[Lunar-commits] r14678 - in moonbase/trunk/devel/subversion: . profile.d
Chad Kittel
v3rt1g0 at lunar-linux.org
Mon May 9 04:28:48 UTC 2005
Author: v3rt1g0
Date: 2005-05-09 04:28:46 +0000 (Mon, 09 May 2005)
New Revision: 14678
This is the bash completion script for subversion. I _think_
this is the "offical" one, but I'm not 100%, could have been
modified from the offical. I got it from
Added: moonbase/trunk/devel/subversion/profile.d/svn-completion.rc
--- moonbase/trunk/devel/subversion/profile.d/svn-completion.rc 2005-05-09 03:12:50 UTC (rev 14677)
+++ moonbase/trunk/devel/subversion/profile.d/svn-completion.rc 2005-05-09 04:28:46 UTC (rev 14678)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Programmable completion for the Subversion svn command under bash. Source
+# this file (or on some systems add it to ~/.bash_completion and start a new
+# shell) and bash's completion mechanism will know all about svn's options!
+# Provides completion for the svnadmin command as well. Who wants to read
+# man pages/help text...
+# Known to work with bash 2.05a with programmable completion and extended
+# pattern matching enabled (use 'shopt -s extglob progcomp' to enable
+# these if they are not already enabled).
+# Turn on extended globbing
+shopt -s extglob
+ local cur cmds cmdOpts pOpts mOpts rOpts qOpts nOpts optsParam opt
+ local helpCmds optBase i
+ # Possible expansions, without unambiguous abbreviations such as "up".
+ cmds='add blame annotate praise cat checkout co cleanup commit ci \
+ copy cp delete remove rm diff export help ? import info \
+ list ls log merge mkdir move mv rename \
+ propdel pdel propedit pedit propget pget \
+ proplist plist propset pset resolved revert \
+ status switch update version --version'
+ if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) )
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # options that require a parameter
+ # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|'
+ optsParam="-r|--revision|--username|--password|--targets|
+ |-x|--extensions|-m|--message|-F|--file|--encoding|
+ |--diff-cmd|--diff3-cmd|--editor-cmd|--old|--new|
+ |--config-dir|--native-eol|--limit"
+ # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a
+ # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion
+ helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?'
+ urlCmds='co|checkout|ls|list|cp|copy|mv|move'
+ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \
+ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \
+ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} == @($urlCmds) ]] ; then
+ _svn_url
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ pOpts="--username --password --no-auth-cache --non-interactive"
+ mOpts="-m --message -F --file --encoding --force-log"
+ rOpts="-r --revision"
+ qOpts="-q --quiet"
+ nOpts="-N --non-recursive"
+ # possible options for the command
+ cmdOpts=
+ case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in
+ --version)
+ cmdOpts="$qOpts"
+ ;;
+ add)
+ cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props --force --targets \
+ $nOpts $qOpts"
+ ;;
+ blame|annotate|ann|praise)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts -v --verbose"
+ ;;
+ cat)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ checkout|co)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $nOpts $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ cleanup)
+ cmdOpts="--diff3-cmd"
+ ;;
+ commit|ci)
+ cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts $nOpts --targets --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ copy|cp)
+ cmdOpts="$mOpts $rOpts $qOpts --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ delete|del|remove|rm)
+ cmdOpts="--force $mOpts $qOpts --targets --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ diff|di)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts -x --extensions --diff-cmd --no-diff-deleted \
+ $nOpts $pOpts --force --old --new --notice-ancestry"
+ ;;
+ export)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $qOpts $pOpts --force --native-eol"
+ ;;
+ help|h|\?)
