[Lunar-commits] r23220 - in moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src: . profile.d

Moritz Heiber moe at lunar-linux.org
Sat Feb 10 23:06:22 CET 2007

Author: moe
Date: 2007-02-10 23:06:22 +0100 (Sat, 10 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 23220

This is the completely new openoffice-src module. Its UNTESTED .. yet, it
SHOULD work fine. I had it running for 4 hours until I manully ended the
BUILD process because I had done some adjustments to the BUILD file
I wanted to try.

Testers very much appreciated!

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/BUILD	2007-02-10 21:13:13 UTC (rev 23219)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/BUILD	2007-02-10 22:06:22 UTC (rev 23220)
@@ -1,53 +1,81 @@
-install_dicts ()
-	# unpack the dictionaries
-	for file in $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/ooo-dicts-lunar/*
-	do
-		install -m 644 $file /usr/lib/ooo-1.1/share/dict/ooo/
-	done &&
-	# install the system dictionaries
-	install -m 444 $TMP_DICT_LIST \
-	    /usr/lib/ooo-1.1/share/dict/ooo/dictionary.lst 
-	# strip the cruft? READMES and such?
-  cd $SOURCE_DIRECTORY 				&&
+  sedit "/^ARCH_FLAGS\*=/d" solenv/inc/unxlngi{4,5,6}.mk &&
-  if module_installed j2sdk; then
-    export OPTS="$OPTS --enable-java --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4.2/"
-  fi &&  						
+  # All of the options have been carefully chosen. Don't edit them unless you
+  # really know what you're doing  
-  # set language options in setup.in
-  sedit "/^LANGS=\"\$LANGS/d" bin/setup.in      &&
-  sedit "/^LANGS=/s/\".*\"/\"$SEL_LANGS\"/" bin/setup.in  &&
+  OPTS="$OPTS --disable-epm --disable-qadevooo --disable-fontooo \
+              --disable-mathmldtd --enable-cairo --with-mozilla-version=1.7.5 \
+              --enable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --enable-xrender-link \
+              --without-fonts --without-ppds --without-afms \
+              --with-system-stdlibs --without-nas --with-system-zlib \
+              --with-system-jpeg --with-system-expat --with-system-freetype \
+              --with-system-libxml --without-system-db \
+              --with-system-xrender-headers --disable-odk \
+              --with-use-shell=bash --with-x --with-package-format=native" &&
-  # Fixing pkg depends
-  sedit "s%evolution-data-server-1.0%evolution-data-server-1.2%" configure &&
-  sedit "s%libebook-1.0%libebook-1.2%" patches/evo2/connectivity-source-drivers-evoab1-5-makefile-mk.diff &&
-  message "+ Running configure with \$OPTS: $OPTS" &&
+  if module_installed sane-backends ; then
+    OPTS="$OPTS --with-system-sane-header";
+  fi &&
-  ./configure	--prefix=/usr 			\
-		--sysconfdir=/etc 		\
-                --with-system-gcc 		\
-                --enable-devel    		\
-                --disable-dependency-tracking   \
-		--with-distro=LUNAR             \
-                --with-icons=gnome              \
-                --with-ccache-allowed           \
-		--with-docdir=/usr/share/OpenOffice.org \
-		--with-tag=OOO_1_1_3_fix2       \
-                --enable-gtk                    \
-		$OPTS 				&&
-  default_make   				&&
-  install_dicts                                 &&
+  if module_installed sun-jdk; then
+    JAVA_VERSION="`installed_version sun-jdk`"
+    OPTS="$OPTS --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jdk${JAVA_VERSION}";
+  else
+    JAVA_VERSION="`installed_version j2sdk`";
+    OPTS="$OPTS --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/j2sdk${JAVA_VERSION}";
+  fi &&
-  cp etc/autoresponse.conf /etc/openoffice 	&&
-  cd desktop                               	&&
-  mkdir -p /usr/share/applications /usr/share/pixmaps         &&
-  cp drawing.desktop presentation.desktop spreadsheet.desktop textdoc.desktop /usr/share/applications/ &&
-  cp *png /usr/share/pixmaps               	&&
+  # Apply mandatory and optional patches
+  patch_it $SOURCE2 0 &&
+  if ! module_installed Linux-PAM ; then
+    patch_it $SOURCE3 0;
+  fi &&
+  # As long as OOo-src does not compile against nss it needs its own mozilla
+  # tarball (and it also compiles its own mozilla)
+  mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/moz/download &&
+  cd $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/config_office &&
+  autoreconf &&
+  default_config &&
+  # OOo might fail if those are set to some strange values
+  umask 0022 &&
+  unset LANG LC_ALL &&
+  ./bootstrap &&
+  source LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh &&
+  dmake &&
+  prepare_install &&
+  # make install is not reliable
+  # FIXME: How do we detect this directory in an elegant way?
+  cd instsetoo_native/unxlngi6.pro/OpenOffice/\
+               native/install/en-US/linux-2.6-intel/buildroot/opt &&
+  rm -rf /opt/lunar/openoffice-src &&
+  cp -rv openoffice.org2.0 /opt/lunar/openoffice-src &&
+  # Install icons for the .desktop files
+  mkdir -p -m0755 /usr/share/icons/{HighContrast,hicolor} &&
+  cd $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/sysui/desktop/icons &&
+  cp -rv HighContrast/*x* /usr/share/icons/HighContrast &&
+  cp -rv hicolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
+  gtk-update-icon-cache &&
+  # Desktop integration
+  mkdir -p -m0755 /usr/share/applications &&
+  for file in /opt/lunar/openoffice-src-${VERSION}/share/xdg/*.desktop ; do
+    install -m644 $file /usr/share/applications;
+  done &&
+  update-desktop-database
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

