[Lunar-commits] CVS: moonbase/kde3-utils/ksetisaver BUILD,,
1.2 DETAILS, 1.5, 1.6
Florin Braescu
florin at lunar-linux.org
Tue Feb 24 08:29:18 GMT 2004
Update of /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/kde3-utils/ksetisaver
In directory dbguin.lunar-linux.org:/tmp/cvs-serv10144/ksetisaver
Modified Files:
Log Message:
a first commit for the new install scheme of kde.
Index: BUILD
RCS file: /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/kde3-utils/ksetisaver/BUILD,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- BUILD 21 Aug 2002 00:55:16 -0000
+++ BUILD 24 Feb 2004 08:29:15 -0000 1.2
@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
+ ./configure --prefix=${KDE_PREFIX:-$KDEDIR} \
+ --with-qt-dir=${QT_PREFIX:-$QTDIR} \
+ --disable-debug \
+ --enable-fast-malloc=full \
+ --with-xinerama \
+ $OPTS &&
- export PATH=/opt/lunar/qt/3/bin:/opt/lunar/kde/3/bin:$PATH
- export KDEDIR=/opt/lunar/kde/3
- ./configure --prefix=/opt/lunar/kde/3 \
- --with-qt-dir=/opt/lunar/qt/3 \
- --disable-debug \
- --enable-fast-malloc=full \
- $OPTS &&
- make &&
- prepare_install &&
- make install
+ default_make
) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
-# --enable-final \
RCS file: /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/kde3-utils/ksetisaver/DETAILS,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- DETAILS 28 Jun 2003 15:22:22 -0000 1.5
+++ DETAILS 24 Feb 2004 08:29:15 -0000 1.6
@@ -3,14 +3,21 @@
- WEB_SITE=http://ksetisaver.frozenlight.de/content/$MODULE
+ SOURCE_VFY=md5:2efb42aebea56b8a1fa55f37604e149f
+ WEB_SITE=http://frozenlight.de/engine/show.php?file=ksetisaver/index.dat&title=KSetisaver+-+KDE+screensaver+for+seti@home
- SHORT="a KDE screensaver frontend for the Linux seti at home client"
+ SHORT="a KDE screensaver frontend for the Linux seti at home client"
cat << EOF
-What is KSetiSaver?
-The seti at home project offers two different types of clients: A client with a graphical GUI and a pure command line client.
-Unfortunately for Linux there's only a command client available. The command line client is quite fast compared to the Windows GUI version, but in my opinion WU crunching is much more fun when you can look on some cool graphics from time to time to really "see" what you are doing. Ok, this is the point where KSetiSaver kicks in: It acts as a normal screensaver for KDE. When it is launched it starts monitoring a seti at home client.
-KSetiSaver is also able to launch setiathome. That means seti at home is only active, when the screensaver is. This way you get the same behaviour like you would with the Windows GUI client!
+The seti at home project offers two different types of clients: A client with a
+graphical GUI and a pure command line client. Unfortunately for Linux there's
+only a command client available. The command line client is quite fast compared
+to the Windows GUI version, but in my opinion WU crunching is much more fun
+when you can look on some cool graphics from time to time to really "see" what
+you are doing. Ok, this is the point where KSetiSaver kicks in: It acts as a
+normal screensaver for KDE. When it is launched it starts monitoring a
+seti at home client. KSetiSaver is also able to launch setiathome. That means
+seti at home is only active, when the screensaver is. This way you get the same
+behaviour like you would with the Windows GUI client.
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