module BUILD file problem

Nick Hudson nhudson at
Tue Aug 10 02:30:12 GMT 2004

I guess this question needs to be directed at sofar, and maybe I missed
something over that last few months also and if I did please let me
know.  I am creating a module that requires me to create a new user and
group before I do a make install.  But in the BUILD file if I put the

groupadd  newgroup 2>/dev/null
useradd   newuser  -g  newgroup  2>/dev/null

The BUILD file will stop and return a error.  Now was there something
changed that does not allow this in the BUILD file?  Because if I put it
in POST_INSTALL things works fine.  But with this particular module for
it to install correctly and work correctly the user and group needs to
be added before the make install.



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