gcc/ncurses ETA / Xfree issue

Moritz Heiber moe at lunar-linux.org
Thu Feb 19 16:55:41 GMT 2004

Hi guys,

some thoughts on various parts of our moonbase:

1) gcc/ncurses/new ISO update:

<Moe> Well .. I vote for bumping gcc and ncurses today. There doesn't
seem to be any crucial application that aren't working with gcc 3.3.x
<Moe> Your comment tchan?
<tchan> niki is working on a 2.4.25 kernel patch set, I'm working on the
next version of Lunar ISO with ncurses 5.4 and gcc-3.3.3
<tchan> the plan was to get all 3 on the next iso and bump
<tchan> otherwise people installing with older iso will again be in for
a rude awakening as their box recompiles almost everything
<Moe> tchan: nod .. ok. Any timeline?
<tchan> glibc is recompiling on the iso generating box right now. 
gcc-3.3.3 was installed last night.  so rest of the iso modules will get
a recompile
<tchan> still have to update/test the various 2.4.25 kernels for
moonbase and iso
<tchan> so my guess is still another week before everything is
<Moe> Okay

Bottom line is: We'll be having a new gcc/ncurses etc. once tchan is
ready with the new ISO.

2) Xfree 4.4 (rcX)

Please read up on it at:

So the question is: Are we going to jump on the 4.4 train or not.
Feel free to comment.



Moritz Heiber

Lunar Linux developer: http://www.lunar-linux.org
XFce4 desktop environment: http://xfce.org
Moritz Heiber[at]SPLiNe: http://moe.spline.de
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