[Lunar-commits] <lunar-iso> Substitude installer and added man pages.

Peter de Ridder peter at lunar-linux.org
Thu Aug 22 18:23:45 CEST 2013

commit c2ad6f4ac21c1bd7c10eee8d6bc6ebc7577e7a6c
Author: Peter de Ridder <peter at lunar-linux.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 23:27:13 -0700
URL: https://github.com/lunar-linux/lunar-iso/commit/c2ad6f4ac21c1bd7c10eee8d6bc6ebc7577e7a6c

Substitude installer and added man pages.
  lunar-install/sbin/lunar-sysconf | +0/-340   
  mkfiles/installer.mk             | +3/-4     
  mkfiles/iso.mk                   | +4/-1     
  3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-)

--- a/lunar-install/sbin/lunar-sysconf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-# portions Copyright 2001 by Kyle Sallee                    #
-# portions Copyright 2002 by Kagan Kongar                   #
-# portions Copyright 2002 by rodzilla                       #
-# portions Copyright 2003, 2004 by tchan, kc8apf            #
-# portions Copyright 2004 Auke Kok                          #
-#                                                           #
-# This file in released under the GPL                       #
-    $DIALOG --nocancel --inputbox "$1" 0 0 "$2"
-    if [ "$CONFIRM" == "off" ]; then
-        if [ -n "$2" ]; then
-            false
-        else
-            true
-        fi
-    else
-        $DIALOG $2 --yesno "$1" 8 50
-    fi
-    KEYDIR="/usr/share/keymaps/i386"
-    azerty="$(ls $KEYDIR/azerty)"
-    dvorak="$(ls $KEYDIR/dvorak)"
-    fgGIod="$(ls $KEYDIR/fgGIod)"
-    qwerty="$(ls $KEYDIR/qwerty)"
-    qwertz="$(ls $KEYDIR/qwertz)"
-    MAP_FILES=$(echo -e "$azerty\n$dvorak\n$fgGIod\n$qwerty\n$qwertz" | sort | sed "s/\.kmap\.gz//")
-    for MAP in $MAP_FILES; do
-        echo $MAP
-        echo keymap                        
-    done
-    TITLE="Keymap Selection Menu"
-    HELP="Please select your preferred keymapping."
-    KEYMAPS=$(show_keymaps)
-    KEYMAP=`$DIALOG --title "$TITLE" --menu "$HELP" 0 0 0 $KEYMAPS`
-    HTTP_PROMPT="Please enter the HTTP proxy server\nExample:"
-    FTP_PROMPT="Please enter the FTP proxy server\nExample:"
-    NO_PROMPT="Please enter all domains/ip addresses (comma-seperated) proxy should NOT be used for:\nExample: .mit.edu,mysite.com"
-    HPROXY=`inputbox "$HTTP_PROMPT"`           &&
-    FPROXY=`inputbox "$FTP_PROMPT" "$HPROXY"`  &&
-    NPROXY=`inputbox "$NO_PROMPT"` 
-    while [ "$FINISHED" != "YES" ]; do
-	PROMPT="Are these settings correct?"
-	PROMPT="$PROMPT\n  No Proxy:  $NPROXY"
-	if confirm "$PROMPT" "--cr-wrap"; then
-	else
-	    configure_proxy
-	fi
-    done
-    $DIALOG --cr-wrap --title "Lunar Proxy Settings Complete" --msgbox \
-        "Your proxy configuration has been saved. 
-Please note that these proxy settings will only be used
-by Lunar (wget) and possibly some other command-line utilities.
-You will still have to configure proxy settings in your favorite
-web browser, etc..." 12 65
-    if [ `eval echo \\$$1` == "on" ]; then
-        eval $1=off
-    else
-        eval $1=on
-    fi
-    FONTDIR="/usr/share/consolefonts"
-    cd $FONTDIR
-    FONTS=`ls *.gz | sed "s/\.psf\.gz//"`
-    for FONT in $FONTS; do
-        echo $FONT
-        echo font
-    done
-    TITLE="Console Font Selection Menu"
-    HELP="Please select your preferred console fonts."
-    FONTS=`show_consolefonts`
-    CONSOLEFONT=`$DIALOG --title "$TITLE" --menu "$HELP" 0 0 0 $FONTS`
-    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
-        echo "$1" | cut -d/ -f1
-        echo "$2"
-        shift 2
-    done
-    if [ -d $MOONBASE ]; then
-        SECTION=`find_section glibc`
-        cut_charmaps `cat $MOONBASE/$SECTION/glibc/locales`
-    else
-        cut_charmaps `cat /etc/lunar/local/locales`
-    fi
