locales and utf-8

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at lunar-linux.org
Wed Jun 16 05:52:04 GMT 2004

Jeff Hodges wrote:
> Anyone know what is entailed on building an en_US.UTF8 support on a
> lunar machine? I believe its an available locale in glibc but is not in
> the locales file found in the moonbase (moonbase/libs/glibc directory).
> Is it really as simple as running `localedef -v -c -i en_US -f UTF-8
> en_US.UTF-8` ? Can we add some other forms of UTF-8 support to glibc in
> the module?
> Thanks!

I believe it is indeed as simple as that. I did the same with nl_NL and 
it does seem to work.


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