[Lunar-commits] r17691 - in moonbase/trunk: chat/linphone libs/libosip2

Chad Kittel v3rt1g0 at lunar-linux.org
Sun Dec 18 01:07:33 UTC 2005

Author: v3rt1g0
Date: 2005-12-18 01:07:32 +0000 (Sun, 18 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 17691

  Module Version Bump: linphone (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0)

  * Major tidy up to this module along with the version bump
  * Added missing depends
  * This new version is a bugfix release and fixes a DoS attack 

Module Version Bump: libosip2 (2.2.1 -> 2.2.2)

  * Module formatting tweaks
  * This new version is a small bugfix release

  compiled: gcc-3.4.4 | glibc-2.3.5 | kernel headers 2.6.x

Added: moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/BUILD
--- moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/BUILD	2005-12-18 00:09:27 UTC (rev 17690)
+++ moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/BUILD	2005-12-18 01:07:32 UTC (rev 17691)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  # --enable-rsvp and --enable-truespeech both break the 1.2.0 build
+  # for some unknown reason.  The manual (documentation) building is
+  # also broken in certain compile-time configurations.
+  OPTS="$OPTS --disable-manual"
+  default_build
+) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

Modified: moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DEPENDS
--- moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DEPENDS	2005-12-18 00:09:27 UTC (rev 17690)
+++ moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DEPENDS	2005-12-18 01:07:32 UTC (rev 17691)
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
-depends  libosip2  &&
-depends  speex     &&
-depends  ilbc      &&
+depends  XML-Parser  &&
+depends  libosip2    &&
+depends  speex       &&
+depends  ilbc        &&
-optional_depends "libgnomeui" "--enable-gnome_ui=yes" "--enable-gnome_ui=no" "for a Gnome based GUI"
+optional_depends  "libgnomeui"                                     \
+                  "--enable-gnome_ui=yes"  "--enable-gnome_ui=no"  \
+                  "for a Gnome based GUI"                          &&
+optional_depends  "alsa-lib"                                       \
+                  "--enable-alsa"          ""                      \
+                  "for native ALSA sound support"                  &&
+optional_depends  "jack"           ""  ""              \
+                  "for additional audio capabilities"  &&
+optional_depends  "libsamplerate"  ""  ""              \
+                  "for additional audio capabilities"

Modified: moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DETAILS
--- moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DETAILS	2005-12-18 00:09:27 UTC (rev 17690)
+++ moonbase/trunk/chat/linphone/DETAILS	2005-12-18 01:07:32 UTC (rev 17691)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	  MODULE=linphone
-	 VERSION=1.1.0
-      SOURCE_URL=http://simon.morlat.free.fr/download/1.1.x/source/
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:a586411305cb271429b64a4aba2e400a4430230f
-         WEBSITE=http://www.linphone.org
-	 ENTERED=20051009
-	 UPDATED=20051009
-	   SHORT="A web phone"
+         MODULE=linphone
+        VERSION=1.2.0
+         SOURCE=$MODULE-$VERSION.tar.gz
+     SOURCE_URL=http://simon.morlat.free.fr/download/1.2.x/source/
+     SOURCE_VFY=sha1:13664c6f6f5cbe589a97fc9104d018d0d86946ae
+       WEB_SITE=http://www.linphone.org
+        ENTERED=20051009
+        UPDATED=20051217
+          SHORT="A full featured audio SIP phone"
 cat << EOF
 Linphone is a web phone: it let you phone to your friends anywhere

Modified: moonbase/trunk/libs/libosip2/DETAILS
--- moonbase/trunk/libs/libosip2/DETAILS	2005-12-18 00:09:27 UTC (rev 17690)
+++ moonbase/trunk/libs/libosip2/DETAILS	2005-12-18 01:07:32 UTC (rev 17691)
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-	  MODULE=libosip2
-	 VERSION=2.2.1
-	  SOURCE=${MODULE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-      SOURCE_URL=$GNU_URL/osip/
-      SOURCE_VFY=sha1:f9c19b07875d71554b6944d087028c03f2a6f42d
-	 ENTERED=20051004
-	 UPDATED=20051004
-	   SHORT="GNU implementation of SIP"
+         MODULE=libosip2
+        VERSION=2.2.2
+         SOURCE=${MODULE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+     SOURCE_URL=$GNU_URL/osip/
+     SOURCE_VFY=sha1:493d0ff3ba07056a8833a798cd6f9018841e3e91
+       WEB_SITE=http://www.gnu.org/software/osip/
+        ENTERED=20051004
+        UPDATED=20051217
+          SHORT="GNU implementation of SIP"
 cat << EOF
-SIP stands for the Session Initiation Protocol and is described
-by the rfc3261 (wich deprecates rfc2543). This library aims to
-provide multimedia and telecom software developers an easy and
-powerful interface to initiate and control SIP based sessions
-in their applications.
-SIP is a open standard replacement from IETF for H323.
+SIP stands for the Session Initiation Protocol and is described by the
+rfc3261 (wich deprecates rfc2543). This library aims to provide
+multimedia and telecom software developers an easy and powerful
+interface to initiate and control SIP based sessions in their 
+applications.  SIP is a open standard replacement from IETF for H323.

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