+ cmdOpts="$cmds $qOpts"
+ ;;
+ import)
+ cmdOpts="--auto-props --no-auto-props $mOpts $qOpts $nOpts \
+ --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ info)
+ cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive"
+ ;;
+ list|ls)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose -R --recursive $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ log)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts -v --verbose --targets $pOpts --stop-on-copy \
+ --incremental --xml $qOpts --limit"
+ ;;
+ merge)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts --force --dry-run --diff3-cmd \
+ $pOpts --ignore-ancestry"
+ ;;
+ mkdir)
+ cmdOpts="$mOpts $qOpts --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ move|mv|rename|ren)
+ cmdOpts="$mOpts $rOpts $qOpts --force --editor-cmd $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ propdel|pdel|pd)
+ cmdOpts="$qOpts -R --recursive $rOpts --revprop $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ propedit|pedit|pe)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts --revprop --encoding --editor-cmd $pOpts \
+ --force"
+ ;;
+ propget|pget|pg)
+ cmdOpts="-R --recursive $rOpts --revprop --strict $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ proplist|plist|pl)
+ cmdOpts="-v --verbose -R --recursive $rOpts --revprop $qOpts \
+ $pOpts"
+ ;;
+ propset|pset|ps)
+ cmdOpts="-F --file $qOpts --targets -R --recursive --revprop \
+ --encoding $pOpts $rOpts --force"
+ ;;
+ resolved)
+ cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts"
+ ;;
+ revert)
+ cmdOpts="--targets -R --recursive $qOpts"
+ ;;
+ status|stat|st)
+ cmdOpts="-u --show-updates -v --verbose $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts \
+ --no-ignore"
+ ;;
+ switch|sw)
+ cmdOpts="--relocate $rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd"
+ ;;
+ update|up)
+ cmdOpts="$rOpts $nOpts $qOpts $pOpts --diff3-cmd"
+ ;;
+ version)
+ cmdOpts="$qOpts"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h --config-dir"
+ # take out options already given
+ for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do
+ opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]}
+ case $opt in
+ --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;;
+ -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;;
+ esac
+ cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts "
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / }
+ # take out alternatives and mutually exclusives
+ case $optBase in
+ -v) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --verbose / } ;;
+ --verbose) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -v / } ;;
+ -N) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --non-recursive / } ;;
+ --non-recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -N / } ;;
+ -R) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --recursive / } ;;
+ --recursive) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -R / } ;;
+ -x) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --extensions / } ;;
+ --extensions) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -x / } ;;
+ -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;;
+ --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;;
+ -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;;
+ --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;;
+ -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;;
+ --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;;
+ --auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --no-auto-props / } ;;
+ --no-auto-props) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --auto-props / } ;;
+ -m|--message|-F|--file)
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --message / }
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -m / }
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --file / }
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -F / }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # skip next option if this one requires a parameter
+ if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then
+ ((++i))
+ fi
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
+ return 0
+complete -F _svn -o default -o nospace svn
+_svn_url ()
+ local cur protocols path repopath tmp
+ if [[ ${cur} == *:* ]] ; then
+ path=${cur#file://}
+ tmp=${path%svnrepo*}
+ if [ "$path" != "" ] && [ "$path" != "$tmp" ]; then
+ path=${tmp}svnrepo
+ fi
+ if [ -r "${path}/db" ]; then
+ repopath=${cur#*svnrepo}
+ if [[ ${repopath} == */* ]] ; then
+ validpath=${repopath%\/*}
+ else
+ validpath=""
+ fi
+ files=$( svn ls file://$path$validpath )
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -P "//$path$validpath/" -W "$files" ${repopath##*/} ) )
+ else
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -P "//" -S "/" -d $path ) )
+ fi
+ else
+ protocols="svn file http ssh+svn"
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S "://" -W "$protocols" $cur ) )
+ fi
+ return 0
+_svnadmin ()
+ local cur cmds cmdOpts optsParam opt helpCmds optBase i
+ cmds='create deltify dump help h ? hotcopy load list-dblogs \
+ list-unused-dblogs lstxns recover rmtxns setlog verify'
+ if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) )
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # options that require a parameter
+ # note: continued lines must end '|' continuing lines must start '|'
+ optsParam="-r|--revision|--parent-dir|--fs-type"
+ # if not typing an option, or if the previous option required a
+ # parameter, then fallback on ordinary filename expansion
+ helpCmds='help|--help|h|\?'
+ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} != @($helpCmds) ]] && \
+ [[ "$cur" != -* ]] || \
+ [[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == @($optsParam) ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ cmdOpts=
+ case ${COMP_WORDS[1]} in
+ create)
+ cmdOpts="--bdb-txn-nosync --bdb-log-keep --config-dir --fs-type"
+ ;;
+ deltify)
+ cmdOpts="-r --revision -q --quiet"
+ ;;
+ dump)
+ cmdOpts="-r --revision --incremental -q --quiet --deltas"
+ ;;
+ help|h|\?)
+ cmdOpts="$cmds $qOpts"
+ ;;
+ hotcopy)
+ cmdOpts="--clean-logs"
+ ;;
+ load)
+ cmdOpts="--ignore-uuid --force-uuid --parent-dir -q --quiet"
+ ;;
+ list-dblogs)
+ ;;
+ list-unused-dblogs)
+ ;;
+ setlog)
+ cmdOpts="-r --revision"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cmdOpts="$cmdOpts --help -h"
+ # take out options already given
+ for (( i=2; i<=$COMP_CWORD-1; ++i )) ; do
+ opt=${COMP_WORDS[$i]}
+ case $opt in
+ --*) optBase=${opt/=*/} ;;
+ -*) optBase=${opt:0:2} ;;
+ esac
+ cmdOpts=" $cmdOpts "
+ cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ ${optBase} / }
+ # take out alternatives
+ case $optBase in
+ -q) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --quiet / } ;;
+ --quiet) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -q / } ;;
+ -h) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --help / } ;;
+ --help) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -h / } ;;
+ -r) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ --revision / } ;;
+ --revision) cmdOpts=${cmdOpts/ -r / } ;;
+ esac
+ # skip next option if this one requires a parameter
+ if [[ $opt == @($optsParam) ]] ; then
+ ((++i))
+ fi
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
+ return 0
+complete -F _svnadmin -o default svnadmin
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