[Lunar-commits] <moonbase-other> texlive and psutils: Forgive the double up here. Here is the solution to the conflicts of includes

Dennis Veatch dennisveatch at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 20 18:55:58 CEST 2014

commit 346882b83c03a388b39739b55bf287aec14c2d2e
Author: Dennis Veatch <dennisveatch at bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:52:08 -0400
URL: https://github.com/lunar-linux/moonbase-other/commit/346882b83c03a388b39739b55bf287aec14c2d2e

texlive and psutils: Forgive the double up here. Here is the solution to the conflicts of includes
and some binaries between texlive and psutils. As you can see it appears we need to do the same
sedits with psutils as done with texlive. Those sedits along with the additional switches for psutils
resolved some additional problems with the POST_INSTALL of texlive crapping out on some perl related
commands that are run, those being pathing issues with web2c and a few others.

It may be good thing to lrm texlive psutils and just lin -c them both.
  doc-tools/texlive/DETAILS   | +1/-1     
  doc-tools/texlive/PRE_BUILD | +9/-3     
  printer/psutils/BUILD       | +36/-1    
  printer/psutils/DETAILS     | +1/-1     
  4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

--- a/doc-tools/texlive/DETAILS
+++ b/doc-tools/texlive/DETAILS
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-         UPDATED=20140927
+         UPDATED=20141020
            SHORT="TeX distribution that includes web2c, pdfTeX, e-Tex and more"
 # Text from http://www.tug.org/texlive/
--- a/doc-tools/texlive/PRE_BUILD
+++ b/doc-tools/texlive/PRE_BUILD
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
   # Use /usr/share as root
   sedit 's:^\(TEXMFROOT = \)\$SELFAUTOPARENT:\1 /usr/share:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
-  sedit 's:^\(TEXMFLOCAL = \).*$:\1 \$TEXMFROOT/texmf-local:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
+  sedit 's:$SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT:/usr/share:g' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
+#  sedit 's:^\(TEXMFLOCAL = \).*$:\1 \$TEXMFROOT/texmf-local:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
   # Fonts dir
   sedit 's:^\(OSFONTDIR =\).*:\1 /usr/share/fonts:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf  &&
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
   find -name \*.info -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
   find -name \*.texi -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
   find -name \*.synctex -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
-  sed -i -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfigdir):/usr/share/texmf/texconfig:g" -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfdir):/usr/share:g" texk/texlive/tl_scripts/Makefile.*  &&
+#  sed -i -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfigdir):/usr/share/texmf/texconfig:g" -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfdir):/usr/share:g" texk/texlive/tl_scripts/Makefile.*  &&
   # Direct symlinks from /usr/bin/ into /usr/*share*/texmf... rather than /usr/texmf...
   find -name Makefile\* -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:\$(REL):/usr/share:"  &&
@@ -45,11 +46,16 @@
   # ./reautoconf &&
   OPTS+=" --build=$BUILD                 \
           --host=$BUILD                  \
+          --prefix=/usr                  \
           --datadir=/usr/share           \
+          --includedir=/usr/include      \
+          --datarootdir=/usr/share       \
+          --libdir=/usr/lib              \
           --enable-etex                  \
           --enable-xetex                 \
           --enable-ipc                   \
           --enable-shared                \
+          --enable-compiler-warnings=no  \
           --with-gs=gs                   \
           --with-system-zlib             \
           --with-system-zziplib          \
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@
           --with-system-harfbuzz         \
           --with-system-cairo            \
           --with-system-pixman           \          
-          --disable-xindy                \
+          --with-system-kpathsea         \
           --disable-multiplatform        \
           --disable-native-texlive-build \
           --disable-static               \
--- a/printer/psutils/BUILD
+++ b/printer/psutils/BUILD
@@ -1,5 +1,40 @@
+  # Use /usr/share as root
+  sedit 's:^\(TEXMFROOT = \)\$SELFAUTOPARENT:\1 /usr/share:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
+  sedit 's:$SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT:/usr/share:g' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
+#  sedit 's:^\(TEXMFLOCAL = \).*$:\1 \$TEXMFROOT/texmf-local:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf &&
+  # Fonts dir
+  sedit 's:^\(OSFONTDIR =\).*:\1 /usr/share/fonts:' texk/kpathsea/texmf.cnf  &&
+  # Use /usr/share/texmf and /usr/share/texmf-dist
+  find -name Makefile\* -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:\${prefix}/texmf:\${datadir}/texmf:"  &&
+  find -name configure -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:\${prefix}/texmf:\${datadir}/texmf:"  &&
+  find -name \*.info -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
+  find -name \*.texi -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
+  find -name \*.synctex -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:/usr/local:/usr:"  &&
+#  sed -i -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfigdir):/usr/share/texmf/texconfig:g" -e "s:\$(DESTDIR)\$(texconfdir):/usr/share:g" texk/texlive/tl_scripts/Makefile.*  &&
+  # Direct symlinks from /usr/bin/ into /usr/*share*/texmf... rather than /usr/texmf...
+  find -name Makefile\* -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:\$(REL):/usr/share:"  &&
+  sedit "s:\${prefix}/\$(tex:/usr/share/\$(tex:" texk/tex4htk/Makefile*  &&
+  # Prevent the ridiculous behaviour of deleting, then trying to replace, /usr/bin/man
+  sedit "s:rm -f man:true:" texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile*  &&
+  sedit "s:ln -s /usr/share/texmf/doc/man man:true:" texk/texlive/linked_scripts/Makefile*  &&
+  # Fix symlinks in /usr/share/man/man1/
+  sed -i -e "s:link\.1:link\.1\.gz:g" -e "s:file\.1:file\.1\.gz:g" {texk/kpathsea/man,texk/texlive/tl_scripts,texk/web2c/man}/Makefile.{am,in}  &&
+  sed -i -e "s:dvilj2p.1 dvilj4.1 dvilj4l.1 dvilj6.1:dvilj2p.1.gz dvilj4.1.gz dvilj4l.1.gz dvilj6.1.gz:1" -e "s:LN_S) dvilj\.1:LN_S) dvilj.1.gz:" texk/dviljk/Makefile.{am,in}$
+  # Fix 64-bit XeTeX - http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356701
+  sedit "/^#define __XETEXEXT_H/a#include <w2c\/c-auto.h>" texk/web2c/xetexdir/XeTeX_ext.h  &&
+  # Hide warnings about being unable to find its own config files
+  export KPATHSEA_WARNING=0  &&
 # Only build psutils
-OPTS+=" --disable-all-pkgs --enable-psutils --enable-ipc --enable-shared --enable-static=no --disable-multiplatform --disable-native-texlive-build --with-gs=gs"  &&
+OPTS+=" --disable-all-pkgs --enable-psutils --enable-ipc --enable-shared --disable-static  --enable-web-progs \
+       --disable-multiplatform --disable-native-texlive-build --with-gs=gs --without-system-kpathsea "  &&
 if ! module_installed libX11 ; then
   # Prevents risk of circular dependency: groff -> man -> libX11
--- a/printer/psutils/DETAILS
+++ b/printer/psutils/DETAILS
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SOURCE_DIRECTORY=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/texlive-$VERSION-source
-         UPDATED=20140924
+         UPDATED=20141020
            SHORT="Utilities for manipulating PostScript files"
 cat << EOF

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