Testers for 2.4.24 kernel patchsets

Niki Guldbrand niki at lunar-linux.org
Tue Jan 6 20:02:19 GMT 2004

Hi All.

Here is some links for the release candidates of the patchsets for the
"linux" and "linux-grsec" modules with kernel version 2.4.24...

Linux: (md5sum: 2b95dfbea90c61f92053079904c633db)

Linux-grsec: (md5sum: a88f719b233e26e6ba88fe225961f4b0)

So who would want to test them ??? (bkw is allready running the linux
modules patchset...)
Remember to patch them in the right order with "patch -p1 < <PatchFile>"
the directory order is as follows:

	main, fix, aggressive (and in each of the dirs apply the patch 	in the
numbered order: 00, 01....)
	main, fix, grsec (same comment as for the module above)


Niki Guldbrand

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