[Lunar-commits] r21163 - in moonbase/trunk: compilers/ocaml kde3/base/kdeedu3 science science/facile

Dennis Veatch stumbles at lunar-linux.org
Sun Aug 27 19:42:26 UTC 2006

Author: stumbles
Date: 2006-08-27 19:42:26 +0000 (Sun, 27 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 21163


Initial import of facile. Which is needed by kdeedu3, else Kalzium
chemical equation solver does not get built.

The ./configure line in facile/BUILD is needed as kdeedu3 instists
on looking in that directory and I could not figure another way. 
Just as well to run with "default".

The "make opt.opt" in ocaml BUILD is needed because facile uses 
"ocamlc.opt" during its build.

Modified: moonbase/trunk/compilers/ocaml/BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/compilers/ocaml/BUILD	2006-08-27 18:38:15 UTC (rev 21162)
+++ moonbase/trunk/compilers/ocaml/BUILD	2006-08-27 19:42:26 UTC (rev 21163)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  ./configure -prefix /usr -mandir /usr/share/man/man1 &&
  make world      &&
  make opt        &&
+ make opt.opt    &&
  prepare_install &&
  make install

Modified: moonbase/trunk/kde3/base/kdeedu3/DEPENDS
--- moonbase/trunk/kde3/base/kdeedu3/DEPENDS	2006-08-27 18:38:15 UTC (rev 21162)
+++ moonbase/trunk/kde3/base/kdeedu3/DEPENDS	2006-08-27 19:42:26 UTC (rev 21163)
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
-depends  kdelibs3   
\ No newline at end of file
+depends  kdelibs3 &&
+optioanl_depends "facile" \
+                 ""       \
+                 ""       \
+                 "for Kalzium Chemical Equation Solver"

Added: moonbase/trunk/science/facile/BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/science/facile/BUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/trunk/science/facile/BUILD	2006-08-27 19:42:26 UTC (rev 21163)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  ./configure --faciledir /usr/lib/ocaml/facile &&
+  default_make
+) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

Added: moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DEPENDS
--- moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DEPENDS	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DEPENDS	2006-08-27 19:42:26 UTC (rev 21163)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+depends  ocaml

Added: moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DETAILS
--- moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DETAILS	                        (rev 0)
+++ moonbase/trunk/science/facile/DETAILS	2006-08-27 19:42:26 UTC (rev 21163)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+          MODULE=facile
+         VERSION=1.1
+          SOURCE=$MODULE-$VERSION.tar.gz
+      SOURCE_URL=http://www.recherche.enac.fr/opti/facile/distrib/
+      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:31dea6e19542292c9ccb41515b0ec7ecd103bb80
+        WEB_SITE=http://www.recherche.enac.fr/opti/facile/
+         ENTERED=20060827
+         UPDATED=20060827
+           SHORT="constraint programming library"
+cat <<EOF
+FaCiLe is a constraint programming library on integer and integer set
+finite domains written in OCaml. It offers all usual facilities to
+create and manipulate finite domain variables, arithmetic expressions
+and constraints (possibly non-linear), built-in global constraints
+(difference, cardinality, sorting etc.) and search and optimization
+FaCiLe allows as well to build easily user-defined constraints and goals
+(including recursive ones), making pervasive use of OCaml higher-order
+functionals to provide a simple and flexible interface for the user. As
+FaCiLe is an OCaml library and not "yet another language", the user
+benefits from type inference and strong typing discipline, high level of
+abstraction, modules and objects system, as well as native code
+compilation efficiency, garbage collection and replay debugger, all
+features of OCaml (among many others) that allow to prototype and
+experiment quickly: modeling, data processing and interface are
+implemented with the same powerful and efficient language.

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