New dev ...

Moritz Heiber moe at
Wed Jun 25 16:51:44 GMT 2003

Hello Lunar devs,

I was wondering for twenty minutes how to start off this mail.

"Hey guys, I'm the new one!"


"Hello gentleman, I'm proud to join the crew"

or just

"I'm in!" (c) Warner Brothers

... but after all its no big deal to make you aware of the fact that I'm
a Lunar dev now. For the ones among you who weren't able to meet me yet:

My name is Moritz Heiber, I live in Berlin, Germany and was turned into
a grateful lunar user by Jasper about half a year ago (mainly because of
its marvelous XFce4 cvs support). While I was getting fimilar with lunar
I made friends with most of people "behind the scenes" and decided to
stay and settle down.

I think I'm definitly going to enjoy my time. Thank you.



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