Deleted: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/CONFIGURE

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DEPENDS
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DEPENDS	2007-02-10 21:13:13 UTC (rev 23219)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DEPENDS	2007-02-10 22:06:22 UTC (rev 23220)
@@ -1,14 +1,72 @@
-depends automake   	     &&
-depends gnome-vfs2 	     &&
-depends libbonoboui 	     &&
-depends Linux-PAM  	     &&
-depends libart_lgpl 	     &&
-depends startup-notification &&
-depends ImageMagick  	     &&
-depends tcsh         	     &&
-depends libgnomecups         &&
-depends XML-Parser           &&
-depends Python               &&
-depends evolution-data-server &&
-optional_depends "kdelibs3" "--enable-kde" "" "to enable kde functions" 
+depends apache-ant         &&
+depends libIDL             &&
+depends libart_lgpl        &&
+depends XML-Parser         &&
+depends libxml2            &&
+depends gtk+-2             &&
+depends Archive-Zip        &&
+depends Compress-Zlib      &&
+depends unzip              &&
+depends zip                &&
+depends which              &&
+depends desktop-file-utils &&
+optional_depends "cups" \
+                 "--enable-cups" \
+                 "--disable-cups" \
+                 "enable the OpenOffice printing backend" &&
+optional_depends "curl" \
+                 "--with-system-curl" \
+                 "--without-system-curl" \
+                 "to link against the system cURL library" &&
+optional_depends "neon" \
+                 "--enable-neon --with-system-neon" \
+                 "--disable-neon" \
+                 "for webdav support" &&
+optional_depends "openldap" \
+                 "--with-openldap" \
+                 "--disable-ldap" \
+                 "for LDAP support" &&
+optional_depends "Python" \
+                 "--with-system-python" \
+                 "--without-system-python" \
+                 "for native Python support" &&
+optional_depends "evolution-data-server" \
+                 "--enable-evolution2" \
+                 "--disable-evolution2" \
+                 "for Evolution addressbook support" &&
+optional_depends "gnome-vfs2" \
+                 "--enable-gnome-vfs --enable-lockdown" \
+                 "--disable-gnome-vfs --disable-lockdown" \
+                 "for GNOME-vfs integration" &&
+optional_depends "kdelibs3" \
+                 "--enable-kde" \
+                 "--disable-kde" \
+                 "to enable KDE support" &&
+optional_depends "Linux-PAM" \
+                 "--enable-pam-link" \
+                 "--disable-pam" \
+                 "for Linux-PAM support" &&
+optional_depends "libsndfile" \
+                 "--with-system-sndfile" \
+                 "--without-system-sndfile" \
+                 "to enable sound output in Impress" &&
+optional_depends "startup-notification" \
+                 "--enable-libsn" \
+                 "--disable-libsn" \
+                 "for startup notification support" &&
+optional_depends "boost" \
+                 "--with-system-boost" \
+                 "--without-system-boost" \
+                 "to use the already installed boost"

