[Lunar-commits] r23919 - in moonbase/branches/crater: . testing testing/lunar-init

Moritz Heiber moe at lunar-linux.org
Wed Apr 4 22:29:27 CEST 2007

Author: moe
Date: 2007-04-04 22:29:27 +0200 (Wed, 04 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 23919

Checking in the new lunar-init module .. not done yet. Just so
sofar can take a look at it.

Added: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/BUILD
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/BUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/BUILD	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  prepare_install &&
+  for SCRIPT in network hostname mount netmount ; do
+    if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/${SCRIPT} ] ; then
+      install -m0750 ${SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/${SCRIPT} /etc/init.d/{$SCRIPT}
+    else
+      message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Another copy of the script ${QUERY_COLOR}${SCRIPT}${PROBLEM_COLOR}"
+      message "in /etc/init.d/ detected. Aborting install of ${QUERY_COLOR}${SCRIPT}${PROBLEM_COLOR}.${DEFAULT_COLOR}"
+  done
+) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

Added: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DEPENDS
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DEPENDS	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DEPENDS	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+depends net-tools &&
+depends sysvinit  &&
+depends e2fsprogs

Added: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DETAILS
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DETAILS	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/DETAILS	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+          MODULE=lunar-init
+         VERSION=0.1
+        WEB_SITE=http://lunar-linux.org
+         ENTERED=20070404
+           SHORT="the Lunar init scripts vital to any system"
+cat << EOF
+This package contains vital init scripts needed to run a Lunar Linux
+powered computer. For now, these scripts are:
+network  - takes care of your network connections
+hostname - sets your hostname during boottime
+netmount - mounts your network filesystems on boot
+mount    - mounts all your filesystems at boottime

Copied: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/hostname (from rev 23849, moonbase/trunk/net/net-tools/init.d/hostname)
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/hostname	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/hostname	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# hostname: set the system's host and domain name
+case $1 in
+	start)
+		if [ ! -e "/etc/hostname" ]; then
+			HOSTNAME=localhost
+		else
+			HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/hostname)
+		fi
+		hostname "$HOSTNAME"
+		echo "Hostname set to \"$HOSTNAME\""
+		if [ ! -e "/etc/domainname" ]; then
+   			echo "Domainname not set"
+		else
+			domainname -F /etc/domainname
+			echo "System Domainname set to \"$(cat /etc/domainname)\""
+		fi
+		;;