-    $DIALOG --title "Language Selection Menu" --menu "$HELP" 0 0 0 `show_languages`
-    TITLE="Language Selection Menu"
-    HELP="While lunar is entirely in English 
-it is possible to change the languages of many other programs.
-Please select your preferred langauge.
-This process will ONLY set the LANG environment variable. Do
-not expect any changes till you finish and reboot."
-    LANG=`select_lang`
-    export LANG
-    [ ! -e "/etc" ] || echo -e "# you can add declarations for LC_ALL etc in here\n\nexport LANG=\"$LANG\"\n" > /etc/LOCALE
-    VI_HELP="good old vi"
-    NANO_HELP="nano is an enchanced free pico clone"
-    JOE_HELP="joe is a WS compatible editor"
-    HELP="Actually all are same, we are using e3, only keys differ."
-    TITLE="Editor Selection Menu"
-    EDITOR=`$DIALOG --title "Editor Selection Menu" --item-help --menu "$HELP" 0 0 0 \
-                   "vi"     ""  "$VI_HELP"     \
-                   "joe"    ""  "$JOE_HELP"    \
-                   "nano"   ""  "$NANO_HELP"`
-    export EDITOR
-    [ ! -e "/etc" ] || echo "export EDITOR=\"$EDITOR\"" > /etc/profile.d/editor.rc
-    for ITEM in `ls $LOCALTIME/$1`; do
-        if [ -n "$1" ]; then
-	    echo "$1/$ITEM"
-        else
-	    echo "$ITEM"
-	fi
-        if [ -d $LOCALTIME/$1/$ITEM ]; then
-	    echo "Directory"
-	else
-	    echo "Timezone"
-	fi
-    done
-    LOCALTIME=/usr/share/zoneinfo
-    TITLE="Time Zone Selection Menu"
-    HELP="Select timezone or directory"
-    ZONE=""
-    while
-      TIMEZONES=`show_timezones $ZONE`  &&
-      ZONE=`$DIALOG  --title  "$TITLE"  \
-                     --menu             \
-                     "$HELP"            \
-                     0 0 0              \
-                     $TIMEZONES`        &&
-      [ -d $LOCALTIME/$ZONE ]
-      do
-        true
-    done
-    if [ -f "$LOCALTIME/$ZONE" ]; then
-        ln -sf $LOCALTIME/$ZONE /etc/localtime
-        TITLE="GMT or Local"
-        HELP="Does the hardware clock store time in GMT or local?"
-        CLOCK=`$DIALOG --title "$TITLE"   \
-                       --menu "$HELP"     \
-                       0 0 0              \
-                       "GMT"    ""        \
-                       "Local"  ""`       &&
-        case $CLOCK in
-            GMT) true ;;
-            Local) HWCLOCK="/sbin/hwclock --hctosys --localtime"
-                echo "#!/bin/sh" > /etc/init.d/localtime
-                echo "$HWCLOCK" >> /etc/init.d/localtime
-                chmod a+x /etc/init.d/localtime
-                ln -s ../init.d/localtime /etc/rcS.d/S15localtime
-                ;;
-        esac
-    fi
-make_server_keys()  {
-  make -C /etc/ssh server-keys
-  echo -e "\nSSH server keys were created\nPress ENTER to continue."
-  read
-    while true; do
-        R_LABEL="Set root password"
-        R_HELP="Set the default root password needed to access this system (the default password is empty)"
-        H_LABEL="Setup hostname and networking"
-        H_HELP="Configure your network devices and hostname settings"
-        U_LABEL="Administrate users"
-        U_HELP="Edit and create user accounts, groups"
-        V_LABEL="Administrate services"
-        V_HELP="Configure services to start automatically at boot time"
-        G_LABEL="Create SSH server keys"
-        G_HELP="Generate the SSH server keys"
-        A_LABEL="Select a timezone"
-        A_HELP="Select a timezone"
-        C_LABEL="Select a keyboard map"
-        C_HELP="Select keyboard map"
-        D_LABEL="Select a console font"
-        D_HELP="Select a console font"
-        E_LABEL="Set global language"
-        E_HELP="Set global language"
-        J_LABEL="Select a default editor"
-        J_HELP="Select a default editor"
-        choices()
-        {
-          (
