[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000310]: Removing hal- prevents X from starting up
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Jan 3 15:41:50 CET 2008
The following issue has been REOPENED.
Reported By: gb
Assigned To: El_Angelo
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 310
Category: module
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: feedback
Moonbase Version: 20071118.09
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20070807
Date Submitted: 11-18-2007 14:35 CET
Last Modified: 01-03-2008 15:41 CET
Summary: Removing hal- prevents X from starting up
arch: x86_64
I issued the following commands:
#~ lrm hal
$~ startx
and I got this message:
X: error while loading shared libraries: libhal.so.1: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
Xinit: server error.
Which modules should I recompile without hal support
in order to successfully run X without hal?
Maybe Xinit? (But I couldn't find a way to disable hal support by relining
hitchi - 11-21-07 01:19
Currently the xorg-server module depends on hal, i believe earlier versions
dveatch - 01-03-08 14:51
This is not a fixable issue by us. xorg-server-1.4 has a hard dependency on
El_Angelo - 01-03-08 15:41
actually that is not true...
xorg-server currently pulls in hal as a hard depedency but it actually is
an optional_depends. I have made that decision to make it a hard
dependency... maybe that should be reconsidered...
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-18-07 14:35 gb New Issue
11-18-07 14:35 gb Moonbase Version => 20071118.09
11-18-07 14:35 gb Core Tools => Lunar
11-18-07 14:35 gb Core Tools Version => 20070807
11-18-07 14:35 gb Issue Monitored: gb
11-21-07 01:19 hitchi Note Added: 0000701
01-03-08 14:51 dveatch Status new => closed
01-03-08 14:51 dveatch Note Added: 0000732
01-03-08 14:51 dveatch Resolution open => won't fix
01-03-08 15:41 El_Angelo Assigned To => El_Angelo
01-03-08 15:41 El_Angelo Status closed => feedback
01-03-08 15:41 El_Angelo Resolution won't fix => reopened
01-03-08 15:41 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000733
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