Copied: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/mount (from rev 23849, moonbase/trunk/filesys/e2fsprogs/init.d/mount)
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/mount	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/mount	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# mount - mount and umount filesystems
+	if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+		sleep $1
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+		echo -n "run_without_msg: missing command."
+		echo -e $RESULT_FAIL
+		return
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
+		echo -e "< $1 >\n"
+		eval $1
+	else
+		eval $1 &> /dev/null
+	fi
+	local exit_status=$?
+	wait_some "$2"
+	return $exit_status
+	# $1 : message
+	# $2 : command
+	# $3 : white space separated list of OK exit values
+	# $4 : white space separated list of WARNING exit values
+	# $5 : white separated list of FAILURE exit values
+	if [ ! ${#} -eq 5 ]; then
+		echo "run_with_special_exit_codes: wrong parameter count. 5 params expected"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	echo -n "$1"
+	if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ]; then
+		echo -e "\n< run_with_special_exit_codes >"
+		echo -e "\n< command : $2 >"
+		echo -e "\n< valid   : $3 >"
+		echo -e "\n< warn    : $4 >"
+		echo -e "\n< fail    : $5 >"
+		eval $2
+	else
+		eval $2 &> /dev/null
+	fi
+	local exit_status=$?
+	for i in "$3"
+	do
+		if [ "$exit_status" = "$i" ]; then
+			echo -e $RESULT_OK
+			return $exit_status
+		fi
+	done
+	for i in "$4"
+	do
+		if [ "$exit_status" = "$i" ]; then
+			echo -e $RESULT_WARN
+			return $exit_status
+		fi
+	done
+	for i in "$5"
+	do
+		if [ "$exit_status" = "$i" ]; then
+			echo -e $RESULT_FAIL
+			return $exit_status
+		fi
+	done
+	warn_msg "result $exit_status did not match any supplied exit code value"
+	return $exit_status
+	# message == $1
+	# cmd == $2
+	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+		echo -n "run_cmd_with_msg: missing message."
+		echo -e $RESULT_WARN
+		return
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+		echo -n "run_cmd_with_msg: missing command."
+		echo -e $RESULT_WARN
+		return
+	fi
+	echo -n "$1"
+	if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
+		 echo -n "< $2 >"
+		 eval $2
+	else
+		 eval $2 &> /dev/null
+	fi
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		echo -e $RESULT_OK
+		wait_some $3
+		return 0
+	else
+		echo -e $RESULT_FAIL
+		wait_some $3
+		return 1
+	fi
+	echo -ne "$1$RESULT_WARN"
+	uname -r | grep -q "^2\.6"
+	uname -r | grep -q "^2\.4"
+	echo -e "Mounting filesystems:"
+	run_with_msg " * Mounting /proc" "mount -n -t proc proc /proc"
+	if ! grep -qw "ro" /proc/cmdline; then
+		run_with_msg " * Remounting root read-only" "mount -n -o remount,ro /"
+	fi
+	DEVNODES=`grep -o "dev=.*" /proc/cmdline | cut -d" " -f1 | sed -e "s/dev=//g"`
+	case $DEVNODES in
+		static|devfs)
+			;;
+		udev)
+			if kernel_is_24 ; then
+				warn_message "No udev for 2.4 kernels. Kernel commandline parameter ignored."
+				DEVNODES=""
+			fi
+			;;
+		?*)
+			warn_msg "Wrong device nodes parameter \"$DEVNODES\" on kernel line. Valid are: devfs, udev, static\nFalling back to default behaviour"
+			;;
+	esac
+	# default bahaviour if the user did not choose himself
+	if [ -z "$DEVNODES" ]; then
+		if kernel_is_26 && [ -x "/sbin/udevd" ] ; then
+			DEVNODES="udev"
+			if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] ; then
+				echo -e "\n< Found udev >"
+			fi
+		elif [ -x "/sbin/devfsd" ] ; then
+			DEVNODES="devfs"
+	 		if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] ; then
+				echo -e "\n< Found devfs >"
+	 		fi
+		else
+			warn_msg "Assuming a static /dev"
+			DEVNODES="static"
+		fi
+	fi
+	kernel_is_26 && run_with_msg " * Mounting /sys" "mount -n -t sysfs sysfs /sys"
+	if [ "$DEVNODES" = "devfs" ]; then
+		run_with_msg " * Mounting /dev" "mount -n -t devfs devfs /dev"
+		run_with_msg "Starting devfsd" "devfsd /dev"
+	elif [ "$DEVNODES" = "udev" ]; then
+		run_with_msg " * Mounting tmpfs on /dev" "mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev -o size=6m,mode=0755"
+		run_without_msg "echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug" # Hotplug agents are deprecated!
+		run_with_msg "Creating udev device nodes on /dev" "/sbin/udevstart"
+                run_with_msg "Starting udev device handling daemon" "/sbin/udevd --daemon"
+		run_without_msg "mkdir -p /dev/{pts,shm}"
+		if [ ! -h /dev/fd ]; then
+			ln -sf /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
+		fi
+		ln -snf /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin
