CVS: moonbase/mail/exim4/init.d exim,NONE,1.1

Terry Chan tchan at
Mon Nov 10 23:38:40 GMT 2003

Update of /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/mail/exim4/init.d
In directory

Added Files:
Log Message:
Here are the changes needed for an exim4 module.  It tries to run the automatic
conversion script on /etc/exim.conf to get that file into exim4 format, but the
output MUST be checked as the script can NOT handle complex exim setups.
Exim4 should stay as a separate module and not a version subdir.  Added exim4
to the CONFLICTS files for sendmail, postfix, and exim.  Good luck working
on your new /etc/exim.conf files the new exim4 manual is $60 U.S.  Your old
exim.conf file has been backed up to /etc/exim.conf.3

--- NEW FILE: exim ---
# exim      Exim Mail Transfer Agent
# chkconfig: 2345 80 20
# description: Exim is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program \
#              that moves mail from one machine to another.
# processname: exim
# pidfile: /var/spool/mail/
# config: /etc/exim.conf

ARGS="-bd -q15m"

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

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