[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> frescobaldi: version bump, fixing or adding; * New Polish translation by Piotr Komorowski, many thanks! * Updated translations: tr * Smart Point & Click: URLs point to correct position even if the document is changed without re-running LilyPond. Also the clickable messages in the log. Smart Point & Click from the PDF preview only works in KDE 4.2. * New option to only show the log if LilyPond outputs warnings or errors * Progress bar in statusbar shows LilyPond progress * Bugfixes: * Make Frescobaldi exit gracefully if a LilyPond job was still running * Make Point & Click work again in KDE 4.2 if there are tabs in the document. * Fixed Change Pitch Language, sometimes this function didn't work if there were complicated markups in the document. * Memory usage improvements (some unused objects were not garbage collected)

Dennis 'stumbles' Veatch stumbles at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 20 21:10:53 CET 2009

commit 0c2fb8a31faa2e0ff23024d9443e8aa1cca0f5fc
Author: Dennis 'stumbles' Veatch <stumbles at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 20 16:10:53 2009 -0400

    frescobaldi: version bump, fixing or adding;
    * New Polish translation by Piotr Komorowski, many thanks!
    * Updated translations: tr
    * Smart Point & Click: URLs point to correct position even if the document is
    changed without re-running LilyPond. Also the clickable messages in the log.
    Smart Point & Click from the PDF preview only works in KDE 4.2.
    * New option to only show the log if LilyPond outputs warnings or errors
    * Progress bar in statusbar shows LilyPond progress
    * Bugfixes:
    * Make Frescobaldi exit gracefully if a LilyPond job was still running
    * Make Point & Click work again in KDE 4.2 if there are tabs in the document.
    * Fixed Change Pitch Language, sometimes this function didn't work if there
    were complicated markups in the document.
    * Memory usage improvements (some unused objects were not garbage collected)
 kde4/apps/frescobaldi/DETAILS |    6 +++---
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kde4/apps/frescobaldi/DETAILS b/kde4/apps/frescobaldi/DETAILS
index 3b286a5..99e1dfe 100644
--- a/kde4/apps/frescobaldi/DETAILS
+++ b/kde4/apps/frescobaldi/DETAILS
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=0.7.7
+         VERSION=0.7.8
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:6834710a8e1e81bd1b0af0dceb5daf4eb93f26a7
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:46ec22c799f2fd0be116c4c012fef47133d46f34
-         UPDATED=20090307
+         UPDATED=20090320
            SHORT="LilyPond sheet music editor"
 cat << EOF
 Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor for KDE4. It aims to be powerful,

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