[Lunar-commits] CVS: moonbase/gnome-desktop/evolution BUILD, 1.13, 1.14 DEPENDS, 1.17, 1.18

Auke Kok sofar at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 25 15:00:00 UTC 2005

Update of /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/gnome-desktop/evolution
In directory espresso.foo-projects.org:/home/sofar/active/moonbase/gnome-desktop/evolution

Modified Files:
Log Message:
merging gnome-2.10 by cmak into moonbase

Index: BUILD
RCS file: /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/gnome-desktop/evolution/BUILD,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -d -r1.13 -r1.14
--- BUILD	18 Mar 2005 06:40:38 -0000	1.13
+++ BUILD	25 Mar 2005 14:59:27 -0000	1.14
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
-  if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] ; then
-    OPTS="$OPTS --disable-gtk-doc"
-    message "To get evolution devlopment documentation you must build with"
-    message "an active X windows connection. i.e. $DISPLAY is set."
-  fi								 &&
-  ./configure  --prefix=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}             \
-               --build=$BUILD                    	    \
-               --sysconfdir=/etc                 	    \
-               --localstatedir=/var              	    \
-               --infodir=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}/share/info \
-               --mandir=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}/share/man   \
-               --enable-ipv6                                \
-               --enable-gtk-doc                             \
-               $OPTS                                        &&
-  default_make                                              &&
+  ./configure  --prefix=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}	                 \
+               --sysconfdir=/etc                                 \
+               --localstatedir=/var                              \
+               --mandir=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}/share/man        \
+     	       --infodir=${GNOME28_PREFIX:-/usr}/share/info      \
+               --enable-ipv6=yes                                 \
+               --enable-nntp=yes				 \
+               --enable-imap4					 \
+	       --disable-openssl				 \
+	       --without-openssl-includes			 \
+	       --without-openssl-libs				 \
+	       $OPTS                                             &&
+  default_make                                                   &&
-  # tweaks I needed to get it up:
   if ! grep -q '/usr/lib/bonobo/servers' /etc/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-config.xml ; then
     sedit "s:<searchpath>:<searchpath>\n\t<item>/usr/lib/bonobo/servers</item>:" /etc/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-config.xml
-  fi
+  fi								
 ) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

RCS file: /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/gnome-desktop/evolution/DEPENDS,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -d -r1.17 -r1.18
--- DEPENDS	8 Mar 2005 21:27:53 -0000	1.17
+++ DEPENDS	25 Mar 2005 14:59:27 -0000	1.18
@@ -3,29 +3,34 @@
 depends  libgnomeui     &&
 depends  evolution-data-server &&
 depends  hicolor-icon-theme &&
 optional_depends  "gnupg"       ""  ""  "for encrypted mail support"  &&
 optional_depends  "gnome-spell" ""  ""  "For spellcheck support"      &&
 optional_depends  "pilot-link" "--enable-pilotlinktest"               \
                   ""                                                  \
                   "for Palm support"                                  &&
-optional_depends  "gnome-pilot" "--enable-pilot-conduits=yes"         \
+optional_depends  "gnome-pilot"					      \
+                  "--enable-pilot-conduits=yes"        		      \
                   ""                                                  \
                   "for Palm Pilot support"                            &&
+optional_depends  "openldap"                                          \
+                  "--with-openldap=yes"                               \
+                  "--with-openldap=no"                                \
+                  "for LDAP support"                                  &&
+optional_depends  "gtk-doc"                                           \
+                  "--enable-gtk-doc"                                  \
+                  "--disable-gtk-doc"                                 \
+                  "for gtk-doc support"                              &&        
 optional_depends  "mozilla"                                           \
-                  "--with-nspr-includes=/usr/include/mozilla/nspr     \
-                   --with-nspr-libs=/usr/lib/mozilla                  \
-                   --with-nss-includes=/usr/include/mozilla/nss       \
+                  "--with-nspr-libs=/usr/lib/mozilla                  \
+                   --with-nspr-includes=/usr/include/mozilla/nspr     \
                    --with-nss-libs=/usr/lib/mozilla                   \
-		   --enable-nss=yes				      \
-		   --enable-smime=yes"				      \
-                  ""                                                  \
-                  "for mozilla support, SSL and SMIME"                               &&
-optional_depends  "openldap"             \
-                  "--with-openldap=yes"  \
-                  ""                     \
-                  "for LDAP support"
+                   --with-nss-includes=/usr/include/mozilla/nss       \
+                   --enable-nss=yes"                                  \
+                   ""                                                 \
+                   "for nss ssl support"                     

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