[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> firefox4: ver 4.0rc1

Paul Bredbury brebs at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 11 05:31:36 CET 2011

commit 8366be11f041b340cfdef88e1d10133f4e36cf5e
Author: Paul Bredbury <brebs at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 11 11:31:36 2011 +0700

    firefox4: ver 4.0rc1
    You must recompile cairo first, to add tee support.
    Added $NEW_VER, to work around inconsistency in version (4.0rc1) vs
    directory names (4.0) that firefox chooses.
    Re-enabled usage of system cairo, and optional system libevent.
    NSS libraries are already installed by "make install".
 web/firefox4/BUILD           |   59 +++++++++++++++----------
 web/firefox4/BUILD.x86_64    |   96 ------------------------------------------
 web/firefox4/DEPENDS         |   12 +----
 web/firefox4/DETAILS         |    8 ++--
 web/firefox4/POST_INSTALL    |    9 ++--
 web/firefox4/POST_REMOVE     |   11 ++++-
 web/firefox4/PRE_BUILD       |   10 +++--
 web/firefox4/firefox.desktop |    2 +-
 web/firefox4/mozconfig       |    7 +---
 9 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)

diff --git a/web/firefox4/BUILD b/web/firefox4/BUILD
index 7a43ed5..ec3ecdc 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/BUILD
+++ b/web/firefox4/BUILD
@@ -1,26 +1,18 @@
-  MOZILLA_DIR=mozilla-central  &&
   if module_is_expired $MODULE && [ "$VERSION" != "`installed_version $MODULE`" ]; then
-        set_module_config OLD_VER "`installed_version $MODULE`"
+    set_module_config OLD_VER "`installed_version $MODULE`"
   fi  &&
-  export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION  &&
   export MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser  &&
   export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1  &&
   export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1  &&
-  # This should always be just a link
-  rm -rf $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
-  cp $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/mozconfig $MOZILLA_DIR/  &&
+  cp $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/mozconfig .  &&
   export MOZ_OBJDIR="${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/build-mozilla"  &&
   mkdir -p ${MOZ_OBJDIR}  &&
-  cd $MOZILLA_DIR  &&
   echo "ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi" >> mozconfig  &&
   echo "ac_add_options --disable-system-sqlite" >> mozconfig  &&
@@ -37,6 +29,18 @@
     echo "ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs" >> mozconfig
   fi  &&
+  if in_depends $MODULE libevent ; then
+    echo "ac_add_options --with-system-libevent" >> mozconfig
+  else
+    echo "ac_add_options --without-system-libevent" >> mozconfig
+  fi  &&
+  if in_depends $MODULE dbus-glib ; then
+    echo "ac_add_options --enable-dbus" >> mozconfig
+  else
+    echo "ac_add_options --disable-dbus" >> mozconfig
+  fi  &&
   if in_depends $MODULE sun-jdk ; then
     echo "ac_add_options --with-java-include-path=/usr/java/default/include" >> mozconfig  &&
     echo "ac_add_options --with-java-bin-path=/usr/java/default/bin" >> mozconfig  &&
@@ -67,9 +71,14 @@
   prepare_install   &&
   make install      || exit 1
-  # Put some important headers in place
-  mkdir -p /usr/include/firefox-$VERSION/nss  &&
-  cp -Lf dist/private/nss/*.h dist/public/nss/*.h /usr/include/firefox-$VERSION/nss  &&
+  MOZILLA_HOME=$(egrep ^moz_libdir= browser/app/firefox | cut -d= -f2)  &&
+  LIB_VER=$(echo $MOZILLA_HOME | cut -d\- -f2)  &&
+  # Sanity check
+  if [[ $MOZILLA_HOME != "/usr/lib"*"firefox"* ]] || [[ $LIB_VER != [1-9]* ]] ; then
+    message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Sanity check on variables failed!${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+    exit 1
+  fi  &&
+  set_module_config NEW_VER "$LIB_VER"  &&
   # Install the plugins in the right directories
   mkdir -p /opt/lunar/plugins  &&
@@ -77,20 +86,22 @@
 #  for plugin in `ls $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins`; do
 #       `install -m755 $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins/$plugin /opt/lunar/plugins`; done  &&
-  rm -rf $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
-  ln -snf /opt/lunar/plugins $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
+  rm -rf "$MOZILLA_HOME/plugins"  &&
+  ln -snf /opt/lunar/plugins "$MOZILLA_HOME/plugins"  &&
-  # Now the .desktop file and the icon
-  mkdir -p /usr/share/applications /usr/share/pixmaps  &&
-  install -m644 $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/firefox.desktop /usr/share/applications  &&
-  # please, dont just let the lin fail because /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png is an existing symlink...
-  rm -f /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png  &&
