[Lunar-commits] <moonbase-kde> qt4: just afew tweaks.

Dennis Veatch dennisveatch at bellsouth.net
Thu Aug 14 16:21:52 CEST 2014

commit 0118612bbd1353b1ec819c9020e285bbdbce91db
Author: Dennis Veatch <dennisveatch at bellsouth.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:16:34 -0400
URL: https://github.com/lunar-linux/moonbase-kde/commit/0118612bbd1353b1ec819c9020e285bbdbce91db

qt4: just afew tweaks.
  qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD     | +1/-1     
  qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE | +2/-2     
  qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS   | +2/-2     
  3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   sed -i "/^QMAKE_LFLAGS\s/s|+=|+= ${LDFLAGS}|g" mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf &&
 # Temporary. Make failes if no jit. Will revisit on next bump. Found by keios.
-  OPTS+=" -scripttools -no-declarative-debug -release" &&
+  OPTS+=" -scripttools -no-declarative-debug -release -optimized-qmake" &&
   ./configure  -confirm-license "${LICENSE_TYPE}"                  \
                -bindir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/bin"                      \
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 mquery MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS "Build examples. docs and demos? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}(Needed by Qt Assistant and Designer)${QUERY_COLOR}" n "" "-nomake docs -nomake examples -nomake demos"
-mquery XML_PATTERNS "Build xml patterns? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}(Needed by qtscriptgenerator)${QUERY_COLOR}" y "-xmlpatterns" "-no-exceptions -no-xmlpatterns"
+mquery XML_PATTERNS "Build xml patterns? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}(Needed by qtscriptgenerator)${QUERY_COLOR}" y "-xmlpatterns -exceptions" "-no-exceptions -no-xmlpatterns"
 mquery MAKE_WEBKIT "Build the webkit plugin? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}(Needed by phonon / kdelibs4 / mythtv)${QUERY_COLOR}" y "-webkit" "-no-webkit"
 mquery LICENSE_TYPE "Build Qt using open-source license? (n=commercial)" y
 mquery MAKE_PHONON "Build qt4's (old) phonon? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}(Say n if you will build and use KDE)${QUERY_COLOR}" n "-phonon" "-no-phonon"
 mquery DEV_BUILD "Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting)? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Can be used by Qt-Creator and future version of calibre${QUERY_COLOR}" y "-developer-build"
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ optional_depends  "giflib"     ""                  "-no-gif"        "for GIF rea
 optional_depends  "fontconfig" "-fontconfig"       "-no-fontconfig" "for anti alias font support"
 optional_depends  "cups"       "-cups"             "-no-cups"       "for printing support, needed by kdelibs"
 optional_depends  "nas"        "-system-nas-sound" "-no-nas-sound"  "for Network Audio System support"
-optional_depends  "pulseaudio" ""                  ""               "for pulseaudio support"
+optional_depends  "pulseaudio" "-audio-backend -multimedia"    ""               "for pulseaudio support"
-optional_depends  "gst-plugins-base"  ""  ""  "for gstreamer support / qt4-phonon module"
+optional_depends  "gst-plugins-base"  "-audio-backend -multimedia"  ""  "for gstreamer support / qt4-phonon module and QtWebKit HTML5 Video"
 optional_depends  "%JAVA_SDK"  "-javascript-jit"   "-no-javascript-jit" "for JIT support"

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