[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> e_modules-svn: updated DETAILS and DEPENDS

Duncan Gibson engelsman at lunar-linux.org
Sun Mar 1 18:39:39 CET 2009

commit 71802d7e972472094dadd21ea5becbebffa6f045
Author: Oliver Dietsch <odietsch at googlemail.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 1 18:39:39 2009 +0100

    e_modules-svn: updated DETAILS and DEPENDS
    e_modules-svn: Update description and add required dependencies.
 zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/BUILD   |    1 +
 zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DEPENDS |    2 +
 zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DETAILS |   69 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/BUILD b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/BUILD
index de22d6e..c9a1cf9 100644
--- a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/BUILD
+++ b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/BUILD
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
   export PATH="$MODULE_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
+  export USER=nobody
diff --git a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DEPENDS b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DEPENDS
index 84228d6..15129c7 100644
--- a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DEPENDS
+++ b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DEPENDS
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ depends  e17-svn
 depends  exml-svn
 depends  xdg-utils
 depends  esmart-svn
+depends  exalt-svn
+depends  libmpd
diff --git a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DETAILS b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DETAILS
index 5dcd528..cb21d29 100644
--- a/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DETAILS
+++ b/zbeta/e17/e_modules-svn/DETAILS
-         UPDATED=20081102
+         UPDATED=20090228
            SHORT="a collection of e17 desktop modules"
@@ -15,30 +15,45 @@ known that these modules were created by the community and are not
 officially approved/supported by the e17 development team.
 Current Modules:
- alarm:       An event reminder.
- bling:       An X composite manager.
- cpu:         Displays CPU usage.
- deskshow:    Iconifies all windows on the screen so you can see the
-              Desktop.
- emu:         A module to allow people to run modules written in code
-              other than C.
- flame:       Displays flames at the bottom of the screen.
- language:    Changes the active keyboard language/layout variant.
- mail:        Periodically checks for new e-mail messages.
- mem:         Displays RAM usage.
- mixer:       A volume control module.
- moon:        Displays moon phase information on your desktop.
- net:         Displays network (not wireless) usage.
- photo:       Displays pictures on your desktop.
- rain:        Displays rain effects on your desktop.
- screenshot:  Allows you to take a screenshot from a module on your
-              desktop.
- slideshow:   A desktop background rotater.
- snow:        Displays Christmas trees and falling snow on your desktop.
- taskbar:     A taskbar to track your running applications.
- tclock:      Displays an alternate style of clock on your desktop.
- uptime:      Displays system uptime.
- weather:     Displays weather information for places around the world.
- winselector: Menu based access to all of your windows.
- wlan:        Dispalys wireless network usage.
+ alarm:         An event reminder.
+ bling:         An X composite manager.
+ calendar:      A calendar gagdet.
+ cpu:           Displays CPU usage.
+ deskshow:      Iconifies all windows on the screen so you can see the
+                Desktop.
+ diskio:        Displays harddisk usage.
+ drawer:        A container.
+ efm_nav:       Controls for navigating E's file manager.
+ efm_path:      Path control for EFM.
+ emu:           A module to allow people to run modules written in code
+                other than C.
+ exalt-client:  A client for exalt.
+ execwatch:     Execute applications and watch'em.
+ flame:         Displays flames at the bottom of the screen.
+ forecasts:     Displays weather information.
+ iiirk:         A taskbar for selected applications only.
+ language:      Changes the active keyboard language/layout variant.
+ mail:          Periodically checks for new e-mail messages.
+ mem:           Displays RAM usage.
+ moon:          Displays moon phase information on your desktop.
+ mpdule:        A MPD client.
+ net:           Displays network (not wireless) usage.
+ news:          Displays news (RSS,etc).
+ notification:  A notification daemon.
+ penguins:      Lets fancy penguins conquer your desktop.
+ photo:         Displays pictures on your desktop.
+ places:        Displays volumes attached to the system.
+ rain:          Displays rain effects on your desktop.
+ screenshot:    Allows you to take a screenshot from a module on your
+                desktop.
+ skel:          A module skeleton.
+ slideshow:     A desktop background rotater.
+ snow:          Displays Christmas trees and falling snow on your desktop.
+ taskbar:       A taskbar to track your running applications.
+ tclock:        Displays an alternate style of clock on your desktop.
+ tiling:        Tiling support.
+ uptime:        Displays system uptime.
+ weather:       Displays weather information for places around the world.
+ winselector:   Menu based access to all of your windows.
+ wlan:          Displays wireless network usage.

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