+		ln -snf /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout
+		ln -snf /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/stderr
+	fi
+	# or do we want to explicitly _not_ fsck at all
+	if ! grep -qw nofsck /proc/cmdline ; then
+		# force fsck run?
+		if [ -f /forcefsck ] || grep -qw forcefsck /proc/cmdline ; then
+			FORCE="-f"
+		fi
+		# check filesystems
+		FSCKLEVELS=$(sed 's/#.*$//g' /etc/fstab | awk '($6>0){print$6}' | sort -n | uniq)
+		if [ -n "$FSCKLEVELS" ]; then
+			echo "Checking file systems:"
+				for FS in $(sed 's/#.*$//g' /etc/fstab | awk "(\$6==$FSCKLEVEL){print\$1}"); do
+					run_with_msg_and_exit_codes " * Checking $FS" "fsck -T -C -y -V $FORCE $FS" "0" "1" ""
+					if [ $? -ge 2 ]; then
+						echo ""
+						echo " *** fsck failed! ***"
+						echo ""
+						echo "   Please repair your file system manually by"
+						echo "   running /sbin/fsck without the -p option."
+						echo ""
+						sulogin
+						reboot  -f
+					fi
+				done
+			done
+		fi
+	fi
+	run_with_msg " * Remounting root read-write" "mount -n -o remount,rw /"
+	if [ "$FORCE" == "-f" ]; then
+		rm -f /forcefsck
+	fi
+	run_without_msg "> /etc/mtab"
+	# hack to get it into /etc/mtab
+ 	run_without_msg "mount -f -o remount,rw /"
+	run_with_msg  "Turning on swap" "swapon -a"
+	echo "Mounting remaining filesystems: "
+	# hack to get it into /etc/mtab
+	if [ "$DEVNODES" == "devfs" ]; then
+		run_without_msg "mount -f -t devfs devfs /dev"
+	fi
+	# sort the filesystems, swapfiles at bottom, squeeze separators into spaces
+	sed 's/#.*$//g' /etc/fstab | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s '[:space:]' | grep -v -e '^$\|noauto' | LC_ALL=C sort -k2 | while read DEVICE MOUNTPOINT FSTYPE OPTS REST
+	do
+		case $MOUNTPOINT in
+			/|/proc|/sys|/dev) # been mounted previously
+				continue
+				;;
+			none)
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+		case $FSTYPE in
+			nfs|nfs4|smbfs)    # we don't do networked fs's yet!
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+		if [ -n "$OPTS" ]; then
+			OPTS="-o $OPTS"
+		fi
+		run_with_msg  " * Mounting $MOUNTPOINT"  "mount $MOUNTPOINT $OPTS"
+	done
+	# Establish where to get mount table from, save these since the files change if we unmount something
+	if [ -r /proc/mounts ] ; then
+		MOUNTS=/proc/mounts
+	else
+		MOUNTS=/etc/mtab
+	fi
+	# write wtmp in /var before umounting /var
+	run_without_msg "reboot -w"
+	echo "Unmounting all filesystems:"
+	cat $MOUNTS | tac | while read TYPE PNT FS REST ; do
+		case $FS in
+			nfs|nfs4|smbfs) # we don't do net filesystems
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+		case $PNT in
+			/|/proc|/dev|/sys) # no need to unmount these
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+		echo  -n " * Umounting $PNT"
+		run_without_msg "sync ; sync" # Flush buffers
+		until [ -z `grep -w $PNT $MOUNTS | awk '{ print $1 }'` ] || [ $UNMOUNT_ERROR -eq 1 ];
+		do
+			case $ITERATION in
+			  1)
+				 run_without_msg "umount $PNT"
+				 ;;
+			  2)
+				 sleep 1
+				 run_without_msg "fuser -s -km -3 $PNT" "1"
+				 run_without_msg "umount $PNT"
+				 ;;
+			  3)
+				 sleep 1
+				 run_without_msg "fuser -s -km -9 $PNT" "1"
+				 run_without_msg "umount $PNT" "1"
+				 ;;
+			  4)
+				 sleep 1
+				 run_without_msg "fuser -s -km -9 $PNT" "1"
+				 run_without_msg "umount -lf $PNT" "4"
+				 run_without_msg "sync; sync"
+				 ;;
+			  5)
+				 UNMOUNT_ERROR=1 # warn that it hasn't been able to unmount the easy way
+				 ;;
+			 esac
+			 (( ITERATION++ ))
+		done
+		if [ $UNMOUNT_ERROR -eq 1 ]; then # haven't been able to unmount the point, so be drastic
+			echo -e $RESULT_WARN
+			run_with_msg "  * Attempting to remount $PNT read-only" "mount $PNT -o remount,ro"
+		else
+			echo -e $RESULT_OK
+		fi
+		if [ "$TYPE" == "/dev/loop*" -a -f $PNT ] ; then
+			# unhook loopback device too
+			run_with_msg "Detaching loopback device $TYPE" "losetup -d $TYPE"
+		fi
+	done
+	run_with_msg "Turning off swap" "swapoff -a"
+	run_without_msg "sync; sync;" "2"  # might take some time so we wait here for a couple of seconds
+	if ! run_with_msg  " * Remounting root read-only"  "mount -n -o remount,ro /" ; then
+		if ! run_with_msg  " * Trying again to remount root read-only"  "umount -l -O remount,ro /" "4" ; then
+			read -n 1 -t 30 -p "Do you want to login? (y/n) "  CONFIRM
+			echo   ""
+			case $CONFIRM in
+				y|Y)  sulogin ;;
+			esac
+		fi
+	fi
+# to avoid confusion we force only these options as being valid:
+case "$1" in
+	start|stop)
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Warning: $0 should never be called directly";
+		exit 1
+		;;
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions

