[Lunar-commits] <lunar-iso> Added fhs and removed fixup.

Peter de Ridder peter at lunar-linux.org
Mon Sep 16 12:57:12 CEST 2013

commit 07549819f1b17a81ca6467f783286838e3ac224f
Author: Peter de Ridder <peter at lunar-linux.org>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 03:55:42 -0700
URL: https://github.com/lunar-linux/lunar-iso/commit/07549819f1b17a81ca6467f783286838e3ac224f

Added fhs and removed fixup.
  conf/modules.iso              | +1/-1     
  conf/modules.stage1           | +1/-1     
  conf/modules.stage2           | +1/-1     
  conf/modules.toolchain        | +1/-1     
  mkfiles/bootstrap.mk          | +1/-2     
  mkfiles/stage1.mk             | +0/-1     
  mkfiles/stage2.mk             | +1/-4     
  scripts/bootstrap-lunar-cache | +0/-4     
  scripts/chroot-build          | +6/-1     
  9 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

--- a/conf/modules.iso
+++ b/conf/modules.iso
@@ -1 +1 @@
-ISO_MODULES=acl attr bash btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cracklib dbus dhcpcd dialog diffutils dosfstools e2fsprogs e3 ed expat file findutils gawk gc glib-2 glibc gmp grep gzip iproute2 irssi jfsutils joe kbd kmod less libcap libffi libidn libmpc libtool Linux-PAM lunar lvm2 mdadm memtest86+ mpfr nano ncurses netcat ntfsprogs openssh openssl parted pcre procps readline sed shadow systemd systemd-sysv tar timezone-date util-linux vim wget which xfsprogs xz zile zlib
+ISO_MODULES=acl attr bash btrfs-progs bzip2 coreutils cracklib dbus dhcpcd dialog diffutils dosfstools e2fsprogs e3 ed expat fhs file findutils gawk gc glib-2 glibc gmp grep gzip iproute2 irssi jfsutils joe kbd kmod less libcap libffi libidn libmpc libtool Linux-PAM lunar lvm2 mdadm memtest86+ mpfr nano ncurses netcat ntfsprogs openssh openssl parted pcre procps readline sed shadow systemd systemd-sysv tar timezone-date util-linux vim wget which xfsprogs xz zile zlib
--- a/conf/modules.stage1
+++ b/conf/modules.stage1
@@ -1 +1 @@
-STAGE1_MODULES=acl attr bash binutils bzip2 coreutils cracklib dialog diffutils file findutils gawk gcc glibc glib-2 gmp grep gzip installwatch iproute2 kernel-headers less libcap libffi libmpc lunar make mpfr ncurses patch pcre perl procps readline sed shadow tar texinfo util-linux xz zlib
+STAGE1_MODULES=acl attr bash binutils bzip2 coreutils cracklib dialog diffutils fhs file findutils gawk gcc glibc glib-2 gmp grep gzip installwatch iproute2 kernel-headers less libcap libffi libmpc lunar make mpfr ncurses patch pcre perl procps readline sed shadow tar texinfo util-linux xz zlib
--- a/conf/modules.stage2
+++ b/conf/modules.stage2
@@ -1 +1 @@
-STAGE2_MODULES=kernel-headers glibc gcc binutils Linux-PAM
+STAGE2_MODULES=fhs kernel-headers glibc gcc binutils Linux-PAM
--- a/conf/modules.toolchain
+++ b/conf/modules.toolchain
@@ -1 +1 @@
-TOOLCHAIN_MODULES=kernel-headers glibc binutils gcc binutils glibc
+TOOLCHAIN_MODULES=fhs kernel-headers glibc binutils gcc binutils glibc
--- a/mkfiles/bootstrap.mk
+++ b/mkfiles/bootstrap.mk
@@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ target: $(ISO_TARGET)/.target
 # fill the target with the base file required
 $(ISO_TARGET)/.base: target
 	@echo bootstrap-base
-	@mkdir -p $(ISO_TARGET)/{boot,bin,dev,etc,lib,mnt,proc,root,run,sbin,sys,tmp,usr,var} $(ISO_TARGET)/run/lock $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/{bin,include,lib,libexec,sbin,src,share} $(ISO_TARGET)/var/{cache,empty,lib,log,spool,state,tmp} $(ISO_TARGET)/var/cache/man
+	@mkdir -p $(ISO_TARGET)/{dev,proc,run,sys,tmp,usr,var} $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/src
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/lib32
