[Lunar Linux 0000396]: wu-ftpd does not compile

noreply at bugs.lunar-linux.org noreply at bugs.lunar-linux.org
Wed Oct 29 04:55:44 GMT 2003

Acest bug NOU a fost ADAUGAT.
Reporter:                   florin
Tratat de:                  
Proiect:                    Lunar Linux
ID bug:                     0000396
Categorie:                  base
Reproductibilitate:         totdeauna
Severitate:                 noutate
Prioritate:                 normala
Stare:                      nou
Data Creatie:               2003-10-29 04:55 GMT
Modificat:                  2003-10-29 04:55 GMT
Sumar:                      wu-ftpd does not compile
I can't lin wu-ftpd module. Additional i have seen that on the original
site there are two security patche available for it. 

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