-  install -m644 $MOZILLA_HOME/chrome/icons/default/default48.png /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png  || exit 1
+  # Now the .desktop file and icons
+  install -Dm 644 {"$SCRIPT_DIRECTORY",/usr/share/applications}/firefox.desktop  &&
   # Make firefox use its own icon
   for icon in `ls $MOZILLA_HOME/icons`; do
-    ln -sf $MOZILLA_HOME/icons/$icon \
-           $MOZILLA_HOME/chrome/icons/default/$icon
-  done
+    ln -sf "$MOZILLA_HOME"/{icons/$icon,chrome/icons/default/$icon}
+  done  &&
+  for s in 16 22 24 32 48 256 ; do
+    install -Dm 644 ../other-licenses/branding/firefox/default${s}.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${s}x${s}/apps/firefox.png
+  done  &&
+  if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ] ; then
+    gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
+  fi
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
diff --git a/web/firefox4/BUILD.x86_64 b/web/firefox4/BUILD.x86_64
deleted file mode 100644
index 45aafdb..0000000
--- a/web/firefox4/BUILD.x86_64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-  MOZILLA_DIR=mozilla-central
-  if module_is_expired $MODULE && [ "$VERSION" != "`installed_version $MODULE`" ]; then
-        set_module_config OLD_VER "`installed_version $MODULE`"
-  fi  &&
-  export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION
-  export MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser
-  export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
-  # This should always be just a link
-  rm -rf $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
-  cp $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/mozconfig $MOZILLA_DIR/  &&
-  export MOZ_OBJDIR="${SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/build-mozilla"
-  mkdir -p ${MOZ_OBJDIR}  &&
-  cd $MOZILLA_DIR  &&
-  echo "ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi" >> mozconfig
-  echo "ac_add_options --disable-system-sqlite" >> mozconfig
-  #Add DEPENDS options
-  if in_depends $MODULE "xulrunner" ; then
-    XUL=`module_version xulrunner`
-    echo "ac_add_options --with-libxul-sdk=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-$XUL" >> mozconfig
-  fi  &&
-  if in_depends $MODULE gnome-vfs ; then
-    echo "ac_add_options --enable-gnomevfs" >> mozconfig
-  else
-    echo "ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs" >> mozconfig
-  fi  &&
-  if in_depends $MODULE sun-jdk ; then
-    echo "ac_add_options --with-java-include-path=/usr/java/default/include" >> mozconfig
-    echo "ac_add_options --with-java-bin-path=/usr/java/default/bin" >> mozconfig
-    echo "ac_add_options --enable-javaxpcom" >> mozconfig
-  fi  &&
-  #Add CONFIGURE options
-  if [ "$SAFE" == "y" ] ; then
-    echo "ac_add_options --enable-safe-browsing" >> mozconfig
-  fi  &&
-  setterm -bfreq -blength &&
-  #Finally, the build!
-  if [ "$PGO" == "y" ] ; then
-    #CCache breaks the pgo build
-    export CCACHE_DISABLE=1
-    echo "ac_add_options --enable-profile-guided-optimization" >> mozconfig  &&
-    echo "mk_add_options PROFILE_GEN_SCRIPT='python $MOZ_OBJDIR/_profile/pgo/profileserver.py'" >> mozconfig  &&
-    make -f client.mk build &&
-    make -f client.mk profiledbuild
-  else
-    make -f client.mk build
-  fi  &&
-  cd ${MOZ_OBJDIR}  &&
-  prepare_install   &&
-  make install      &&
-  # Put some important headers in place
-  mkdir -p /usr/include/firefox-$VERSION/nss  &&
-  cp -Lf dist/private/nss/*.h dist/public/nss/*.h /usr/include/firefox-$VERSION/nss  &&
-  # Install the plugins in the right directories
-  mkdir -p /opt/lunar/plugins  &&
-# There is no plugins in beta8 version of the Firefox
-#  for plugin in `ls $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins`; do
-#       `install -m755 $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins/$plugin /opt/lunar/plugins`; done  &&
-  rm -rf $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
-  ln -snf /opt/lunar/plugins $MOZILLA_HOME/plugins  &&
-  # Now the .desktop file and the icon
-  mkdir -p /usr/share/applications /usr/share/pixmaps  &&
-  install -m644 $SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/firefox.desktop /usr/share/applications  &&
-  # please, dont just let the lin fail because /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png is an existing symlink...
-  rm -f /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png  &&
-  install -m644 $MOZILLA_HOME/chrome/icons/default/default48.png /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png  &&
-  # Make firefox use its own icon
-  for icon in `ls $MOZILLA_HOME/icons`; do
-    ln -sf $MOZILLA_HOME/icons/$icon \
-           $MOZILLA_HOME/chrome/icons/default/$icon
-  done
-) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
diff --git a/web/firefox4/DEPENDS b/web/firefox4/DEPENDS
index e0a36fb..0434070 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/DEPENDS
+++ b/web/firefox4/DEPENDS