-            unset IFS
-            for CHOICE in R H U V G A C D E J; do
-    	        echo $CHOICE
-    	        eval echo \$${CHOICE}_LABEL
-    	        eval echo \$${CHOICE}_HELP
-            done
-          )
-        }
-        COMMAND=`$DIALOG --title "$TITLE" --cancel-label "Exit" --default-item "$DEFAULT" --item-help --menu "" 0 0 0 $(choices $CHOICES)` 
-        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-            return
-        fi
-        case $COMMAND in
-          R)  passwd                 ;;
-          H)  lnet                   ;;
-          U)  luser                  ;;
-          V)  lservices              ;;
-          G)  make_server_keys       ;;
-          A)  timezone               ;;
-          C)  keymap_menu            ;;
-          D)  font_menu              ;;
-          E)  lang_menu              ;;
-          J)  editor_menu            ;;
-        esac
-    done
-. /etc/lunar/config
-export  IFS="	
-Lunar Linux System Configuration  %VERSION% - %CODENAME%
-trap ":" INT QUIT
-export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin"
-# setting this var is supposed to prevent the enviro_check code now!
--- a/mkfiles/installer.mk
+++ b/mkfiles/installer.mk
@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ installer: lunar-install
 # Install the Lunar installer
-$(ISO_TARGET)/.lunar-install: iso-target
+$(ISO_TARGET)/sbin/lunar-install: $(ISO_SOURCE)/lunar-install/sbin/lunar-install iso-target
 	@echo lunar-install
-	@cp -r $(ISO_SOURCE)/lunar-install/* $(ISO_TARGET)
-	@touch $@
+	@sed -e 's:%VERSION%:$(ISO_VERSION):g' -e 's:%CODENAME%:$(ISO_CODENAME):g' -e 's:%DATE%:$(ISO_DATE):g' -e 's:%KERNEL%:$(ISO_KERNEL):g' -e 's:%CNAME%:$(ISO_CNAME):g' -e 's:%COPYRIGHTYEAR%:$(ISO_COPYRIGHTYEAR):g' -e 's:%LABEL%:$(ISO_LABEL):' $< > $@
 # Generate locale list
 $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/locale.list: iso-target
@@ -29,4 +28,4 @@ $(ISO_TARGET)/README: $(ISO_SOURCE)/template/README iso-target
 $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/motd: $(ISO_SOURCE)/template/motd iso-target
 	@sed -e 's:%VERSION%:$(ISO_VERSION):g' -e 's:%CODENAME%:$(ISO_CODENAME):g' -e 's:%DATE%:$(ISO_DATE):g' -e 's:%KERNEL%:$(ISO_KERNEL):g' -e 's:%CNAME%:$(ISO_CNAME):g' -e 's:%COPYRIGHTYEAR%:$(ISO_COPYRIGHTYEAR):g' -e 's:%LABEL%:$(ISO_LABEL):' $< > $@
-lunar-install: $(ISO_TARGET)/.lunar-install $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/locale.list $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/moonbase.tar.bz2 $(ISO_TARGET)/README $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/motd
+lunar-install: $(ISO_TARGET)/sbin/lunar-install $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/locale.list $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/moonbase.tar.bz2 $(ISO_TARGET)/README $(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/lunar-install/motd
--- a/mkfiles/iso.mk
+++ b/mkfiles/iso.mk
@@ -110,7 +110,10 @@ $(ISO_SOURCE)/lunar-$(ISO_VERSION).iso: iso-tools iso-files iso-isolinux iso-str
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/root/*' \
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/lib/locale' \
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/locale' \
-	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/man' \
+	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/man/man2' \
+	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/man/man3' \
+	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/man/*/man2' \
+	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/man/*/man3' \
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/info' \
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/share/gtk-doc' \
 	-m '$(ISO_TARGET)/usr/include' \

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