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DETAILS
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DETAILS	2007-02-10 21:13:13 UTC (rev 23219)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/DETAILS	2007-02-10 22:06:22 UTC (rev 23220)
@@ -1,51 +1,29 @@
-         VERSION=1.1.3
-          SOURCE=ooo-build-
-         SOURCE2=OOO_1_1_3_fix2.tar.bz2
-         SOURCE3=ooo-icons-OOO_1_1-10.tar.gz
-         SOURCE4=libwpd-snap-20040823.tar.gz
-         SOURCE5=available.lst
-	 SOURCE6=hyphavail.lst
-	 SOURCE7=thesavail.lst
-	 SOURCE8=ooo-lunar-patches.tar.bz2
-	 SOURCE9=ooo-lunar-misc.patch.bz2
-        DICT_URL="http://ftp.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/contrib/dictionaries"
-      SOURCE_URL=http://ooo.ximian.com/packages/OOO_1_1_2/
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:fe62a6a80db2b09fbee7f65d5a6b836b4ae0deec
-     SOURCE2_URL=http://ooo.ximian.com/packages/OOO_1_1_3/
-     SOURCE2_VFY=sha1:a1d9d582c3a6321b66970cd4e8f2bd4e78410e44
-     SOURCE3_URL=http://ooo.ximian.com/packages/
-     SOURCE3_VFY=sha1:1e7b35e9adf8e51c90b43728f23af49685bf47c2
-     SOURCE4_URL=http://ooo.ximian.com/packages/
-     SOURCE4_VFY=sha1:a39cb2fcc9e76985a5563bda865b1d5b2faef7ab
-     SOURCE5_VFY=sha1:9edd62f9ab326cc6d08c9e5cba4ae764cbf9441f
-     SOURCE6_VFY=sha1:2a53ac9a452f3b529cb88f68c1cfdacfc2cfc0da
-     SOURCE7_VFY=sha1:a824ee6532fda961c95725a4421d01f958dc225b
-     SOURCE8_VFY=sha1:3a2d77d24e7bc957546ff6fa11882522b65abfef
-     SOURCE9_VFY=sha1:50bd5317010898469abae2454398287981ba7417
-     if [ -e $DEPENDS_CONFIG/$MODULE ] \
-       && `grep -q echo_dict_files $DEPENDS_CONFIG/$MODULE` ; then
-         SRC_CNT=10
-         for src in `echo_dict_files` 
-         do
-             eval SOURCE${SRC_CNT}=$src
-             eval SOURCE${SRC_CNT}_URL=$DICT_URL
-	     (( SRC_CNT = $SRC_CNT + 1 ))
-         done
-     fi
-      MAINTAINER=nhudson at lunar-linux.org
-        WEB_SITE=http://ooo.ximian.com
+         VERSION=2.1.0
+          SOURCE=OOo_${VERSION}_src.tar.bz2
+         SOURCE2=$MODULE-$VERSION-xauth.patch
+         SOURCE3=$MODULE-$VERSION-withoutpam.patch
+         SOURCE4=mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz
+         SOURCE5=OOo_${VERSION}_src_l10n.tar.bz2
+         SOURCE6=OOo_${VERSION}_src_system.tar.bz2
+      SOURCE_URL=http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/OpenOffice.org/stable/${VERSION}/
+     SOURCE4_URL=ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.7.5/source/
+     SOURCE5_URL=http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/OpenOffice.org/stable/${VERSION}/
+     SOURCE6_URL=http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/OpenOffice.org/stable/${VERSION}/
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:9513216ae71267addf3625f5a41c3a43564da3bc
+     SOURCE2_VFY=sha1:cf93a6119e9c991facc208ba34896ed88571946c
+     SOURCE3_VFY=sha1:78f0970aeb0c2c87ff1ccbf9cf6aec4967840558
+     SOURCE4_VFY=sha1:bb2a89b95d7626a63a3787208e0abb99ea595d24
+     SOURCE5_VFY=sha1:dd50756610e277f2886f6d423d57c084f0bee18a
+     SOURCE6_VFY=sha1:77e97d1ed8eb3276e36ac54e4e021f703e40a587
+        WEB_SITE=http://www.openoffice.org
-         UPDATED=20040828
-           SHORT="OO.o Office Suite with some patches from Novell"
-	   PSAFE="no"
+         UPDATED=20070210
+           PSAFE=no
+           SHORT="OpenOffice.org Office Suite"
 cat << EOF
-OO.o Office Suite with some patches from Novell
+OpenOffice.org Office Suite

