[Lunar-commits] r25694 - in moonbase/trunk/devel/bzr: . plugin.d
Samuel Verstraete
elangelo at lunar-linux.org
Mon Sep 3 10:23:59 CEST 2007
Author: elangelo
Date: 2007-09-03 10:23:59 +0200 (Mon, 03 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 25694
no feedback so i'm just gonna do something...
Added: moonbase/trunk/devel/bzr/plugin.d/download-bzr.plugin
--- moonbase/trunk/devel/bzr/plugin.d/download-bzr.plugin (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/trunk/devel/bzr/plugin.d/download-bzr.plugin 2007-09-03 08:23:59 UTC (rev 25694)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# #
+# download-bzr.plugin - download BZR urls #
+# #
+# #
+# Copyright 2005 by Auke Kok under GPLv2 #
+# #
+# Parts Copyrighted Samuel Verstraete 2007 under GPLv2 #
+# #
+# valid BZR urls are:
+# bzr://
+# bzr+http:// (will be transformed to http://)
+# bzr+https:// (will be transformed to https://)
+# bzr+ssh://
+plugin_source_download_bzr() {
+ # check if we can handle this URL format
+ if [ "${1:0:6}" != "bzr://" -a "${1:0:11}" != "bzr+http://" -a "${1:0:12}" != "bzr+https://" -a "${1:0:10}" != "bzr+ssh://" ] ; then
+ return 2
+ fi
+ debug_msg "plugin_source_needrefresh_bzr($@)"
+ if ! module_installed bzr ; then
+ # full stop: we need to make sure the user sees this error:
+ message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}! Cannot fetch BZR sources without \"bzr\" installed${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ BZR_URL=$(echo $1 | cut -d: -f1-2)
+ # translate bzr+http(s) urls:
+ if [ "${BZR_URL:0:8}" == "bzr+http" ]; then
+ BZR_URL="${BZR_URL:4}"
+ fi
+ message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Downloading BZR module for" \
+ SBASE=$(source_basename $2)
+ mk_source_dir $TMPDIR/$MODULE-$VERSION
+ if [ -f "$3/$2" ] ; then
+ verbose_msg "Extracting local BZR copy"
+ CD=$(pwd -P)
+ if ! unpack $2 ; then
+ message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Warning: bad local BZR copy, checking out fresh BZR copy${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+ rm_source_dir $TMPDIR/$MODULE-$VERSION
+ mk_source_dir $TMPDIR/$MODULE-$VERSION
+ fi
+ cd $CD
+ fi
+ if [ "$NUM_RETRY" -eq 0 ]; then
+ NUM_RETRY=1000
+ fi
+ for (( TRY=1 ; $TRY<$NUM_RETRY+1 ; TRY++ )) ; do
+ if [ -d "$SBASE/.bzr" ] ; then
+ cd $SBASE
+ verbose_msg "[${TRY}] bzr up"
+ svn up && GOT_BZR="yes"
+ cd ${CD}
+ else
+ verbose_msg "[${TRY}] bzr co $BZR_URL $SBASE"
+ svn co $BZR_URL $SBASE && GOT_BZR="yes"
+ fi
+ if [ "$?" == "0" ] ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ sleep 2
+ done
+ if [ "$GOT_BZR" == "yes" ] ; then
+ message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Creating ${FILE_COLOR}$2${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+ tar cjf $3/$2 $SBASE
+ else
+ activity_log "lget" "$MODULE" "$VERSION" "failed" "Could not fetch \"$1\""
+ fi
+ cd $TMPDIR
+ rm_source_dir $TMPDIR/$MODULE-$VERSION
+plugin_source_needrefresh_bzr() {
+ # check if we can handle this URL format
+ if [ "${1:0:6}" != "bzr://" -a "${1:0:11}" != "bzr+http://" -a "${1:0:12}" != "bzr+https://" -a "${1:0:10}" != "bzr+ssh://" ] ; then
+ return 2
+ fi
+ debug_msg "plugin_source_needrefresh_bzr($@)"
+ if [ ! -f $3/$2 ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if (( "BZR_THRESHOLD" > 0 )) ; then
+ if [ "$(find $3/$2 -amin +$BZR_THRESHOLD)" == "$3/$2" ] ; then
+ # it is older:
+ return 0
+ else
+ message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}BZR update not required for \"${FILE_COLOR}$(basename $2)${DEFAULT_COLOR}${CYAN}\" (less than $BZR_THRESHOLD minutes old)${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+ # now we can send a FAIL so the next plugins are skipped:
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ # always return true if threshhold is zero
+ return 0
+ fi
+plugin_register SOURCE_DOWNLOAD plugin_source_download_bzr
+plugin_register SOURCE_NEEDREFRESH plugin_source_needrefresh_bzr
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