[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000244]: font-alias shenanigans
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Tue May 22 14:53:03 CEST 2007
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: albinoloverats
Assigned To: El_Angelo
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 244
Category: module
Reproducibility: always
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: feedback
Moonbase Version: 20070522.06
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20070408
Date Submitted: 05-22-2007 11:13 CEST
Last Modified: 05-22-2007 14:53 CEST
Summary: font-alias shenanigans
XOrg7 doesn't start - could not open default font 'fixed'
It does seem to work if I have the XOrg-fonts-base module installed, from
XOrg (6.9.0); however I'm continually reminded that this module conflicts
with all of XOrg7.
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 11:21
you have font-misc-misc installed?
if not... you didn't install the XOrg7 profile (or you adjusted yourself)
if you do i want feedback :)
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 11:23
and did you remove your old xorg.conf file? you need to create a new
vanilla one...
and before you test this... remove that Xorg-font thingy...
albinoloverats - 05-22-07 11:29
yeah i have font-misc-misc X11R7.0-1.0.0 installed
so remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf and have it create a new one?
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 11:34
that is correct
remove XOrg-fonts-base, lin font-misc-misc, remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or
back it up) and create a new one...
and plz next time choose a sensible bug report title :)
albinoloverats - 05-22-07 11:42
lin font-misc-misc didn't quite work:
/usr/bin/ucs2any: Can't read mapping file
'/usr/share/fonts/util/map-ISO8859-1': No such file or directory!
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 11:56
of course.... you had that conflicting package installed...
after lrm Xorg-fonts-base you should run lunar fix :)
albinoloverats - 05-22-07 12:59
I still get the same error message - I'll add the output from the install
if that will help.
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 13:09
can you paste me the output of lsh run_checks font-util ?
and yes plz paste the output of the failing compilation on
(do paste the complete make process not just the part that fails
albinoloverats - 05-22-07 13:17
I've added the build process output to http://devnull.lunar-linux.org/p
And there was no output from lsh run_checks font-util :( unless it went
some place other than stdout
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 13:19
do you have font-util installed? if so please relin it (lin -c font-util)
... Are you sure you did run lunar fix ????
albinoloverats - 05-22-07 13:27
Yes I ran lunar fix, it didn't output anything so I guess that nothing
needed fixing - however, having just run lin -c font-util and then lin -c
font-misc-misc it all seems to have installed okay :)
I'll now remove xorg.conf and (I presume) regenerate it with xorgconfig
El_Angelo - 05-22-07 14:53
can i consider this as fixed now?
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
05-22-07 11:13 albinoloverats New Issue
05-22-07 11:13 albinoloverats Moonbase Version => 20070522.06
05-22-07 11:13 albinoloverats Core Tools => Lunar
05-22-07 11:13 albinoloverats Core Tools Version => 20070408
05-22-07 11:20 El_Angelo Status new => assigned
05-22-07 11:20 El_Angelo Assigned To => El_Angelo
05-22-07 11:21 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000529
05-22-07 11:22 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000530
05-22-07 11:22 El_Angelo Status assigned => feedback
05-22-07 11:23 El_Angelo Note Edited: 0000530
05-22-07 11:29 albinoloverats Note Added: 0000532
05-22-07 11:34 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000533
05-22-07 11:42 albinoloverats Note Added: 0000534
05-22-07 11:56 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000535
05-22-07 12:59 albinoloverats Note Added: 0000537
05-22-07 13:00 albinoloverats File Added: error
05-22-07 13:09 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000538
05-22-07 13:17 albinoloverats Note Added: 0000539
05-22-07 13:19 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000540
05-22-07 13:27 albinoloverats Note Added: 0000541
05-22-07 14:53 El_Angelo Note Added: 0000543
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