@@ -19,12 +19,6 @@ optional_depends "flash-plugin-10"  ""  ""  "To enable Flash plugin"
 optional_depends "gnome-vfs"        ""  ""  "For Gnome VFS support"
 optional_depends "hunspell"         ""  ""  "For spelling support"
-# Specified in mozconfig, and don't forget that $OPTS is ignored in this BUILD.
-#optional_depends "libevent"         "--with-system-libevent"      \
-#                                    "--without-system-libevent"   \
-#                                    "For event detection"
-optional_depends "dbus-glib"       \
-                 "--enable-dbus"   \
-                 "--disable-dbus"  \
-                 "for dbus support"
+# $OPTS is ignored in this BUILD
+optional_depends "libevent"         ""  ""  "For event detection"
+optional_depends "dbus-glib"        ""  ""  "For dbus support"
diff --git a/web/firefox4/DETAILS b/web/firefox4/DETAILS
index 27701a3..0885f24 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/DETAILS
+++ b/web/firefox4/DETAILS
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-         VERSION=4.0b12
+         VERSION=4.0rc1
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:4f867c9f7881f1e45403186de4ccede0c1b16570
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:dcfb222de8f5470de9925507b6844d1e85dc0019
-         UPDATED=20110226
+         UPDATED=20110310
       MAINTAINER="tchan at lunar-linux.org"
            SHORT="A speedy, full-featured web browser"
diff --git a/web/firefox4/POST_INSTALL b/web/firefox4/POST_INSTALL
index c80ccb2..b6c3a0c 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/POST_INSTALL
+++ b/web/firefox4/POST_INSTALL
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 OLD_VER="`get_module_config OLD_VER`"
+NEW_VER="`get_module_config NEW_VER`"
-if [ ! -z "$OLD_VER" ]; then
+if [ ! -z "$OLD_VER" ] && [ "$OLD_VER" != "$NEW_VER" ] ; then
   for old_version in $OLD_VER
-    rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-$old_version
-    rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-devel-$old_version
+    rm -rf "/usr/lib/firefox-$old_version"
+    rm -rf "/usr/lib/firefox-devel-$old_version"
diff --git a/web/firefox4/POST_REMOVE b/web/firefox4/POST_REMOVE
index a46a092..6917745 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/POST_REMOVE
+++ b/web/firefox4/POST_REMOVE
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+NEW_VER="`get_module_config NEW_VER`"
+if [ -z "$NEW_VER" ] ; then
 rm -f  /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox48.png
-rm -rf /usr/include/firefox-$VERSION
-rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION
-rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-devel-$VERSION
+rm -rf "/usr/include/firefox-$NEW_VER"
+rm -rf "/usr/lib/firefox-$NEW_VER"
+rm -rf "/usr/lib/firefox-devel-$NEW_VER"
diff --git a/web/firefox4/PRE_BUILD b/web/firefox4/PRE_BUILD
index cc901d0..27e17c4 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/PRE_BUILD
+++ b/web/firefox4/PRE_BUILD
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-validate_source_dir &&
-mk_source_dir &&
+if [ ! -e /usr/include/cairo/cairo-tee.h ] ; then
+  message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Run:  ${MODULE_COLOR}lin -c cairo"
+  message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}To recompile cairo with tee support, which is required by firefox4.${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+  exit 1
-unpack $SOURCE
diff --git a/web/firefox4/firefox.desktop b/web/firefox4/firefox.desktop
index d750023..064444f 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/firefox.desktop
+++ b/web/firefox4/firefox.desktop
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Encoding=UTF-8
 Comment=Firefox Web Browser
diff --git a/web/firefox4/mozconfig b/web/firefox4/mozconfig
index da71a77..94ed726 100644
--- a/web/firefox4/mozconfig
+++ b/web/firefox4/mozconfig
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ ac_add_options --enable-crypto
 ac_add_options --enable-strip
 ac_add_options --enable-canvas
 ac_add_options --enable-svg
-# Firefox4b9 adds non standard extensions to cairo
-# So use the internal one till system one will get these extensions
-#ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
+ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
 ac_add_options --enable-xterm-updates
 ac_add_options --enable-libxul
 ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
@@ -30,9 +28,6 @@ ac_add_options --disable-logging
 ac_add_options --disable-accessibility
 ac_add_options --enable-mathml
 ac_add_options --disable-os2-high-mem
-# firefox4 can use its internal libevent 1.x
-# until the libevent 1 vs 2 issue is safe.
-ac_add_options --without-system-libevent
 ac_add_options --enable-gio
 ac_add_options --enable-raw
 ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx

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