[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> libreoffice-bin: Version bump to 3.4.3. Removing the CONFIGURE, doesn't make much sense

Dennis `stumbles` Veatch stumbles at lunar-linux.org
Thu Sep 15 14:47:47 CEST 2011

commit 6300e797339751e77d9b9f1949e555b6bc032eb9
Author: Dennis `stumbles` Veatch <stumbles at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 15 08:47:47 2011 -0400

    libreoffice-bin: Version bump to 3.4.3. Removing the CONFIGURE, doesn't make much sense
    really since this thing needs gtk+-2 and X for example so why would you not want the desktop
    icons and menus?
    Changed the BUILD. It just simplifies the whole process using its default install location
    of /opt.
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD                     |  120 ++++----------------
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFIGURE                 |    1 -
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS                   |    2 +
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS                   |    8 +-
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64            |   10 +-
 x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/PRE_BUILD                 |    5 +-
 .../libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc   |    5 +-
 7 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD
index 69867cf..0cbef1b 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/BUILD
@@ -1,100 +1,30 @@
-  OO_DESK_DIR="${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/desktop-integration/usr"
-  OO_DIR="/opt/lunar/libreoffice"
-  cd $OO_INSTALL_DIR  &&
-  if [ "$USE_DESKTOPINTEGRATION" = "y" ] ; then
-    mv ${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/desktop-integration ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY} &&
-    cd ${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/desktop-integration/ &&
-    INT_FILE=libreoffice3.3-freedesktop-menus-3.3-202.noarch &&
-    rpm2cpio $INT_FILE.rpm > $INT_FILE.cpio &&
-    cpio -idm < $INT_FILE.cpio &&
-    sedit "s|/etc/libreoffice|$OO_DIR|g" ${OO_DESK_DIR}/bin/libreoffice &&
-    sedit "s|/etc/libreoffice|$OO_DIR|g" ${OO_DESK_DIR}/bin/libreoffice-printeradmin || exit 1
-  fi  &&
-  cd $OO_INSTALL_DIR &&
-  rm -rf desktop-integration &&
   # not sure what this rpm is for, but its not there in 32bit OO, so I removed it
-  rm -rf userland &&
-  # Let the magic happen. Ugh, I hate rpm
-  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Unpacking RPMs...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
-  for pack in ${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/*; do
-    rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio || exit 1
-  done  &> /dev/null
-  # Now, lets get rid of the rpms
-  rm -rf ${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/*.rpm &&
-  for pack in ${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/*; do
-    cpio -idm < $pack &> /dev/null || exit 1
-  done &&
-  prepare_install  &&
-  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Installing LibreOffice ${VERSION}...${DEFAULT_COLOR}"  &&
-  mkdir -p $MODULE_PREFIX/libreoffice  &&
-  chown -R root:root "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt" &&
-  # symlinks are not copied correctly
-  rm "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice/basis-link" &&
-  rm "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice/ure/bin/uno" &&
-  rm "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice/ure/bin/regcomp" &&
-  rm "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicuuc.so.40" &&
-  rm "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicui18n.so.40" &&
-  #cp -a "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice" /opt/lunar/libreoffice/  &&
-  cp -R "${OO_INSTALL_DIR}/opt/libreoffice" /opt/lunar/libreoffice/  &&
-  chown -R root /opt/lunar/libreoffice &&
-  chgrp -R root /opt/lunar/libreoffice &&
-  # create the symlinks correctly
-  cd /opt/lunar/libreoffice &&
-  ln -sf libreoffice/basis3.3 basis-link &&
-  cd /opt/lunar/libreoffice/ure/bin &&
-  ln -sf startup.sh uno &&
-  ln -sf startup.sh regcomp &&
-  cd /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program &&
-  ln -sf /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicuuc.so.40.1 /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicuuc.so.40 &&
-  ln -sf /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicui18n.so.40.1 /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicui18n.so.40 &&
-  ln -sf /opt/lunar/libreoffice/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicuuc.so.40.1 /opt/lunar/libreoffice/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicuuc.so.40 &&
-  ln -sf /opt/lunar/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicui18n.so.40.1 /opt/lunar/libreoffice/libreoffice/basis3.3/program/libicui18n.so.40 &&
-  #Added this force symlink creation at sofar's request
-  cd /usr/bin &&
-  ln -sf ${OO_DIR}/program/soffice soffice &&
-  ln -sf ${OO_DIR}/program/scalc   scalc   &&
-  ln -sf ${OO_DIR}/program/swriter swriter &&
-  ln -sf ${OO_DIR}/program/swriter simpress &&
-  if [ "$USE_DESKTOPINTEGRATION" = "y" ] ; then
-    sedit 's:/opt/:/opt/lunar/libreoffice/:g' \
-          ${OO_DESK_DIR}/bin/libreoffice &&
