[Lunar-commits] <moonbase> xchat: version bumped to 2.8.6.

Florin Braescu florin at lunar-linux.org
Sun Jun 15 11:55:00 CEST 2008

commit 00e620edc1f0b9bf5c2cace582e5db960010e2ba
Author: Florin Braescu <florin at lunar-linux.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 15 12:55:00 2008 +0300

    xchat: version bumped to 2.8.6.
    - Many bugfixes.
    - Updated translations (de, fi, fr, hu, lt, nb, ru, th, zh_CN).
    - Put a "Display scrollback from previous session" into the Setup GUI
      (logging section) so people can turn this off without typing commands.
    - Made /away work even when the reason setting is empty.
    - Changed the default encoding to "IRC" (CP1252/Unicode Hybrid) for both Unix
      and Windows.
    - The Drag&Drop files to userlist feature has been enabled again.
    - Removed the /set tab_icons setting and made it automatic (see FAQ for more
      info about icons).
    - Added command line argument --command=COMMAND which can be used in
      conjuction with --existing (E.K.L.). This sends any xchat command to an
      existing (running) client.
    - A private SSL key/certificate can now be loaded from ~/.xchat2/client.pem.
    - The Alerts settings now accept wildcards, instead of partitial string match.
    - Changing away status during reconnect/disconnect will now remember it.
    - You can now change your Away/Back status (all networks) in the tray menu.
    - Favorite Channels / Auto-Join-List management:
      * Network List window now has a "..." button to edit the auto-join-list in
        a more friendly way.
      * Channel(text area), Tree/Tab and Channel-List right-click menus now have a
        "Add to Favorites" function.
      * Previous limit of 300 bytes has been overcome. Now up to 2 KB worth of
        channels/keys can be joined and it will be automatically split into
        multiple lines, if necessary.
      * Per-Channel settings now save to disk, including Logging and Scrollback
      * /ChanOpt has been re-worked to be more like /Set.
    - 'hostname:port' syntax is now accepted, if it's not an IPv6 address.
    - The Userlist right-click menu now has icons and an option to add to friends
      list. If you've edited this menu before you'll still get the old one. To get
      the new one delete ~/.xchat2/popup.conf while XChat isn't running.
    - ~/.xchat2/startup.txt is now loaded on launch (like /LOAD -e). Put any
      commands you want executed at startup here.
    - The lag-o-meter now has a full scale of 1.0 seconds.
    - libnotify is now opened directly instead of using 'notify-send' to open
      tray/balloon alerts.
    - Added support for QuakeNet's /AUTH for nick password, when numeric 005
      NETWORK=QuakeNet is detected.
    - You can now copy with IRC attributes and mIRC colors if CTRL key is down
      when a selection is finished (on mouse release). This replaces the old
      "Color paste" feature.
    - Added a 'compact' flag to gui_tweaks. This'll make the userlist and tree
      spacing smaller. E.g. type /set -or gui_tweaks 32 and restart to turn it on.
    - The /CLEAR command takes a number as paramater (how many lines to clear).
    - When there's missing information in the Userlist right-click menu, it'll
      issue a silent /WHOIS and fill it in. This includes retrieving a person's
    - Perl
     * /reloadall will now reload all the scripts that are currently load instead
       of simply reruning the autoload routine
     * gtk/glib/gdk errors and warnings have been redirected back to stderr so
       they will no longer show up in the text box as a result of having the Perl
       plugin loaded
     * Check if the user has perl 5.6 instead of 5.8 and give an warning dialog
       if they do.
     * Changed timer callbacks so that they are executed in the context that they
       were created in
     * Modified Xchat::print and Xchat::command to accept array references in
       addition to strings for the channel and server parameters
    - Plugin API:
     * xchat_emit_print() will now trigger Sound, Blink, Icon etc type events,
       depending on user's settings.
 chat/xchat/DEPENDS |   10 +++++-----
 chat/xchat/DETAILS |   10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chat/xchat/DEPENDS b/chat/xchat/DEPENDS
index a5e6de3..736fee8 100644
--- a/chat/xchat/DEPENDS
+++ b/chat/xchat/DEPENDS
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-depends  gtk+-2    &&
+depends  gtk+-2
 optional_depends "openssl"  "--enable-openssl"  "--disable-openssl" \
-                 "enable support for openSSL"                       &&
+                 "enable support for openSSL"                      
 optional_depends "Python"   "--enable-python"   "--disable-python"  \
-                 "enable support for python plugins"                &&
+                 "enable support for python plugins"               
 optional_depends "perl"     "--enable-perl"     "--disable-perl"    \
-                 "enable support for perl plugins"                  &&
+                 "enable support for perl plugins"                 
 optional_depends "tcl"      "--enable-tcl=/usr" "--disable-tcl"     \
-                 "enable support for tcl plugins"                   &&
+                 "enable support for tcl plugins"                  
 optional_depends "dbus-glib"  "--enable-dbus"   "--disable-dbus"    \
                  "enable support for a DBus remote interface"
diff --git a/chat/xchat/DETAILS b/chat/xchat/DETAILS
index 6a6cbfa..29eb001 100644
--- a/chat/xchat/DETAILS
+++ b/chat/xchat/DETAILS
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-         VERSION=2.8.4
+         VERSION=2.8.6
-      SOURCE_URL=http://www.xchat.org/files/source/2.8/
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:6ac509624c241edfac5d53d9d4ece63d917613d6
+      SOURCE_URL=http://www.xchat.org/files/source/2.8
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:7a7463e65cb26c680ed70dd96cec98bcc05435a4
-         UPDATED=20070703
-           SHORT="a GTK+-2 based IRC client"
+         UPDATED=20080615
+           SHORT="A GTK+-2 based IRC client"
 cat << EOF
 Xchat is an IRC client for Unix operating systems. It runs under the X

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