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/lib64
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/lib32
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/lib64
 	@ln -sf ../run/lock $(ISO_TARGET)/var/lock
 	@ln -sf ../run $(ISO_TARGET)/var/run
-	@ln -sf /proc/self/mounts $(ISO_TARGET)/etc/mtab
 	@cp -r $(ISO_SOURCE)/template/etc $(ISO_TARGET)
 	@echo MAKES=$(ISO_MAKES) > $(ISO_TARGET)/etc/lunar/local/optimizations.GNU_MAKE
 	@touch $@
--- a/mkfiles/stage1.mk
+++ b/mkfiles/stage1.mk
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache/.stage1: stage1-build
 	@rm -rf $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache
 	@cp -r $(ISO_TARGET)/var/cache/lunar $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache
 	@grep $(patsubst %,-e^%:,$(STAGE1_MODULES)) $(ISO_TARGET)/var/state/lunar/packages | cat > $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache/packages
-	@tar -cJf $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache/fixup-$(ISO_BUILD).tar.xz -C $(ISO_TARGET) lib/$(ISO_LD_LINUX) lib/libc.so.6 lib/libdl.so.2 lib/libm.so.6 lib/librt.so.1 lib/libpthread.so.0 lib/libnss_files.so.2 lib/libutil.so.1 lib/libnsl.so.1 lib/libcrypt.so.1
 	@touch $@
 stage1-cache: $(ISO_SOURCE)/cache/.stage1
--- a/mkfiles/stage2.mk
+++ b/mkfiles/stage2.mk
@@ -18,14 +18,11 @@ stage2-target: $(ISO_TARGET)/.stage2-target
 # create base directory structure
 $(ISO_TARGET)/.stage2-base: stage2-target
 	@echo stage2-base
-	@mkdir -p $(ISO_TARGET)/{boot,bin,dev,etc,lib,mnt,proc,root,run,sbin,sys,tmp,usr,var} $(ISO_TARGET)/run/lock $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/{bin,include,lib,libexec,sbin,src,share} $(ISO_TARGET)/var/{cache,empty,lib,log,spool,state,tmp} $(ISO_TARGET)/var/cache/man
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/lib32
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/lib64
+	@mkdir -p $(ISO_TARGET)/usr
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/lib32
 	@ln -sf lib $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/lib64
-	@ln -sf ../run/lock $(ISO_TARGET)/var/lock
-	@ln -sf ../run $(ISO_TARGET)/var/run
-	@ln -sf /proc/self/mounts $(ISO_TARGET)/etc/mtab
 	@cp -r $(ISO_SOURCE)/template/etc $(ISO_TARGET)
 	@echo MAKES=$(ISO_MAKES) > $(ISO_TARGET)/etc/lunar/local/optimizations.GNU_MAKE
 	@touch $@
--- a/scripts/bootstrap-lunar-cache
+++ b/scripts/bootstrap-lunar-cache
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ for mod in $NEED_MODULES ; do
-if [ ! -f "$ISO_SOURCE/cache/fixup-$ISO_BUILD.tar.xz" ] ; then
-  tar -cJf "$ISO_SOURCE/cache/fixup-$ISO_BUILD.tar.xz" /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /lib/libc.so.6 /lib/libdl.so.2 /lib/libm.so.6 /lib/librt.so.1 /lib/libpthread.so.0 /lib/libnss_files.so.2 /lib/libutil.so.1 /lib/libnsl.so.1 /lib/libcrypt.so.1
 if [ -z "$NEED_CACHE" ] ; then
   exit 0
--- a/scripts/chroot-build
+++ b/scripts/chroot-build
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@ function mount_system_fs ()
   for mpoint in proc sys dev ; do
     mount --bind /${mpoint} $ISO_TARGET/${mpoint} || return 1
+  for mpoint in run tmp ; do
+    mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $ISO_TARGET/${mpoint} || return 1
+  done
 function umount_system_fs ()
-  for mpoint in proc sys dev ; do
+  for mpoint in proc sys dev run tmp ; do
     if ! umount $ISO_TARGET/${mpoint} &> /dev/null ; then
       umount -l -f $ISO_TARGET/${mpoint} &> /dev/null
@@ -18,6 +21,8 @@ function umount_system_fs ()
 mount_system_fs &&
+mkdir $ISO_TARGET/run/lock &&
 chroot "$ISO_TARGET" "$@"

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