[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> DirectFB: configuration update

Duncan Gibson engelsman at lunar-linux.org
Tue Feb 1 22:36:05 CET 2011

commit 19cdc6486c67b3e9704c379834369a40b4f9aa3a
Author: Christian Krause <kizkizzbangbang at googlemail.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 22:36:05 2011 +0100

    DirectFB: configuration update
    Note: IIRC this change is mainly to allow building on non-X systems.
          Downloads,compiles,installs OK, but otherwise untested - engelsman
 video/DirectFB/BUILD.x86_64 |   11 ++++-
 video/DirectFB/CONFIGURE    |  110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 video/DirectFB/DEPENDS      |   42 +++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/video/DirectFB/BUILD.x86_64 b/video/DirectFB/BUILD.x86_64
index ffd8eff..b0bafd9 100644
--- a/video/DirectFB/BUILD.x86_64
+++ b/video/DirectFB/BUILD.x86_64
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@
   sedit "s:#include <linux/compiler.h>::" interfaces/IDirectFBVideoProvider/idirectfbvideoprovider_v4l.c
   sedit "3i #include <asm/types.h>" include/dfb_types.h
-  default_build
+  ./configure  --build=$BUILD            \
+               --prefix=/usr             \
+               --sysconfdir=/etc         \
+               --localstatedir=/var      \
+               --infodir=/usr/share/info \
+               --mandir=/usr/share/man   \
+               --disable-osx             \
+               $OPTS                    &&
+  default_make
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
diff --git a/video/DirectFB/CONFIGURE b/video/DirectFB/CONFIGURE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860219b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/DirectFB/CONFIGURE
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+make_gfx_drivers_checklist() {
+  echo "\"ati128\"    \"ATI Rage 128\"          \"off\" "
+  echo "\"cle266\"    \"VIA CLE266\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"cyber5k\"   \"TVIA CyperPro\"         \"off\" "
+  echo "\"davinci\"   \"TI Davinci\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"ep9x\"      \"Cirrus EP9X\"           \"off\" "
+  echo "\"i810\"      \"Intel i810\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"i830\"      \"Intel i830\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"mach64\"    \"ATI Mach64\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"matrox\"    \"Matrox\"                \"off\" "
+  echo "\"neomagic\"  \"NeoMagic\"              \"off\" "
+  echo "\"nsc\"       \"NSC Geode\"             \"off\" "
+  echo "\"nvidia\"    \"nVidia\"                \"off\" "
+  echo "\"omap\"      \"TI OMAP\"               \"off\" "
+  echo "\"pxa3xx\"    \"PXA 3xx\"               \"off\" "
+  echo "\"radeon\"    \"ATI Radeon\"            \"off\" "
+  echo "\"savage\"    \"S3 Savage\"             \"off\" "
+  echo "\"sh772x\"    \"Renesas SH7722/SH7723\" \"off\" "
+  echo "\"sis315\"    \"SiS 315\"               \"off\" "
+  echo "\"tdfx\"      \"3Dfx Voodoo\"           \"off\" "
+  echo "\"unichrome\" \"VIA UniChrome\"         \"off\" "
+  echo "\"vmware\"    \"VMWare\"                \"off\" "
+make_input_drivers_checklist() {
+  echo "\"dbox2remote\"    \"DBox2 Remote\"         \"off\" "
+  echo "\"dreamboxremote\" \"DreamBox Remote\"      \"off\" "
+  echo "\"dynapro\"        \"Dynapro Touchscreen\"  \"off\" "
+  echo "\"elo-input\"      \"ELO Touchscreen\"      \"off\" "
+  echo "\"gunze\"          \"Gunze Touchscreen\"    \"off\" "
+  echo "\"h3600_ts\"       \"H3600 Touchscreen\"    \"off\" "
+  echo "\"joystick\"       \"Joystick\"             \"on\" "
+  echo "\"keyboard\"       \"Keyboard\"             \"on\" "
+  echo "\"linuxinput\"     \"Linux Input\"          \"on\" "
+  echo "\"lirc\"           \"LiRC\"                 \"on\" "
+  echo "\"mutouch\"        \"MuTouch touchscreen\"  \"on\" "
+  echo "\"penmount\"       \"penmount\"             \"off\" "
+  echo "\"ps2mouse\"       \"PS/2 Mouse\"           \"on\" "
+  echo "\"serialmouse\"    \"Serial Mouse\"         \"on\" "
+  echo "\"sonypijogdial\"  \"SonyPI Jogdial\"       \"on\" "
+  echo "\"tslib\"          \"tslib\"                \"off\" "
+  echo "\"ucb1x00\"        \"ucb1x00 Touchscreen\"  \"off\" "
+  echo "\"wm97xx\"         \"WM97xx Touchscreen\"   \"on\" "
+  echo "\"zytronic\"       \"Zytronic touchscreen\" \"on\" "
+BACKTITLE="DirectFB Configuration"
+HELP="Select the drivers you want to build in DirectFB!"
