CVS: moonbase/kernel/linux-beta CONFIGURE,1.1,1.2

nestu at nestu at
Fri Jul 11 19:35:22 GMT 2003

Update of /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/kernel/linux-beta
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
The user is prompted:
* Install of module-init-tools (because it mucks up modutils install)
* Use an alternative .config file

RCS file: /var/cvs/lunar/moonbase/kernel/linux-beta/CONFIGURE,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- CONFIGURE	10 Apr 2003 21:36:25 -0000	1.1
+++ CONFIGURE	11 Jul 2003 19:35:19 -0000	1.2
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+if ! module_installed module-init-tools > /dev/null
+	message "This kernel needs module-init-tools, that conflicts with modutils (needed for 2.4 kernels)."
+	if query "Install module-init-tools" y
+	then
+		message "Procceding to install module-init-tools"
+		lin module-init-tools || exit 1;
+	else
+		message "Warning: You may experience problems with this kernel"	
+	fi
 if  !  grep  -q  "BOOT_LOADER"  $MODULE_CONFIG;  then
 #  message  "The Linux Kernel requires a boot loader"
 message  "Choose either GRUB or LILO"
@@ -34,6 +47,27 @@
+message "Do you wish to give an alternative .config file?"
+while [ true ] 
+	read -p "Write its location, or just press enter for default .config : " configfilelocation
+	if [ "$configfilelocation" != "" ]; then
+		if [ -f $configfilelocation ]; then  
+			cp $configfilelocation ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/linux-$VERSION/.config 
+			message "Using user's .config" &&
+			break;
+		else #the file doesn't exist
+			message "$configfilelocation doesn't exist. Please try again"
+		fi
+	else # user only just pressed enter, so just carry on
+		message "no selection made."
+		break;
+	fi
+# put a line in between as a separator
+message "" 
 if  [  !  -f  $CONFIG_CACHE/.config  ];  then

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