CVS: crater/net/ntp/init.d ntpd,NONE,1.1
Moritz Heiber
moe at
Sat Nov 1 18:11:06 GMT 2003
- Previous message: CVS: crater/net/ntp BUILD, NONE, 1.1 DETAILS, NONE, 1.1 POST_INSTALL,
NONE, 1.1 services, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: CVS: moonbase/zbeta/initscripts BUILD,1.4,1.5 DETAILS,1.8,1.9
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Update of /var/cvs/lunar/crater/net/ntp/init.d
In directory
Added Files:
Log Message:
Adding this ntp module for testing. It features a proper default install
with common, free strat2 timeservers and some logfile reorganisation
Note: You may add your favourite ntp server but be sure about their policy.
It should be "Open access" and nothing else like "Send email" or
"Only 2 peers by host".
--- NEW FILE: ntpd ---
# ntp
# chkconfig: 345 31 69
# description: NTP is used to synchronize computer clocks
# on a connected network or via GPS/phone/etc.
# processname: ntpd
# config: /etc/config.d/ntp.conf
[ -f "/etc/config.d/ntp.conf" ] && ARGS="$ARGS -c /etc/config.d/ntp.conf"
reload () {
# ntp is not reload-safe
$0 restart
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
- Previous message: CVS: crater/net/ntp BUILD, NONE, 1.1 DETAILS, NONE, 1.1 POST_INSTALL,
NONE, 1.1 services, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: CVS: moonbase/zbeta/initscripts BUILD,1.4,1.5 DETAILS,1.8,1.9
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