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/PRE_BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/PRE_BUILD	2007-02-10 21:13:13 UTC (rev 23219)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/PRE_BUILD	2007-02-10 22:06:22 UTC (rev 23220)
@@ -1,121 +1,6 @@
-delete_function( )
-# pass the name and the file that you want the function removed from
-# $1 function name
-# $2 file name
+default_pre_build &&
-    #Use awk to yank cheats since we dont have any "}" in the function
-    awk 'BEGIN{p=1} /^'"$1"'/{ p=0 } p==1{print $0} p==0 && /^[[:space:]]*}/{p=1}' $2 > $2.tmp
-    mv $2.tmp $2
-LGET ()
-    #only works in a lunar script as get_url is defined by download.lunar
-    # and $SOURCE_CACHE is an internal lunar variable
-    get_url $1 $SOURCE_CACHE/`basename $1`
-unpack_dicts ()
-    mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/ooo-dicts-lunar/ &&
-    for file in $DICT_FILES
-    do
-        unzip $SOURCE_CACHE/$file -d $SOURCE_DIRECTORY/ooo-dicts-lunar
-    done
-# needs export for BUILD file
-export TMP_DICT_LIST="/tmp/lunar_ooo_Dictionary.list"
-download_dict_files ()
-    #function locals
-    TMP_FILE_LIST="/tmp/lunar_ooo_Files.list"
-    #clear vars
-    lock_file $TMP_DICT_LIST &&
-    lock_file $TMP_FILE_LIST &&
-    # clear any stale tmp files this is why we lock them :-)
-    rm -f $TMP_DICT_LIST     &&
-    rm -f $TMP_FILE_LIST     &&
-    OLD_IFS=$IFS &&
-    IFS=";" &&
-    # gets the files and builds the proper config files
-    for file in $SEL_DICTS
-    do
-        tmp_file=`grep -h -m1 $file $SOURCE_CACHE/available.lst | cut -d"," -f5`
-        SEL_DICTS_FILES="$SEL_DICTS_FILES $tmp_file"
-        echo "DICT `grep -h -m1 $file  $SOURCE_CACHE/available.lst | cut -d"," -f 1,2,3 | tr "," " " `" >> $TMP_DICT_LIST
-	echo $tmp_file >> $TMP_FILE_LIST
-        if [ ! -e $SOURCE_CACHE/$tmp_file ]; then
-            LGET "$DICT_URL/$tmp_file"
-        fi
-    done &&
-    for file in $SEL_HYPH_DICTS 
-    do
-    	tmp_file=`grep -h -m1 $file $SOURCE_CACHE/hyphavail.lst | cut -d"," -f5`
-        echo "HYPH `grep -h -m1 $file $SOURCE_CACHE/hyphavail.lst | cut -d"," -f 1,2,3 | tr "," " " `" >> $TMP_DICT_LIST
-	echo $tmp_file >> $TMP_FILE_LIST
-        if [ ! -e $SOURCE_CACHE/$tmp_file ]; then
-            LGET "$DICT_URL/$tmp_file"
-        fi
-    done &&
-    for file in $SEL_THES_DICTS
-    do
-        tmp_file=`grep -h -m1 $file $SOURCE_CACHE/thesavail.lst | cut -d"," -f5`
-        echo "THES `grep -h -m1 $file $SOURCE_CACHE/thesavail.lst | cut -d"," -f 1,2,3 | tr "," " " `" >> $TMP_DICT_LIST
-	echo $tmp_file >> $TMP_FILE_LIST
-        if [ ! -e $SOURCE_CACHE/$tmp_file ]; then
-            LGET "$DICT_URL/$tmp_file"
-        fi
-    done &&
-    IFS=$OLD_IFS  &&
-    #remove any duplicate entries
-    sort $TMP_FILE_LIST | uniq > $TMP_FILE_LIST.uniq &&
-    mv $TMP_FILE_LIST.uniq $TMP_FILE_LIST &&
-    unlock_file $TMP_DICT_LIST &&
-    DICT_FILES="" &&
-    while read FILE
-    do
-    done < $TMP_FILE_LIST &&
-    # We are done with the file list, but we need the DICT list for install
-    # in the BUILD file
-   # rm -f $TMP_FILE_LIST       &&
-    unlock_file $TMP_FILE_LIST &&
-    #Add the file listing function to the depends/config file
-    lock_file $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE &&
-    delete_function "echo_dict_files" $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE &&
-    echo "echo_dict_files(){" >> $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE &&
-    echo "echo $DICT_FILES"        >> $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE &&
-    echo "}"                  >> $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE &&
-    unlock_file $FUNC_DEPENDS_FILE 
-  default_pre_build              &&
-  cd $SOURCE_DIRECTORY           &&
-  mkdir -p src                   &&
-  cp $SOURCE_CACHE/$SOURCE2 src/ &&
-  cp $SOURCE_CACHE/$SOURCE3 src/ &&
-  cp $SOURCE_CACHE/$SOURCE4 src/ &&
-  unpack $SOURCE8                &&
-  patch_it $SOURCE9 0            #&&
-#  download_dict_files            &&
-#  unpack_dicts
+tar xf $SOURCE_CACHE/$SOURCE5 --strip-components=1 &&
+tar xf $SOURCE_CACHE/$SOURCE6 --strip-components=1

Deleted: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/ooo-langs

Added: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/profile.d/openoffice-src.rc
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/profile.d/openoffice-src.rc	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/openoffice-src/profile.d/openoffice-src.rc	2007-02-10 22:06:22 UTC (rev 23220)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# openoffice-src specific stuff
+[ -d /opt/lunar/openoffice-src/program ] &&
+    PATH="$PATH:/opt/lunar/openoffice-src/program"

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