[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000132]: module name x-y-z gets truncated to x-y

Lunar bug reports list lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Sep 21 15:49:40 UTC 2006

The following issue has been ACKNOWLEDGED. 
Reported By:                engelsman
Assigned To:                sofar
Project:                    Lunar Linux
Issue ID:                   132
Category:                   lunar
Reproducibility:            have not tried
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     acknowledged
Moonbase Version:           20060915.19 
Core Tools:                 Lunar 
Core Tools Version:         20060724 
Date Submitted:             09-16-2006 14:20 UTC
Last Modified:              09-21-2006 15:49 UTC
Summary:                    module name x-y-z gets truncated to x-y
I just tried to create a new module in zlocal for egenix-mx-base.
That would have been the easiest name, requiring little customisation
within the DETAILS file, but when I tried to 'lin egenix-mx-base'
the name was truncated to 'egenix-mx' and the installation failed.

I simply renamed the module to 'mxbase' and customised the DETAILS,
so I haven't tried to reproduce, or to discover whether it was due
to the multiple hyphens.

 sofar - 09-21-06 03:47  
attempt to download any of the modules with two or more hyphens and see
what happens. Examples: xfce4-taskman-plugin (etc, there are many). 

 engelsman - 09-21-06 10:15  
lunar update
lvu installed moonbase => 20060921.09
lvu installed lunar => 20060920
lin -cr xfce4-weather-plugin successful
lvu edit xfce4-weather-plugin
trivial change to zlocal/xfce4-weather-plugin/BUILD
lin -cr xfce4-weather-plugin successful


copied zlocal/mxbase to zlocal/egenix-mx-base, updated DETAILS
lin -cr egenix-mx-base successful, but...
lvu installed egeni<TAB> => egenix-mx 

 sofar - 09-21-06 15:48  
tab completion does not see zlocal modules. that's a known issue and will
not fix (otherwise tab completion would be horribly slow) 

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      New Issue                                    
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      Status                   new => assigned     
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      Assigned To               => sofar           
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      Moonbase Version          => 20060915.19     
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      Core Tools                => Lunar           
09-16-06 14:20  engelsman      Core Tools Version        => 20060724        
09-21-06 03:47  sofar          Note Added: 0000279                          
09-21-06 03:48  sofar          Status                   assigned => feedback
09-21-06 10:15  engelsman      Note Added: 0000281                          
09-21-06 10:16  engelsman      File Added: egenix-mx-base.tar                   

09-21-06 15:48  sofar          Note Added: 0000282                          
09-21-06 15:49  sofar          Status                   feedback => acknowledged
09-21-06 15:49  sofar          Resolution               open => won't fix   

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