cgi moonbase explorer script

Auke Kok auke.kok at
Tue May 6 20:22:24 GMT 2003

On Mon, 2003-05-05 at 14:04, jbrocklin at wrote:
> I don't know if it's incredibly useful to anyone else, but I wrote a little cgi script to display info about the modules in the moonbase.  It doesn't show updates, but I think it's a lot easier to go through the sections than the current method which just displays all of the modules in one huge table.  I just parsed through the directory structure /var/lib/lunar/moonbase to get the info.  I'm sure it could be modified without too much difficulty to provide a way to show updates over a given period of time.  Let me know what you think!

Looks very nice, can I ask you to send a copy to me?


Auke Kok <auke.kok at>
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