[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> qt4: Version bump. There are a number of changes here in the BUILD. I am fairly certain these path

Dennis `stumbles` Veatch stumbles at lunar-linux.org
Wed Sep 22 17:23:24 CEST 2010

commit 2ac36b311dac6238f44e21b2448055163f95b9f0
Author: Dennis `stumbles` Veatch <stumbles at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Sep 22 11:23:24 2010 -0400

    qt4: Version bump. There are a number of changes here in the BUILD. I am fairly certain these path
    changes allow for the coexistance between the qt provided phonon and the phonon moudle. As such it
    will effect the phonon module (relin it). If you do an update or manually, the easiest thing to do
    is relin automoc which should take care of much of the kde modules. As always lunar fix is your friend.
 qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD        |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS      |    6 +++---
 qt4-apps/qt4/POST_INSTALL |    2 +-
 qt4-apps/qt4/POST_REMOVE  |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD b/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
index bb64bbd..2627a11 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/BUILD
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-  export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH   &&
+  export PATH=$MODULE_PREFIX::$PATH   &&
   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib &&
   sedit "s:COMMERCIAL_USER=ask:COMMERCIAL_USER=no:" configure &&
   sedit "s/-O2/$CFLAGS/" mkspecs/common/g++.conf &&
-  sedit "s/-Wl,-O1/$LDFLAGS/" mkspecs/common/g++.conf &&
   if [ "$MAKE_DOCS" == "y" ]; then
     OPTS+=" -make tools -make docs -make translations"
@@ -16,40 +15,41 @@
     OPTS+=" -make examples -make demos -make tools -make docs -make translations"
   fi &&
-  OPTS="-largefile -multimedia -audio-backend -no-separate-debug-info -script -release -scripttools -accessibility -glib -optimized-qmake -xmlpatterns -fast -shared" &&
+  OPTS+=" -largefile -phonon -multimedia -audio-backend -no-separate-debug-info -script -release -scripttools -accessibility -glib -optimized-qmake -xmlpatterns -fast -shared" &&
   echo "yes" | ./configure                             \
                -prefix /usr                            \
+               -libdir /usr/lib/$MODULE                \
                -docdir /usr/share/$MODULE              \
                -plugindir /usr/lib/$MODULE/plugins     \
+               -headerdir /usr/include/$MODULE         \
                -datadir /usr/share/$MODULE             \
                -translationdir /usr/share/$MODULE      \
                -sysconfdir /etc/$MODULE                \
                -examplesdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE     \
                -demosdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE        \
+               -importdir /usr/share/doc/$MODULE       \
                $OPTS                                  &&
   default_make  &&
 # It wants to point moc_location and uic_location to ${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.0-beta2/bin
-# and after much fiddling cannot get it to point them to /usr/bin. So lets jsut sedit these rascals.
-  for i in `ls /usr/lib/pkgconfig/Q*.pc` ; do sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" $i ; done &&
-  sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:"  /usr/lib/pkgconfig/phonon.pc &&
+# and after much fiddling cannot get it to point them to /usr/bin. So lets just sedit these rascals.
+  for i in `ls /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/Q*.pc` ; do sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:" $i ; done &&
+  sed -i "s:\${prefix}/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$VERSION/:\${prefix}/:"  /usr/lib/$MODULE/pkgconfig/phonon.pc &&
   if [ "$MAKE_QDOC3" == "y" ]; then
      cd tools/qdoc3 &&
      qmake -o Makefile qdoc3.pro &&
      make    &&
      install -m 755 ../../bin/qdoc3 $MODULE_PREFIX/bin/ &&
   fi &&
-  echo "export QTDIR=\"${MODULE_PREFIX}\"" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc  &&
-  echo export PATH=\"'${QTDIR}'/bin:'${PATH}'\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc  &&
-  echo export XDG_DATA_DIRS=\"/usr/share:'${QTDIR}'/share\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
-  echo export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"'${QTDIR}'/lib/pkgconfig:'${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}'\"  \
-        >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc  &&
+  echo export QTDIR=\"/usr\" > $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc  &&
+  echo export PATH=\"'${PATH}':'${QTDIR}'/bin\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc  &&
+  echo export XDG_DATA_DIRS=\"'${XDG_DATA_DIRS}':/usr/share/qt4\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
+  echo export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"'${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}':/usr/lib/qt4/pkgconfig\" >> $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc &&
   install -m644 $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/qt4.rc /etc/profile.d/
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS b/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
index 6a97b6e..a76d21c 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/DETAILS
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-         VERSION=4.6.3
+         VERSION=4.7.0
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:1c18a564df9296c7cb0e0dedde40b9843e1b30e8
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:a5796c8f468c8f59249e5c696f913864c979f411
-         UPDATED=20100903
+         UPDATED=20100921
       MAINTAINER=florin at lunar-linux.org
            SHORT="A C++ toolkit for application development"
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_INSTALL b/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_INSTALL
index d6f0ec9..f076cd9 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_INSTALL
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_INSTALL
@@ -1 +1 @@
-ld_add $MODULE_PREFIX/lib
+ld_add $QTDIR/lib/$MODULE
diff --git a/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_REMOVE b/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_REMOVE
index a51e5a0..e1e68e7 100644
--- a/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_REMOVE
+++ b/qt4-apps/qt4/POST_REMOVE
@@ -1 +1 @@
-ld_remove $MODULE_PREFIX/lib
+ld_remove $QTDIR/lib/$MODULE

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