[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> qt4: Version bump to 4.8.0. Here are the highlights of changes;

Dennis `stumbles` Veatch stumbles at lunar-linux.org
Wed Jan 4 14:50:16 CET 2012

commit 2612071a759b00324d36baef87273ce77995ca70
Author: Dennis `stumbles` Veatch <stumbles at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 4 08:50:16 2012 -0500

    qt4: Version bump to 4.8.0. Here are the highlights of changes;
     Removed: export QTDIR=$SOURCE_DIRECTORY, line 648 of qt-4.8.0 configure; unset QTDIR with the comment;
     # QTDIR may be set and point to an old or system-wide Qt installation.
     Removed: default_make || exit 1, line 654 of configure sets CFG_CONFIGURE_EXIT_ON_ERROR=yes and make will tank anyway on an error.
     Removed: by ommitting --prefix and changing hardcoded paths at lines 3508, 3510 and 3521 of configure
     they now point to /usr/share/qt4/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.0. Line 3503 of the configure evaluates; if [ -z "$QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ]
     which they promptly proceed to hardcode the paths. It still concerns me these point to a bin dir (though empty) but their
     executables live in /usr/bin;
     If I have the gist correct, the Trolltech dir is used for sandboxing and we don't do any of that... I think.
     In any case I have not found a dependent module that cares so for now I will leave it at that. So this ugly mess
     gets deleted;
      for i in `ls /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/Q*.pc` ; do sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" $i ; done &&
      if [ -f /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/phonon.pc ]; then
      sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/phonon.pc
      fi &&
      find /usr/lib/qt4 -type f -name '*.prl' \
          -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d;s/\(QMAKE_PRL_LIBS =\).*/\1/' {} \; &&
     Removed: #mquery MAKE_QDOC3 "BUILD QDOC3 docs? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by qt-creator${DEFAULT_COLOR}" n
     Checked qt install without the mquery, qdoc3 binary is installed.
     Removed: now taken care of by gcc-base.conf and the various gmake.conf files.
      # "Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden.  This will break
      # plugins and linking of some applications.  Please fix your Qt installation."
      CFLAGS+=" -fvisibility=hidden $CFLAGS" &&
    If you find pinentry failing it is most likely due to having cairo compiled with qt4. Redo cairo and say no, it is the
    reason I added "Experimental" to cairo's qt4 optional_depends.
    The docs/demos and the ilk have been consolidated in CONFIGURE. Its just way to messey at sorting out the 3 W's.
    Lastly; you still need to do the qt4/phonon verses kde/phonon module dance, still they are not compatible. So if you want
    amarok which depends on qtscriptgenerator say yes to qt4 phonon compile qtscriptgenerator then recompile qt4 without it's phonon.
 qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD     |  179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE |    9 +--
 qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS   |    4 +-
 qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS   |    6 +-
 4 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD b/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
index 7b6dbfa..4e8435f 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
@@ -1,109 +1,116 @@
-# To silence the phonon module from barking about this;
-# "Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden.  This will break
-# plugins and linking of some applications.  Please fix your Qt installation."
-  CFLAGS+=" -fvisibility=hidden $CFLAGS" &&
+# By ommitting the --prefix switch from the configure and performing this sedit we can remove
+# the group of sedit to repoint moc, uic and rcc locations to /usr/bin. 
+  sedit "s:/usr/local/Trolltech/:$MODULE_PREFIX/share/$MODULE/Trolltech/:g" configure &&
-  if [ -d /opt/lunar/qt ] ; then
+# Needed so it can find some of the source libs during make.
+  if [[ -d /opt/lunar/qt ]] ; then
     ld_remove /opt/lunar/qt/lib
   fi &&
-  if [ -d /usr/lib/qt4 ] ; then
-    ld_remove /usr/lib/qt4
+  if [[ -d /usr/lib/$MODULE ]] ; then
+    ld_remove /usr/lib/$MODULE
   fi &&
-  export PATH=$MODULE_PREFIX::$PATH  &&
-  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib &&
-  if [ $LICENSE_TYPE == "y" ] ; then
+  if [[ $LICENSE_TYPE == "y" ]] ; then
-   else
+     else
   fi &&
-  sedit "s/-O2/$CFLAGS/" mkspecs/common/g++.conf &&
-  if [ "$MAKE_DOCS" == "y" ]; then
-    OPTS+=" -make tools -make docs -make translations"
-  fi &&
-  if [ "$MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS" == "y" ]; then
-    OPTS+=" -make examples -make demos -make tools -make docs -make translations"
-  fi &&
-  OPTS+=" -largefile -multimedia -audio-backend -no-separate-debug-info -script -release -scripttools -accessibility -glib -optimized-qmake -fast -shared" &&
-  if [ -f /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so ];then
-    OPTS+=" -openvg"
-  fi &&
-  ./configure  -confirm-license $LICENSE_TYPE          \
-               -prefix /usr                            \
-               -libdir /usr/lib/$MODULE                \
-               -docdir /usr/share/$MODULE              \
-               -plugindir /usr/lib/$MODULE/plugins     \
-               -headerdir /usr/include/$MODULE         \
-               -datadir /usr/share/$MODULE             \
-               -translationdir /usr/share/$MODULE      \
-               -sysconfdir /etc/$MODULE                \
-               -examplesdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE     \
-               -demosdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE        \
-               -importdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE       \
-               $OPTS                                  &&
-  default_make || exit 1
-# It wants to point moc_location and uic_location to ${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta2/bin
-# and after much fiddling cannot get it to point them to /usr/bin. So lets just sedit these rascals.
