[Lunar-commits] r18391 - moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs

Chad Kittel v3rt1g0 at lunar-linux.org
Mon Jan 30 05:26:59 UTC 2006

Author: v3rt1g0
Date: 2006-01-30 05:26:58 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jan 2006)
New Revision: 18391

  Misc: e_modules-cvs (beta)

  * *hangs his head* okay, that was quick... they are available again.
    People and their pity differences, gah!  Well on a side note there is
    a new module called 'emu' in there now.

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/BUILD	2006-01-30 04:18:25 UTC (rev 18390)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/BUILD	2006-01-30 05:26:58 UTC (rev 18391)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  AVAILABLE_MODULES="calendar emu flame monitor snow tclock weather"
+  AVAILABLE_MODULES="calendar emu flame monitor mount rain screenshot slideshow snow tclock weather"
   export PATH="$MODULE_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"

Modified: moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/DETAILS
--- moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/DETAILS	2006-01-30 04:18:25 UTC (rev 18390)
+++ moonbase/trunk/zbeta/e17/e_modules-cvs/DETAILS	2006-01-30 05:26:58 UTC (rev 18391)
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
  calendar:   Displays a month view calendar on your desktop.
  flame:      Displays flames at the bottom of the screen.
  monitor:    Displays CPU, network, memory, and other statistics.
+ mount:      Manage mountable devices from your desktop.
+ rain:       Displays rain effects on your desktop.
+ screenshot: Allows you to take a screenshot from a module on your desktop.
+ slideshow:  A desktop background rotater.
  snow:       Displays Christmas trees and falling snow on your desktop.
  tclock:     Displays an alternate style of clock on your desktop.
  weather:    Displays weather information for places around the world.

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