment. It is 
basicly a better way to package built programs in order to distribute 
them in a binary form. Yes, resurrect exists but that is "only" usefull 
to resurrect modules you accidently deleted (yes it can work to 
distribute them but there is more things to consider then just unpacking 
a tarball).
lpkg patches to module lunar can be found at 
http://kenny.it.su.se/lunar/lpkg/ .

Some other things im considering adding other the bumping and fixing 
modules is a controlled way to fetch and manage non-moonbase modules, 
somewhat in the style of Package/apt in Debian.

Well, to keep it short ill stop now =)
Marry lining to you all

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