Copied: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/netmount (from rev 23849, moonbase/trunk/net/net-tools/init.d/netmount)
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/netmount	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/netmount	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#   netmount - mounts network shares on nfs and smbfs
+# description: mount and umount the filesystem
+# chkconfig: 345 15 85
+start() {
+  mount -t nfs,nfs4,smbfs -a                              && 
+    echo -e "Mounting network shares:$RESULT_OK"     ||
+    echo -e "Mounting network shares:$RESULT_FAIL"
+stop() {
+  umount -t nfs,nfs4,smbfs -a -f -l                       &&
+    echo -e "Unmounting network shares:$RESULT_OK"   ||
+    echo -e "Unmounting network shares:$RESULT_FAIL"
+# to avoid confusion we force only these options as being valid:
+case "$1" in
+  start|stop|uninstall|install) ;;
+           *) echo  "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"  ;;
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions

Copied: moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/network (from rev 23849, moonbase/trunk/net/net-tools/init.d/network)
--- moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/network	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/branches/crater/testing/lunar-init/network	2007-04-04 20:29:27 UTC (rev 23919)
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# network       Bring up/down networking
+# chkconfig: 345 15 90
+# description: Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to \
+#              start at boot time.
+# probe: true
+shopt -s extglob
+	if [ $? -eq "-1" ] ; then
+		echo -e $RESULT_FAIL
+	elif [ $? -eq "-3" ]; then
+		echo -e $RESULT_WARN
+	else
+		echo -e $RESULT_OK
+	fi
+function start_dhcp()
+	# include config file for interface
+	source $CONFIGS/$1
+	case $DHCP_CLIENT in
+			[dD][hH][cC][pP][cC][dD])
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/dhcpcd-$1.pid
+			RUNFILE=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd
+		;;
+			[dD][hH][cC][lL][iI][eE][nN][tT])
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/dhclient-$1.pid
+			RUNFILE=/sbin/dhclient
+			DHCP_OPTIONS="$DHCP_OPTIONS -pf $PIDFILE -lf /var/state/dhcp/dhclient-$1.leases"
+		;;
+			[uU][dD][hH][cC][pP][cC])
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/udhcpc-$1.pid
+			RUNFILE=/sbin/udhcpc
+		;;
+	esac
+	if [ ! -x $RUNFILE ]; then
+		echo -n " $DHCP_CLIENT not installed"
+		return -1
+	fi
+	if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
+		if [ $(ps ax | grep `cat $PIDFILE` | grep $DHCP_CLIENT | grep -v grep | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
+			echo -n " $DHCP_CLIENT already started"
+			return -3
+		else
+			rm -f $PIDFILE
+		fi
+	fi
+	# This is where the magic happens
+	$RUNFILE $DHCP_OPTIONS $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+	sleep 1
+	if [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; then
+		if [ $DHCP_EXIT -eq 0 ]; then
+			echo -n "DHCP exited cleanly"
+			return -3
+		else
+			echo -n "DHCP failed"
+			return -1
+		fi
+	fi
+function stop_dhcp()
+	# Include configuration file
+	source $CONFIGS/$1
+	case $DHCP_CLIENT in
+			[dD][hH][cC][pP][cC][dD])
+			KILLCMD="dhcpcd -k $1"
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/dhcpcd-$1.pid
+		;;
