[Lunar-commits] <moonbase-other> libreoffice-bin: version update 64bit & build cleanup

v4hn me at v4hn.de
Tue Mar 26 14:15:04 CET 2013

commit 7a03741deb0526f995756e0f70a701504cfa6f8e
Author: v4hn <me at v4hn.de>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 06:15:04 -0700
URL: https://github.com/lunar-linux/moonbase-other/commit/7a03741deb0526f995756e0f70a701504cfa6f8e

libreoffice-bin: version update 64bit & build cleanup

The symlinks are now properly tracked, so remove the overhead in BUILD

openoffice is not in the moonbase anymore

We create symlinks in /usr/bin/, so we don't need to pollute PATH
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD                        | +27/-31   
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFLICTS                    | +0/-2     
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS                      | +1/-0     
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64               | +4/-4     
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/POST_REMOVE                  | +0/-1     
  x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc | +0/-4     
  6 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD
@@ -1,36 +1,32 @@
+# not sure what this rpm is for, but its not there in 32bit OO, so I removed it
+#rm -rf userland &&
-  # not sure what this rpm is for, but its not there in 32bit OO, so I removed it
-  #rm -rf userland &&
-  LO_OPT_DIR="/usr/lib/libreoffice${VERSION::3}"
+message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Unpacking base RPMs and installing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+for pack in RPMS/*.rpm ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
+for pack in RPMS/desktop-integration/*freedesktop* ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
+for i in `ls *.cpio`; do cpio -idmuV < $i ;done &&
-  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Unpacking base RPMs and installing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
-  for pack in RPMS/*.rpm ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
-  for pack in RPMS/desktop-integration/*freedesktop* ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
-  for i in `ls *.cpio`; do cpio -idmuV < $i ;done &&
+#rm -f usr/bin/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}
+#desktopfiles="base binfilter calc draw impress javafilter math printeradmin startcenter writer xsltfilter"  &&
+#for i in $desktopfiles; do
+#  rm -f usr/share/applications/libreoffice*-$i.desktop
-  rm usr/bin/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}
-  desktopfiles="base binfilter calc draw impress javafilter math printeradmin startcenter writer xsltfilter"  &&
-  for i in $desktopfiles; do
-    rm usr/share/applications/libreoffice*-$i.desktop
-  done
+prepare_install  &&
+cp -dfR opt/* /usr/lib/  &&
+cp -dfR usr /  &&
-  prepare_install  &&
-  cp -dfR opt/* /usr/lib/  &&
-  cp -dfR usr /  &&
+# Create some symlinks to /usr/bin
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/soffice  /usr/bin/soffice   &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/scalc    /usr/bin/scalc     &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/swriter  /usr/bin/swriter   &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/simpress /usr/bin/simpress  &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sbase    /usr/bin/sbase     &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sdraw    /usr/bin/sdraw     &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/smath    /usr/bin/smath     &&
+ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/soffice  /usr/bin/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}  &&
-  # Create some symlinks to /usr/bin
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/soffice  /usr/bin/soffice   &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/scalc    /usr/bin/scalc     &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/swriter  /usr/bin/swriter   &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/simpress /usr/bin/simpress  &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sbase    /usr/bin/sbase     &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sdraw    /usr/bin/sdraw     &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/smath    /usr/bin/smath     &&
-  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/soffice  /usr/bin/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}  &&
-  for i in $desktopfiles; do
-    ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/share/xdg/$i.desktop /usr/share/applications/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}-$i.desktop
-  done
-) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
+for i in $desktopfiles; do
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/share/xdg/$i.desktop /usr/share/applications/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}-$i.desktop
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFLICTS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-conflicts openoffice-src
-conflicts openoffice-bin
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ depends cpio
 depends hicolor-icon-theme
 depends shared-mime-info
 depends gtk+-2
+depends cups
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=4.0.0
+         VERSION=4.0.1
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:3945d0fcbf65368d05bc12363dd3bb764918e889
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:b5f21f46c114b90040c1130147d7b65e195f73fe
-         UPDATED=20130207
+         UPDATED=20130224
            SHORT="The open office suite for unix"
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/POST_REMOVE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-rm -rf /usr/lib/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# libreoffice-bin specific stuff
-[ -d /usr/lib/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}/program/ ] &&
-    PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}/program/"

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