-  for i in `ls /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/Q*.pc` ; do sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" $i ; done &&
-  if [ -f /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/phonon.pc ]; then
-  sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/phonon.pc
-  fi &&
-# Like for moc and uic, the same needs doing for the *.prl files.
-  find /usr/lib/qt4 -type f -name '*.prl' \
-      -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d;s/\(QMAKE_PRL_LIBS =\).*/\1/' {} \; &&
-  if [ "MAKE_ASSIST" == "y" ] ; then
-     cd tools/assistant &&
-     qmake -o Makefile assistant.pro &&
-     make && 
-     install -m 755 
-  fi &&
+  sedit "s/-O2/$CFLAGS/" mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf &&
+  sedit "s:-Wl,-rpath,::" mkspecs/common/gcc-base-unix.conf &&
+  sed -i "/^QMAKE_LFLAGS\s/s|+=|+= ${LDFLAGS}|g" mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf &&
+  OPTS+=" -scripttools -no-declarative-debug" &&
+  ./configure  -confirm-license "${LICENSE_TYPE}"                  \
+               -bindir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/bin"                      \
+               -libdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/lib/$MODULE"              \
+               -docdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/$MODULE"            \
+               -headerdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/include/$MODULE"       \
+               -plugindir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/lib/$MODULE/plugins"   \
+               -importdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/doc/$MODULE"     \
+               -datadir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/$MODULE"           \
+               -translationdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/$MODULE"    \
+               -sysconfdir "/etc/xdg"                              \
+               -examplesdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/doc/$MODULE"   \
+               -demosdir "${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/doc/$MODULE"      \
+               $OPTS                                              &&
+  default_make &&
+  if [[ "$MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS" == "y" ]] ; then
+  cat > ${MODULE}-designer.desktop << EOF  &&
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt4 Designer
+Comment=Design GUIs for Qt4 applications
+  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-designer.desktop ${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/applications/${MODULE}-designer.desktop 
-  if [ "$MAKE_QDOC3" == "y" ]; then
-     cd tools/qdoc3 &&
-     qmake -o Makefile qdoc3.pro &&
-     make &&
-     install -m 755 ../../bin/qdoc3 $MODULE_PREFIX/bin/ &&
-  fi &&
+  cat > ${MODULE}-assistant.desktop << EOF  &&
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt4 Assistant
+Comment=Shows Qt4 documentation and examples
+  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-assistant.desktop ${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/applications/${MODULE}-assistant.desktop
-  # Desktop menu entry for Qt Designer
-  if [ "$MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS" == "y" ]; then
+  cat > ${MODULE}-qtdemo.desktop << EOF  &&
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt4 Demo 
+Comment=Show Qt4 demos and programming examples
+  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-qtdemo.desktop ${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/applications/${MODULE}-qtdemo.desktop
+fi &&
-  cat > ${MODULE}-designer.desktop << EOF  &&
+  cat > ${MODULE}-qtconfig.desktop << EOF  &&
 [Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt4 Config 
+Comment=Configure Qt4 behavior, styles, fonts
-Name=Qt4 Designer
-Comment=Qt4 Designer is Qt's tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces
+  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-qtconfig.desktop ${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/applications/${MODULE}-qtconfig.desktop &&
-  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-designer.desktop /usr/share/applications/${MODULE}-designer.desktop 
-  fi &&
+  cat > ${MODULE}-linguist.desktop << EOF  &&
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt4 Linquist
+Comment=Add translations to Qt4 applications
+  install -D -m644 ${MODULE}-linguist.desktop ${MODULE_PREFIX}/share/applications/${MODULE}-linguist.desktop &&
-  echo export QTDIR=\"/usr\" > $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
-  echo export PATH=\"'${PATH}':'${QTDIR}'/bin\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
-  echo export XDG_DATA_DIRS=\"'${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/share}':/usr/share/qt4\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