+			[dD][hH][cC][lL][iI][eE][nN][tT])
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/dhclient-$1.pid
+		;;
+			[uU][dD][hH][cC][pP][cC])
+			PIDFILE=/var/run/udhcpc-$1.pid
+		;;
+	esac
+	if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
+		if [ -z "$KILLCMD" ]; then
+			kill `cat $PIDFILE`
+		else
+		fi
+		if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
+			rm -f $PIDFILE
+		fi
+		sleep 1
+	fi
+function device_start()
+	if [ ! -e "$CONFIGS/$1" ]; then
+		echo  -n "missing config file"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	# include config file for interface
+	source $CONFIGS/$1
+        # be sure that the interface is ment to be started on boot
+	if [ "$2" == "auto" ] ; then
+		case "$AUTO" in
+		    [!yY])
+		    echo -n "not started automatically"
+			return -2
+		    ;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	# load module if specified
+	if [ -n "$MODULE" ]; then
+	fi
+	if [ "$MANAGER" == "wpa_supplicant" ] ; then
+		if [ -x $WPA_SUPPLICANT ] && [ -x $IFPLUGD ] ; then
+			# we start ifplugd prior to wpa_supplicant because then it brings up the interface
+			# but doesn't call the dhcp client since there's no connection yet
+			# Please don't fail here because ifplugd is already running
+	    		if ! $IFPLUGD -c -i $1 &> /dev/null ; then
+              			$IFPLUGD -I -i $1 -f -r /etc/ifplugd/ifplugd-lunar.action
+	    		fi
+			# FIXME: Make the config file configurable. 
+	    		# Also, rely on the configuration to determine whether or not the interface is enabled
+	    		$WPA_SUPPLICANT -B -w -Dwext -i${1} -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
+	  	else
+			echo -n " ERROR: wpa_supplicant and/or ifplugd are missing!"
+			return -1
+		fi
+	elif [ "$MANAGER" == "ifplugd" ] ; then
+		if [ -x $IFPLUGD ] ; then
+			if ! $IFPLUGD -c -i $1 &> /dev/null ; then
+				$IFPLUGD -I -i $1 -f -r /etc/ifplugd/ifplugd-lunar.action
+			fi
+		else
+			echo -n " ERROR: ifplugd is missing!"
+		fi
+	elif [ "$MANAGER" == "manual" ] || [ -z "$MANAGER" ] ; then
+		if [ "$WIRELESS" == "Y" ] && [ -x $IWCONFIG ] ; then
+			if [ ! "x$WIRELESS_MODE" == "x" ] ; then
+			fi
+			if [ ! "x$WIRELESS_KEY" == "x" ] ; then
+			fi
+			if [ ! "x$WIRELESS_RATE" == "x" ] ; then
+			fi
+			if [ ! "x$WIRELESS_ESSID" == "x" ] ; then
+			fi
+		elif [ "$WIRELESS" == "Y" ] ; then
+			echo -n " ERROR: wireless_tools not installed!"
+			return -1
+		fi
+		# Assume direct DHCP/static IPs if no manager/manual is set
+		if [ "$ADDRESS" == "dhcp" ] && [ ! "x${DHCP_CLIENT}" == "x" ] ; then
+				start_dhcp $1
+		elif [ ! "x${ADDRESS}" == "x" ] ; then
+			if [ ! "x$NETMASK" == "x" ]; then
+				NETMASK="netmask $NETMASK"
+			fi
+			if [ ! "x$BROADCAST" == "x" ]; then
+				BROADCAST="broadcast $BROADCAST"
+			fi
+			# If there is an address then ifconfig will be able to bring up the device anyway
+			# so no error handling here
+		fi
+	else
+		echo -n " ERROR: No address specified and DHCP not configured!"
+		return -1
+	fi
+	# Now for the static routes
+	# FIXME: This is not configurable through lnet anymore
+        for ROUTECMD in "$ROUTE_1" "$ROUTE_2" "$ROUTE_3" "$ROUTE_4" ; do
+		if [ ! "x$ROUTECMD" == "x" ] ; then
+			echo -e "\n    adding route: $ROUTECMD"
+		fi
+	done
+function device_stop()
+	if [ ! -e "$CONFIGS/$1" ]; then
+		echo -n " missing config for $1"
+		return -1
+	fi