-    install -m755 ${OO_DESK_DIR}/bin/libreoffice \
-                  ${OO_DESK_DIR}/bin/libreoffice-printeradmin /usr/bin/ &&
-    # Install icons for the .desktop files
-    mkdir -p -m0755 /usr/share/icons/{gnome,hicolor} &&
-    cd ${OO_DESK_DIR}/share/icons &&
-    cp -r gnome/*x* /usr/share/icons/gnome &&
-    cp -r hicolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
-    gtk-update-icon-cache --force /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
-    install -m644 "${OO_DESK_DIR}/share/mime/packages/libreoffice.xml" /usr/share/mime/packages/ &&
-    update-mime-database /usr/share/mime/ &> /dev/null &&
-    DESKTOP_FILES="base calc draw impress math printeradmin writer" &&
-    for FILE in ${DESKTOP_FILES} ; do
-      ln -s ${OO_DIR}/share/xdg/${FILE}.desktop \
-        /usr/share/applications/${FILE}.desktop || exit 1
-    done
-  fi || exit 1
+  #rm -rf userland &&
+  LO_OPT_DIR="/opt/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}"
+  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Unpacking base RPMs and installing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+  for pack in RPMS/*.rpm ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
+  for pack in RPMS/desktop-integration/*freedesktop* ; do rpm2cpio $pack > `basename $pack .rpm`.cpio ; done &&
+  for i in `ls *.cpio`; do cpio -idmuV < $i ;done &&
+  prepare_install &&
+  cp -dfR opt / &&
+  cp -dfR usr / &&
+  # Create some symlinks to /usr/bin
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/soffice /usr/bin/soffice &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/scalc /usr/bin/scalc &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/swriter /usr/bin/swriter &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/simpress /usr/bin/simpress &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sbase /usr/bin/sbase &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/sdraw /usr/bin/sdraw &&
+  ln -sf ${LO_OPT_DIR}/program/smath /usr/bin/smath &&
+  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Updating icon-cache and mime database...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" &&
+  gtk-update-icon-cache --force /usr/share/icons/* &&
+  update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFIGURE b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFIGURE
deleted file mode 100644
index c486416..0000000
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/CONFIGURE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-mquery USE_DESKTOPINTEGRATION "Do you want LibreOffice integrated in the application menu of your DE?" y
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS
index 06fab9b..9a6da24 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DEPENDS
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 depends rpmunpack
 depends cpio
 depends hicolor-icon-theme
+depends shared-mime-info
+depends gtk+-2
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS
index 86acb33..837b542 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=3.3.2
+         VERSION=3.4.3
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:ad8bdea7b60b2845bc3181a211ed8af0d6c7a72e
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:LibO_3.4.3_Linux_x86_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz
-         UPDATED=20110330
+         UPDATED=20110915
            SHORT="The open office suite for unix"
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64 b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64
index aef483d..6145d64 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/DETAILS.x86_64
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=3.3.2
+         VERSION=3.4.3
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:ad8bdea7b60b2845bc3181a211ed8af0d6c7a72e
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:228f951a8503100ec94c49def8b4f1cf7f82f893
-         ENTERED=20110519
-         UPDATED=20110519
+         ENTERED=20110330
+         UPDATED=20110915
            SHORT="The open office suite for unix"
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/PRE_BUILD b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/PRE_BUILD
index e0fdf98..b8c461a 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/PRE_BUILD
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/PRE_BUILD
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-desktopfiles="base calc draw impress math printeradmin writer"  &&
+desktopfiles="base calc draw impress javafilter math printeradmin qstart startcenter writer"  &&
 for i in $desktopfiles; do
   rm -f /usr/share/applications/$i.desktop
 done   &&
+rm -rf /opt/libreoffice${VERSION%.*} &&
diff --git a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc
index 6c0e564..3922c08 100644
--- a/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc
+++ b/x11-apps/libreoffice-bin/profile.d/libreoffice-bin.rc
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 # libreoffice-bin specific stuff
-[ -d /opt/lunar/libreoffice/libreoffice/program/ ] &&
-    PATH="$PATH:/opt/lunar/libreoffice/libreoffice/program/"
+[ -d /opt/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}/program/ ] &&
+    PATH="$PATH:/opt/libreoffice${VERSION%.*}/program/"

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