-  echo export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"'${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}':/usr/lib/qt4/pkgconfig\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
+  echo "export QTDIR=\"${MODULE_PREFIX}\"" > $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc &&
+  echo export PATH=\"'${QTDIR}'/bin:'${PATH}'\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc &&
+  echo export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=\"'${QTDIR}'/lib/${MODULE}/plugins\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc &&
+  echo export XDG_DATA_DIRS=\"'${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/share}':/usr/share/$MODULE\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc &&
+  echo export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"'${QTDIR}'/lib/${MODULE}/pkgconfig:'${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}'\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc &&
-  install -m644 $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc /etc/profile.d/
+  install -m644 $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/$MODULE.rc /etc/profile.d/
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE b/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE
index 2389542..84af3c8 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/CONFIGURE
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-mquery MAKE_DOCS "Build the QT4 documentation?" n "" "-nomake docs"
-mquery MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS "Build examples and demos?" n "" "-nomake examples -nomake demos"
-mquery XML_PATTERNS "Build xml patterns? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by qtscriptgenerator${DEFAULT_COLOR}" y "-exceptions -xmlpatterns" "-no-exceptions -no-xmlpatterns"
-mquery MAKE_QDOC3 "BUILD QDOC3 docs? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by qt-creator${DEFAULT_COLOR}" n
-mquery MAKE_WEBKIT "Build the webkit plugin? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by kdelibs4 / mythtv ${DEFAULT_COLOR}" y "-webkit" "-no-webkit"
+mquery MAKE_EXAMPLE_DEMOS "Build examples. docs and demos?${PROBLEM_COLOR} (Needed by Qt Assistant and Designer${DEFAULT_COLOR}" n "" "-nomake docs -nomake examples -nomake demos"
+mquery XML_PATTERNS "Build xml patterns? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by qtscriptgenerator${DEFAULT_COLOR}" y "-xmlpatterns" "-no-exceptions -no-xmlpatterns"
+mquery MAKE_WEBKIT "Build the webkit plugin? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}Needed by phonon / kdelibs4 / mythtv ${DEFAULT_COLOR}" y "-webkit" "-no-webkit"
 mquery LICENSE_TYPE "Build Qt using open-source license? (n=commercial)" y
 mquery MAKE_PHONON "Build qt4's (old) phonon? ${PROBLEM_COLOR}say n if you will build and use KDE${DEFAULT_COLOR}" n "-phonon" "-no-phonon"
-mquery MAKE_ASSIST "Build the Qt Assistant? (Needed by tulip)" y 
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS b/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS
index cbca3cc..5a0ddad 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/DEPENDS
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 depends  %X
+optional_depends  "dbus"       "-dbus"             "-no-dbus"       "for QtDBus module support"
 optional_depends  "%JPEG"      "-system-libjpeg"   "-qt-libjpeg"    "Use system or qt provided jpeg"
 optional_depends  "openssl"    "-openssl"          "-no-openssl"    "for Secure Sockets support"
 optional_depends  "libmng"     "-system-libmng"    "-qt-libmng"     "Use system or Qt version of MNG"
 optional_depends  "libpng"     "-system-libpng"    "-qt-libpng"     "Use system or Qt verion of PNG"
+optional_depends  "tiff"       "-system-libtiff"   "-qt-libtiff"    "for tiff graphics support; yes=system"
 optional_depends  "zlib"       "-system-zlib"      "-qt-zlib"       "Choose system or Qt version of zlib"
-optional_depends  "giflib"     "-qt-gif"           "-no-gif"        "for GIF reading support"
+optional_depends  "giflib"     ""                  "-no-gif"        "for GIF reading support"
 optional_depends  "fontconfig" "-fontconfig"       "-no-fontconfig" "for anti alias font support"
 optional_depends  "cups"       "-cups"             "-no-cups"       "for printing support, needed by kdelibs"
 optional_depends  "nas"        "-system-nas-sound" "-no-nas-sound"  "for Network Audio System support"
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS b/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
index 889d18d..1943ccc 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-         VERSION=4.7.4
+         VERSION=4.8.0
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:af9016aa924a577f7b06ffd28c9773b56d74c939
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:2ba35adca8fb9c66a58eca61a15b21df6213f22e
-         UPDATED=20110904
+         UPDATED=20120104
       MAINTAINER=florin at lunar-linux.org
            SHORT="A C++ toolkit for application development"

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