+	# Source configuration file
+	source $CONFIGS/$1
+	for ROUTECMD in "$ROUTE_4" "$ROUTE_3" "$ROUTE_2" "$ROUTE_1" ; do
+		if [ -n "$ROUTECMD" ] ; then
+			if $(echo $ROUTECMD | grep -q "^add ") ; then
+				ROUTECMD=$(echo $ROUTECMD | sed 's/^add /del /')
+			elif $(echo $ROUTECMD | grep -q "^del ") ; then
+				ROUTECMD=$(echo $ROUTECMD | sed 's/^del /add /')
+			fi
+			echo -e "\n    deleting route: $ROUTECMD"
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ `ifconfig | grep $1 | wc -l` -ne 1 ]; then
+		case $AUTO in
+		    [!yY])
+			echo -n " not started"
+			return -1
+		    ;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	if [ "$MANAGER" == "ifplugd" ] || [ "$MANAGER" == "wpa_supplicant" ]; then
+		case $MANAGER in
+		    ifplugd)
+			$IFPLUGD -r /etc/ifplugd/ifplugd-lunar.action -i $1 -k
+			sleep 1
+		    ;;
+		    wpa_supplicant)
+			$IFPLUGD -r /etc/ifplugd/ifplugd-lunar.action -i $1 -k
+			kill `ps ax | grep wpa_supplicant | grep "-i$1" | awk '{print $1}'`
+			sleep 1
+		    ;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	if [ "$ADDRESS" == "dhcp" ] && [ ! "x${DHCP_CLIENT}" == "x" ] ; then
+		stop_dhcp $1
+	fi
+	$IFCONFIG $1 down
+	if [ -n "$MODULE" ]; then
+		modprobe -r $MODULE
+	fi
+export -f device_start device_stop start_dhcp stop_dhcp
+	# Do startup for all interfaces if none is specified
+	if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+		echo "Starting network:"
+		# Add routing entry for loopback interface
+		if [ ! $($ROUTE -n | grep | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
+			echo -n " * Starting lo: "
+			$IFCONFIG lo netmask
+			$ROUTE add -net netmask dev lo
+			echo -e $RESULT_OK
+		fi
+		for device in `ls -1 $CONFIGS | cut -d"-" -f1 | uniq`; do
+			echo -n " * Starting $device: "
+			device_start $device auto
+			chkresult
+		done
+		if [ -e /etc/config.d/gateway ]; then
+			GATEWAY=`cat /etc/config.d/gateway`
+			if [ -n "$GATEWAY" ] && ! ($ROUTE -n | grep -q "^0\.0\.0\.0.*UG.*$") ; then
+				echo -n " * setting default route: "
+				$ROUTE add default gateway $GATEWAY
+			fi
+			if [ `route -n | grep $GATEWAY | wc -l` -lt 1 ]; then
+				echo -n "failed to set gateway"
+				echo -e $RESULT_FAIL
+			else
+				echo -e $RESULT_OK
+			fi
+		fi
+	else
+		echo -n " * Starting $2: "
+		device_start $2
+		chkresult
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+		echo "Stopping network:"
+		for device in `/sbin/ifconfig | cut -d" " -f1 | uniq | grep -E [a-z0-9]+ | grep -v lo | sort -r`; do
+			echo -n " * Stopping $device: "
+			device_stop $device auto
+			chkresult
+		done
+	else
+		echo -n " * Stopping $2: "
+		device_stop $2
+		chkresult
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+		echo "Restarting network:"
+		for device in `ls -1 $CONFIGS | cut -d"-" -f1 | uniq`; do
+			echo -n " * Stopping $device: "
+			device_stop $device auto
+			chkresult
+			echo -n " * Starting $device: "
+			device_start $device auto
+			chkresult
+		done
+	else
+		echo -n " * Stopping $2: "
+		device_stop $2
+		chkresult
+		echo -n " * Starting $2: "
+		device_start $2
+		chkresult
+	fi
+	start_dhcp $2
+	stop_dhcp $2
+case "$1" in
+	start|stop|dhcp_up|dhcp_down|restart)
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart} [device]"
+		exit 0
+		;;
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions

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