+select_gfx_drivers() {
+  TITLE="GLX Driver Selection"
+  HELP="Select the drivers you want to build in DirectFB!"
+  make_gfx_drivers_checklist | xargs dialog \
+    --backtitle "$BACKTITLE"                \
+    --title     "$TITLE"                    \
+    --stdout                                \
+    --separate-output                       \
+    --checklist "$HELP"                     \
+    0 0 0
+select_input_drivers() {
+  TITLE="Input Driver Selection"
+  make_input_drivers_checklist | xargs dialog \
+    --backtitle "$BACKTITLE"                  \
+    --title     "$TITLE"                      \
+    --stdout                                  \
+    --separate-output                         \
+    --checklist "$HELP"                       \
+    0 0 0
+mquery SMOOTH_SCALING "Build with smooth software scaling?" \
+                      y                                     \
+                      "--with-smooth-scaling"               \
+                      "--without-smooth-scaling"
+# gfx driver selection
+mquery GFX "Build gfx drivers?" y "" "--with-gfxdrivers=none"
+if [ "`get_module_config GFX`" = "y" ]; then
+  mquery ALL_GFX "Build all gfx drivers? (default)" y "--with-gfxdrivers=all" ""
+  if [ "`get_module_config ALL_GFX`" = "n" ]; then
+    GLX_DRIVERS=`select_gfx_drivers "$SUPPORTED_GLX_DRIVERS"`
+    OPTS="$OPTS --with-gfxdrivers=`echo $GLX_DRIVERS | sed 's/[ ]/,/g'`"
+  fi
+# input driver selection
+mquery INPUT "Build input drivers?" y "" "--with-inputdrivers=none"
+if [ "`get_module_config INPUT`" = "y" ]; then
+  mquery ALL_INPUT "Build all input drivers? (default)" y "--with-inputdrivers=all" ""
+  if [ "`get_module_config ALL_INPUT`" = "n" ]; then
+    INPUT_DRIVERS=`select_input_drivers`
+    OPTS="$OPTS --with-inputdrivers=`echo $INPUT_DRIVERS | sed 's/[ ]/,/g'`"
+  fi
diff --git a/video/DirectFB/DEPENDS b/video/DirectFB/DEPENDS
index 1d7b7cf..c2bab21 100644
--- a/video/DirectFB/DEPENDS
+++ b/video/DirectFB/DEPENDS
@@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
-depends freetype2
-depends libpng 
+optional_depends "%GIF"                                                 \
+                 "--enable-gif"                                         \
+                 "--disable-gif"                                        \
+                 "for GIF image provider (recommended)"
-optional_depends %JPEG "" "" "to enable jpeg support"
-optional_depends SDL "" ""  "to enable SDL support"
+optional_depends "%JPEG"                                                \
+                 "--enable-jpeg"                                        \
+                 "--disable-jpeg"                                       \
+                 "for JPEG image provider (recommended)"
+optional_depends "libpng"                                               \
+                 "--enable-png"                                         \
+                 "--disable-png"                                        \
+                 "for PNG image provider (recommended)"
+optional_depends "freetype2"                                            \
+                 "--enable-freetype"                                    \
+                 "--disable-freetype"                                   \
+                 "for freetype font provider (recommended)"
+optional_depends "zlib"                                                 \
+                 "--enable-zlib"                                        \
+                 "--disable-zlib"                                       \
+                 "for zlib compression support (e.g. for screen shots)" 
+optional_depends "libX11"                                               \
+                 "--enable-x11"                                         \
+                 "--disable-x11"                                        \
+                 "for X11 support"
+optional_depends "libvncserver"                                         \
+                 "--enable-vnc"                                         \
+                 "--disable-vnc"                                        \
+                 "for VNC support"
+optional_depends "sysfsutils"                                           \
+                 "--enable-sysfs"                                       \
+                 "--disable-sysfs"                                      \
+                 "for sysfs support"

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